Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 866: Let you know what is awesome

If you are really a man, I am afraid you are really fooled.

If she really slept with her, she would have caught it, and she would really be on the same boat with her in the future.

He Jiaojiao squeezed her **** on He Ning, winking at the same time: "Little handsome guy, stay with me, you will have both wealth and wealth..."

He Ning vomited and said lightly, "Your chest seems to have been filled with a lot of silicone? Why is it sagging so badly after the silicone? It's really strange..."

He Jiaojiao's obsequious expression suddenly became angry: "Smelly boy, you are toasting and not eating fine wine, right?"

"I can eat toast and fine wine, but I don't want to eat fat!" He Ning gave her a white look and looked at her up and down.

He Jiaojiao had a big and fat breast, and she had nothing to complain about with her figure, but because of her character, He Ning naturally wanted to scold her!

She was even more angry: "Okay, I want you to know what is awesome!"

She tore open her skirt manually, pinched two on her chest, crying and shouting: "No, no..."

She used her fingernails to make various marks on her body, and she cruelly twisted her long nails and broke them with a click.

Then, she rushed to He Ning to tear He Ning!

In that case, He Ning was not polite. While pretending that she didn't want to be caught by He Jiaojiao, she hit He Jiaojiao cruelly.

He Ning's strength is no better than before.

She used to be ill and frail, so even if she hit someone, it didn't hurt.

It's different now.

She has learned the skill of grappling and fighting for so long, her hands are already strong, and she knows where to hit the other side pain.

She squeezed He Jiaojiao's body a few times, and He Jiaojiao was still screaming falsely.

Now I can't stand it, so I cry out completely: "Help, don't... let go!"

People outside heard the movement inside, and someone knocked vigorously on the door.

Most of those people are Chen Fufen's people, and He Jiaojiao is the same as He Jiaojiao. They must be afraid that He Jiaojiao will suffer.

Gong Yunxi and Xiao Yao were also afraid that He Ning would suffer, so everyone joined forces and opened the door.

After the door was opened, the picture inside appeared in front of everyone.

He Jiaojiao's skirt was taken off to her ankle, her body was full of guides, scarred.

He Ning's clothes were also torn apart, and there were scratches on her neck - of course, He Jiaojiao's scars were real.

He Ning didn't let He Jiaojiao take advantage. The scratches on her neck were just pretending to use drugs casually.

He Jiaojiao cried hoarsely: "This man is violent and violent to me... Call her to the police!"

She did not expect that not only did He Ning not be deceived by herself, but she also used so **** herself. She was suffering from pain all over her body now.

This time, if the man is not reported to jail, she will not have his surname!

Someone called the police right away.

Gong Yunxi and Xiao Yao were terrified. They ran to He Ning and asked with concern: "Mr. Chu, are you okay? How could something like this happen? Don't worry, we will definitely testify for you that you are not like that!"

"It's okay, wait until the police arrive!" He Ning didn't take it seriously.

"But He Jiaojiao is very difficult to deal with. Now she looks like this..." Gong Yunxi was really worried.

If she didn't know He Ning, it would be hard to believe her innocence when seeing such a scene now.

[Author's words: I wish all the little angels and your family a happy new year, all the best, happy every day, good health, making a lot of money, great school work, successful career, love you, and bow. 】

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