Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 852: You can eat both men and women

Elle shrugged and didn't persuade her.

Rumors say that Shen Jingyu now has a woman and a son, so he might have forgotten her and An An long ago!

Otherwise, why didn't the phone call for four years and didn't come to pick up their mother and child?

It's just that this has not been confirmed, and elle is inconvenient to say it.

Let's wait for He Ning to find out by herself, if it is true, then she can give up her heart.

Anyway, when he was in the American Manor, a lot of people who were attracted to He Ning grabbed a lot of them. Could it be that he left Shen Jingyu and couldn't survive?

"Master Ning, I'll take you to a place!" Xiao Zhan stubbornly took He Ning into the car.

The car stopped in front of a clubhouse.

"What are you taking me here for?" He Ning asked.

"Drink to meet the world." And Pao beauty.

Xiao Zhan felt that as Young Master Ning's bodyguard, he had to bring her back to her abnormal orientation.

Let her know that women are more interesting than men.

He Ning walked in with him.

It's not like a bar with feasting and noisy music.

Instead, it presents a kind of high-end tranquility. The men and women are exquisitely dressed and upscale. It is obvious that the identity of the people here is extraordinary.

It's just that He Ning and Xiao Zhan seem to be very young. Although they are well dressed, they also feel incompatible.

Xiao Zhan said: "Master Ning, I will order you a glass of wine first, and then I will see a girl who is pleasing to the eye, and I will go up and have a few words."

He ordered wine for both He Ning and himself, and took a few sips while holding the glass, but he didn't move.

"Why, don't you want to go up and talk a few words when you see the pleasing?" He Ning asked amusedly.

She saw it, and he was too embarrassed. Why did he bring her to see the world? Would it be the first time for him to come?

"Forget it, I'll go by myself." He Ning is not in a good mood today and wants to have a few drinks.

When I saw the man who was thinking of me, I realized that they didn't think of themselves at all. They kissed and hugged them. Her feelings were so strong that she couldn't bear to leave his embrace at all.

But what about people? She didn't even care about her identity at all.

She stepped forward and sat across from the girls, chatting casually.

He Ning used to have an introvert personality, but after staying with her father in the United States for so long, a lot of her temper and personality have changed, especially when she is a girl herself, she knows where to talk to them.

After a while, everyone had a very happy chat.

Xiao Zhan's chin dropped again: "I didn't expect Master Ning... to be able to eat both men and women!"

He Ning was good-looking, and brought an American party. After a while, the girls became very interested in her and ordered a few glasses of wine for her to drink.

Some people even deliberately started, touched her palm, and clasped her fingers.

She is now practicing marksmanship and shooting, with shallow calluses on her fingers, which really looks like a man.

After drinking a few cups, she was a little drunk and confused. She hadn't indulged like this for a long time. When she thought of Shen Jingyu, her heart was prickling her lungs again.

"Master Ning, we invite you to have two more drinks!" The female voice sounded in He Ning's ears.

Shen Jingyu's footsteps suddenly stopped when he heard the three words Young Master Ning.

It should be said that starting from today, he began to have different thoughts about the word Ning, and as soon as he heard it, he would pay attention to it.

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