Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 853: What evil did he do!

He came here today because he was discussing business with a client.

He was a little absent-minded, and he was still thinking about the kiss during the day, which made him feel self-disgusted.

When I stopped, I saw that the man who kissed him today was sitting among a group of women, so drunk!

It's that Chu Ning!

How dare she, only came to tease him today, and turned around to tease other women!

Miyazawa, who was following Shen Jingyu, also saw this scene. Fortunately, this scene was seen by Shen Jingyu. That beautiful young man, at first glance, is not a good person and should not stay with Shen Ye!

"Master Shen, really good-looking men are unreliable." Miyazawa commented.

Seeing Shen Jingyu's face sinking, he added: "Except for Lord Shen."

"Get those women away." Shen Jingyu was going to leave, but his brain went against his will.

Seeing her and other people, he was instinctively uncomfortable, and he also had the feeling of rejection in his heart, but he couldn't overcome it, and he wanted to be close to her!

Miyazawa glanced at Shen Jingyu, is it possible that Lord Shen is really interested in that man?

No way?

Is he going to pick that man?

"Master Shen...Or should I get that Chu Ning away?" So as not to be out of sight and heartless.

Shen Jingyu glanced at him.

Miyazawa passed by with a sad face, he is the vice president of the company! Now my job turned out to be helping the president pick up girls.

No, it's a man!

What evil did he do!

Miyazawa coaxed the women away.

Shen Jingyu took a step towards He Ning.

She was still holding a wine glass, her cheeks were reddish, her lips were pink, and she opened her lips very suitable for a kiss, and she muttered something in her mouth.

She has beautiful short hair and a pair of sword eyebrows, but the other parts of her facial features are a bit too feminine.

But now that this male look is also popular, it's no wonder the women just surrounded her.

Shen Jingyu looked at her lips, her apple slid, remembering the touch during the day.

Immediately, disgust rose again.

He sat down punishingly and pinched the corner of her jaw.

He Ning looked at the face in front of him in a daze. That face was so familiar but strange, as if he didn't know him at all, and looked at himself calmly.

She snorted and said vaguely, "Isn't it Shen Jingyu, don't show up in front of me again!"

Displeasure flashed in Shen Jingyufeng's eyes. It was obvious that she had teased herself. Why did you listen to her tone? Did she do something wrong?

He has read her resume. He was twenty-five years old and studied in the United States since he was a child. No wonder the style is so bold and wild. Could it be the same when he was in the United States?

"I've been waiting for you for so long... You are fierce to me..." He Ning said aggrievedly, "You go, don't show up..."

She stretched out her hand and waved his face, thinking it was her own hallucinations and phantoms. Who knows, she stretched out her hand, but came across the real thing. Her fingers fell on his face, she stretched out her hand and rubbed it, a little unwilling, and a little puzzled. , Why should he do this to himself.

Shen Jingyu was also very puzzled when she heard what she said.

What does it mean that she waited so long for herself?

Is it possible that she still likes herself?

He didn't feel that he owed any emotional debt, especially to a man.

He Ning rubbed his hands and was not satisfied, and began to put his lips on his face!

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