Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 964: To the woman who looks like He Ning

He Ning couldn't help but laughed. This Han Ye is nothing more than that. When a woman is a gunman, do you really think that you will like a vulgar fan like He Manni?

He Ning raised his hand: "Forget it, thanks, I'm not blessed to accept it."

"Then I will send Young Master Ning out, and please Young Master Ning take me to greet Master Chu." Master Han sent He Ning out with a respectful attitude.

Of course, this greeting He Ning will not be brought to him.

What kind of person is your father, and where should I care about such trivial matters?

He Manni and Xie Yichen only reacted as soon as He Ning left, and they were a little trembling in fright. So, was it a big man who almost offended him just now?

"Master Han, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my ignorance..." He Manni cried and said.

She did not get the person who looked like He Ning, she was really heartbroken.

But that is already a very minor matter. If you offend Lord Han and leave yourself desperate in a place like the dark market, with nowhere to stay, then that is the most important event!

In the past, Han Ye had already shot down such a bad woman.

However, this woman is still useful to keep.

He patted her head gently: "It's okay, don't take it to your heart."

He Manni was flattered: "Thank you Lord Han, thank you Lord Han!"

Han Ye turned around and went out.

Xie Yichen also breathed a sigh of relief and said flatteringly: "Sister Manni, Master Han really loves you very much. Master Han didn't blame you for causing such a big disaster. It seems that this time there won't be any trouble. Up."

He Manni was very upset about the trouble Xie Yichen caused to herself, but now that she is all right and she has confirmed her status in the mind of Han Ye, she doesn't bother to care about it: "Forget it, this time, let's do it for the time being. It’s just that I can’t kill that Chu Ning, I'm really upset."

Xie Yichen had no daring to mention that he was going to kill He Ning again.

He Manni is guarded by Master Han, but she has no one to guard her, so she can only take one step and count as one step.


After He Ning went out, a familiar car was waiting for her outside.

Before she approached, Shen Jingyu strode towards her with a slight tension between her brows: "I heard that you had an accident in the bar. Come here right away. Are you okay?"

Miyazawa on the side was full of dishes and sweat. Just now, Lord Shen drove up in person. He didn't know how many sharp turns and rapid accelerations along the way. The speed was so fast that he was sitting in the car stumbling, and he almost got out of the car. Vomited.

Originally, he thought it was something important. Before even it was the matter of the young master, Master Shen had never been so anxious.

Who knew that when he arrived at his destination, the people he saw were actually He Ning!

He Ning shook his head slightly. He was moved to see him in such a hurry, and didn't want him to worry: "It's okay, I've played a few hours, and I've had a hand addiction."

Shen Jingyu took off her coat and put it on her shoulders.

After getting in the car, He Ning noticed a pain in his palm.

It turned out that when I hit someone, I didn't feel it. After the hit, I realized that there was a wound on my palm, and I didn't know where it came from.

He Ning frowned slightly, Shen Jingyu also found her wound, took her hand over, and said distressed: "What's the matter? Miyazawa, go to the hospital right away!"

When the car arrived at the hospital, Shen Jingyu directly picked up Hening and walked inside.

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