Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 885: Bad name

In the past few years, He Lu has grown in value since he was with He Boyuan.

After giving birth to a son for He Boyuan, although the He family has not officially married her, they still hold her in their arms.

He Boyuan has only one daughter, He Peishan, who is old enough to have a son. He Boyuan himself is also happy and pampers He Lu.

Mrs. He even loved this little grandson as a darling.

He Lu naturally rose, and no one in the entire West of Portugal refused to give her a three-pointer.

He Ning and Gong Yunxi, who were "dead" in a mere mere word, didn't take it seriously.

However, she had just finished saying "You hit me", she slapped her face, and she was slapped with a slap in the face. She was so hot that she didn't wait for someone to scold me, and then another slap in the face It fell on her face again.

It was He Ning who was beating people!

After she slapped He Lu twice, let alone He Lu, all the others were shocked.

The people who followed He Lu were all arranged by He Boyuan to protect her safety, and they were also those who made her face up.

In the past two years, who has been in front of He Lu and didn't give her a good face?

But the thin young man in front of him slapped her twice without hesitation!

He Lu reacted, and directed at He Ning, showing an angry look: "Chuning, do you dare to beat me? If I don't kill you today, my last name will not be He!"

"It was you who let me hit you. Everyone heard it just now, right? What did you say in the last sentence? Didn’t you invite me to hit you? Although this invitation is really weird, as Men, respect women, shouldn't they?" He Ning looked at He Lu solemnly.

Everyone recalled what He Lu said just now. What she said was "I just want to say what's wrong, are you hitting me?". It was originally an arrogant sentence, but now when He Ning said it, how could it sound like that? That's funny.

Gong Yunxi and others couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He Lu's people, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, all suffocated, but each of them shrugged their shoulders, obviously holding back uncomfortably.

He Lu flushed with anger. He hasn't been angry for a long time. She has been pampered in the past two years. How can he withstand such mockery?

"Take her to me! Break a leg, I think you dare not arrogant!" He Lu said angrily.

Immediately, there were people wearing military uniforms walking towards He Ning, showing fierce looks one by one, looking really scary.

Gong Yunxi and Xiao Yao stood beside He Ning from left to right, watching them coming with fear.

But no matter what, they have to shoulder this responsibility together with He Ning!

He Ning faintly looked at the man in military uniform walking in front, and said, "Adjutant Xu, isn't it?"

Adjutant Xu was taken aback. He didn't expect that a person like He Ning would recognize his identity!

"I know you, He Boyuan and the people next to General He. Didn't you always follow He Boyuan and He Yiming in military affairs before? Why, now you have fallen to beat ordinary civilians?"

Adjutant Xu's face flushed.

He really feels embarrassed to do such a thing. As a soldier, who doesn't want to work in the army, who wants to serve these weird family members?

What's more, the family of He Lu is still a bad name, and has not officially married He Boyuan at all.

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