Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 835: She dare not hope

Chu Zhuohang frowned slightly. It is obviously unsafe for him to fall asleep like this. If He Ning accidentally turns over, he might be crushed.

Or quilt clothes or something will cover his nose and mouth, causing him to breathe hard.

Chu Zhuohang thought for a while, stretched out his hand and picked up Ping Ping.

Usually when others encounter Ping Ping, he will wake up in no time.

However, today, he did not wake up, still closed his eyes.

He Ning slept deeply and did not notice that Ping Ping was taken away by Chu Zhuohang.

Chu Zhuohang hugged the child, glanced down, and a smile appeared on the corners of his lips. The little thing really didn't reject him. Not only did he not wake up, but he slept soundly and slurped his fingers.

This was the first time Chu Zhuohang hugged him.

Before, because of skin aversion, no one would let Chu Zhuohang hug him, and Chu Zhuohang didn't even want to go and hug him.

Unexpectedly, the fate between the two people is not shallow.

Chu Zhuohang walked out holding him, and his subordinates and servants saw him and said hurriedly, "Master, let us pass Young Master Pingping."

"No, you guys go to sleep." Chu Zhuohang found that he had hugged him for several minutes and was calm. There was no change in his body, nor was it calm.

The servants and subordinates went to rest with suspicion.

Chu Zhuohang hugged Ping Ping, predicting that his skin aversion would be about to occur.

However, I have been waiting, but my body is safe, and nothing strange happens.

Chu Zhuohang himself was also a little unbelievable. His illness was really serious before, and even when he was helping to hold An An, he could only hold it for a while and it would happen.

But this time holding mediocre, everything is fine.

Chu Ye and Lan Xi haven't rested yet, they plan to come out to see He Ning and Heping.

When they came out, they found Chu Zhuohang holding Ping Ping, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Zhuo Hang, give me Pingping." Lan Xi said hurriedly.

"Aunt Lan, no, I have been hugging him for two hours." Chu Zhuohang chuckled his lips.

Lan Xi looked at him in surprise: "This...is your body okay?"

"It's okay." Chu Zhuohang's eyebrows were smiling, "It seems that I like me quite a bit."

Lan Xi looked at Chu Zhuohang, something flashed in his eyes.

Master Chu glanced at her and was also thinking about the possibility.

"Dad, Aunt Lan, you can go and rest. I'll stay with Pingping." Chu Zhuohang said, "He doesn't reject me, just in time for He Ning to rest for a while."

Chu Ye and Lan Xi left, just as Doctor Fang was still awake, and the three of them sat down and talked.

Lan Xi was the first to ask: "Doctor Fang, Zhuo Hang was holding Ping Ping just now, but he was not sick. It seems that he is in a good mental condition. Is Zhuo Hang's condition cured?"

"Ms. Lan, are you saying that the young master can hold Ping Ping?" Doctor Fang was also very strange.

Lan Xi and Chu Ye nodded together.

Dr. Fang pondered for a moment and said: "The condition of the young master is very peculiar in itself. How can I say that such cases are rare in the world. In theory, only contact with people with blood relatives can reduce the incidence or even Not getting sick."

"That's what I meant. Doctor Fang, you see, Zhuo Hang can contact Master Chu and He Ning. As for me, I haven't met him much... and he can also contact Pingping now." Lan Xi's eyes What was flashing.

If there was such a result, how great it would be!

It's just that she didn't dare to have extravagant hopes, and she didn't dare to think too much.

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