Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 836: Is another comfort

Doctor Fang understood the meaning of her words: "Ms. Lan, what do you mean is that the young master might be the son of you and Master Chu?"

Doctor Fang had also heard of He Birong's events in the Dragon Empire before, and knew that when Lan Xi gave birth to He Yiming, a child was thrown away by He Birong.

Could it be that Chu Zhuohang would be that kid?

"Doctor Fang, please check it for me." Lan Xi said pleadingly, "I lost that child before, and Zhuo Hang is an orphan without a father or mother. I didn't dare to think about it before, but this time Zhuo Hang Hang can hold on to peace, I really want to know the answer in my heart..."

Doctor Fang glanced at Master Chu and found that Master Chu meant the same.

He smiled and said: "In that case, let me do a check for you. If it is or not, it will be clear after checking. However, the young master does have fate with you, and his illness can only be avoided if he is with you. Attack. No matter what, it means that there is some kind of relationship between you. I will send the report as soon as possible."

Doctor Fang said goodbye and left.

Lan Xi looked forward to and worried, fearing that the result might not be what she thought.

"Don't worry, let Doctor Fang first." Chu Ye said while supporting her shoulder.

Lan Xi said softly: "Do you still remember who sent Zhuo Hang here?"

"At the time, a subordinate picked him up. He kept crying and sweating. For a child like this, the symptoms of sweating were too unusual. I asked Doctor Fang to help with the examination. Later, he just wanted me to hold me. At that time I had no intention of adopting a child, but he only needed me. No way, I adopted him."

"I have also thought that the reason why he was tossed so many times, was picked up and abandoned by others, should be because his illness was so peculiar, and the doctors couldn't find the reason, so no one could take him in."

"Only when I hold him can he sleep peacefully without sweating or crying."

Master Chu recalled that when he picked him up, he was still young and he was full of dependence on himself.

Now that I think about it, could something be destined for a long time?

Lan Xi's eyes moistened: "If he is really our son, it will be fine. I am sorry for him these years, and I want to make up for him in the future."

"Whether it is or not, he is our son, isn't he?" Chu Ye comforted. He was afraid that if the results found out did not match what Lan Xi had expected, she would be extremely disappointed.

Lan Xi nodded immediately: "Even if he is not by blood, I actually treat him as my own son. But if he is the child who was thrown away by He Birong, it has a completely different meaning..."

She was clutching the position of her heart, He Yiming was gone, it was He Ning who supported her peacefully and did not fall.

If you can find another son of yours, it will undoubtedly be another comfort.

Master Chu embraced her and remained speechless for a long time.


He Ning woke up and jumped in surprise. He was on the bed, but disappeared.

Obviously he hugged him on the sofa last night.

"Miss!" The servant came in, "The young master was taken out by the young master, and he is playing outside."

"Really?" He Ning breathed a sigh of relief, casually put on a piece of clothing and ran out.

Before he got even closer, he saw Chu Zhuohang sitting there holding him flat, one big and one small getting along very well.

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