Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 886: Dare you stick out your face again

However, Adjutant Xu was formerly He Yiming's person. After He Yiming disappeared, he was assigned to He Boyuan's side.

He Yiming's people are by He Boyuan's side, and they don't get any attention at all, but only suppress them, and they are all arranged to be attendants.

To be honest, speaking of an adjutant is actually worse than a personal bodyguard.

Private bodyguards have at least dignity.

And He Lu could only shout and drink to them, which was a tool for her to show off in the circle of celebrities and daughters.

He Ning looked at Adjutant Xu and said with a smile: "Why, what did we do wrong just now, are we going to be picked on by He Lu?"

Adjutant Xu blushed even more.

He Ning is He Yiming's younger sister, and He Lu uttered wild words and insulted He Ning. It was indeed time to fight.

To be honest, he himself feels enjoyable playing!

"Xu Cheng, what are you doing in a daze? Drag Chu Ning out and break his leg! All the things here are taken apart so that they can't shoot anything!"

"You beat my mother a few days ago, and now you beat me again? Are you really backed by Lord Shen when He Ning was still there?"

He Lu's smile became brighter. When He Ning was alive, he pressed her on one end, making her look bad everywhere.

Now that He Ning is gone, just relying on these few people, still want to put another head on her head?

"You remembered it for me. In the Dragon Empire, there is no place where you can be arrogant! He Ning is dead, already dead, and Lord Shen no longer puts her in his eyes at all, and has given birth to a woman again. Son, who do you dare to take advantage of?" He Lu looked at them with pride in her voice.

He Ning stood up: "I just borrowed my own power, so what? Do you dare to stretch out your face again and let me hit it?"

She raised her slap. Although He Lu was arrogant, she was still scared after all. She retracted her head suddenly, surrounded by Adjutant Xu, and said, "Xu Cheng, hit her!"

"Sorry, Miss He, please forgive me for not being able to obey!" Adjutant Xu bowed and said with ashamed face.

He is a soldier and has dignity.

Will never bully ordinary people for any evil forces.

He had long been uncomfortable with this He Lu. After returning, even if he was scolded by He Boyuan, he was willing to admit it.

"You!" He Lu did not expect that her own people would take the lead against herself. "Are you all with hardened wings? Do you dare to resist even what I said?"

"Don't hurry up and do it for me!"

Even though He Lu shouted so that his voice was hoarse, the people behind her looked at each other with ashamed expressions, and no one lost the thought of doing something.

"You! You!" He Lu retracted her finger and looked at He Ning coldly.

He Ning smiled slightly and said: "Adjutant Xu is still a **** man, I know that the person He Yiming brought out can't be wrong."

Hearing her mention He Yiming's name, the soldiers even remembered He Yiming's original words and the responsibilities that a soldier should have.

"Forget it, all go back!" He Lu roared, stretched out her foot, and kicked the equipment on the side to the ground.

I didn't get any benefits this time, but it finally delayed the work of the TV station for a long time, which was enough for He Ning, Gong Yunxi and the others to clean up the mess for a while.

She could be regarded as letting out a sigh of relief.

After returning, she ran up to Mrs. He again, cried out to her, and then found someone to settle the account.

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