Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 867: She's still a big girl

He Jiaojiao cried to the side and pears rained: "I am still a big girl, so I am being...

This made Gong Yunxi and Xiao Yao even more worried.

After a while, the police arrived and took He Jiaojiao and He Ning away.

Others have also made witnesses.

Except for a small number of people who were on He Ning's side, of course the others were on He Jiaojiao's side.

She was also taken to have her wounds examined. It seemed that the scars on her body were very serious, which was really shocking.

Although it has not reached the final step directly, it seems that it is not far off.

He Jiaojiao cried and said: "This man, she is plotting against me. When she sees me, she praises me for being beautiful and moves her hands and feet on me."

"If I didn't agree, she persecuted me and took the initiative to kiss me. My strength is not as strong as hers, so..."

"But I have been resisting, shouting very loudly. People outside heard it and broke in and saved me, otherwise I would have lost my innocence."

"Uncle Police, you must punish her severely!"

"Such a man will be punished in the future for not being allowed to approach me for half a step, and not allowed to come to the place where He's company is located!"

He Jiaojiao cried and choked, looking very aggrieved and pitiful.

Only two police officers from He Jiaojiao were seen, one man and one woman, the woman was in charge of the inspection, and the man was in charge of the record.

After listening to her crying, she felt sympathy for her, after all, the injuries on her body were real.

After examining her injuries and recording her injuries, she went to He Ning angrily. For such men who bullied women, the police hated them the most!

The two police officers shouted angrily: "Who is Chu Ning?"

He Ning stood up and looked at them.

The two policemen froze for a moment. When the young man in front of him raised his eyes, he had a pair of clean and clear eyes, which were black and white. When they looked at people, they did not contain the slightest impurity.

Looking at it like this by her eyes, it seemed to feel ashamed.

Moreover, He Jiaojiao said just now that her strength is not as strong as that of Chu Ning, but He Jiaojiao is of the kind of big and thick body. This young man named Chu Ning is slender and weak. It doesn't seem to be able to suppress He Jiaojiao. people.

The police were stunned.

He Ning grinned at them, stood up, and said cooperatively: "I am Chu Ning."

The two policemen hurriedly put aside their distracting thoughts, acted fairly and could not judge people by their appearance.

So they became serious: "It was your intention to **** He Jiaojiao, didn't you? Tell me what happened."

He Ning smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I don't have such intentions. It is impossible to have such intentions."

"Tell me the reason." The policewoman's tone was obviously gentler.

He Ning hooked her lips, smiled lightly, and her eyes swayed.

The policewoman's heart beat, my God, this boy smiled so well.

She feels that her selfishness has become too eccentric.

He Ning smiled and said, "You come to my ear and I will tell you."

The female police hesitated, and the male policeman said, "Don't mess around!"

The policewoman walked to her side, and He Ning whispered a few words.

The female policeman walked to the male policeman and talked to him, then the male policeman looked at He Ning suspiciously.

When he left, He Ning unbuttoned his jacket, and the policewoman took a look, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful. Is such a good-looking boy a woman?

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