Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 965: Time alone with He Ning

In fact, this wound was not serious. He Ning probably didn't pay attention and accidentally scratched it when he hit those people just now.

But Shen Jingyu felt distressed as if there was some serious injury.

Miyazawa followed behind with a gloomy expression, ten thousand and ten thousand unhappy in his heart, Lord Shen, can you pay attention to the influence, is it really good for you to be a big man holding a man?

Besides, she just hurt her hand, not her foot. As for her, she still had to hug it?

When Shen Jingyu and He Ning appeared in the hospital, there were quite a few patients and their families coming and going.

When they saw a man who looked like an iceberg, and even embraced a handsome man in his arms, many people showed surprise expressions.

Then many people blinked and watched them eagerly.

Some rotten girls held their faces in both hands, and stared eyes appeared. These two men are too good to watch. What kind of idol drama-like scenes are these two men, they won't get bored after watching ten episodes!

Shen Jingyu took He Ning to the doctor.

The wound was not serious, but it was sutured with two stitches and a little anaesthetic, and then the medicine was applied to bandage it.

As for some small abrasions in other places, the doctor applied a little purple syrup.

"Don't touch the wound with water, just change the medicine again in three days." The doctor confessed.

Shen Jingyu asked some precautions again.

After Miyazawa paid the medicine bill, he stood outside and waited.

The people of Han Ye hurriedly followed in.

He came to give He Ning the room card on the order of Lord Han.

Since Master Han knew that He Ning was a close friend of Master Chu, he was afraid of offending Master Chu, especially because he almost hurt He Ning with his hands.

But since He Ning likes He Manni, he will naturally cut love.

Now, he had ordered someone to tie up Hermani and put it on the big bed of the hotel, just waiting for Herning to pass.

At this moment, Han Ye's people are respectfully taking the room card and looking for He Ning.

They came here with He Ning’s car. Now they don’t see He Ning. They only see Miyazawa. Of course, they thought Miyazawa was He Ning’s driver, so they gave the room card: "This is for Master Ning. Please, Master Ning must accept it."

After the delivery, those people left in a hurry.

Miyazawa didn't know, so he had to accept the card.

From a distance, Shen Jingyu came out in a hug and hugged He Ning. He didn't feel unnatural in the slightest because he was holding a man in his arms.

Until Shen Jingyu hugged He Ning into the car, Miyazawa was still stunned.

Shen Jingyu gave a light cough, and Miyazawa was busy getting into the car.

"Go to the nearest hotel." Shen Jingyu ordered.

He Ning is injured. If she goes back, Lele will pester her and make her unable to heal.

What's more, he really felt that he needed to be alone with He Ning.

Miyazawa hurried to the nearest hotel and booked a room.

He hesitated a little, whether to book a room for Shen Jingyu and He Ning each, or book a room for them.

Looking back, I saw Shen Jingyu and He Ning sitting on the sofa and waiting.

He Ning's entire head was lying on Shen Jingyu's chest. With a contented expression on Shen Jingyu's expression, Miyazawa gritted his teeth and booked a room against his will.

After booking, Miyazawa took a closer look and found that the hotel room card that someone sent to He Ning just now belonged to this hotel.

He stepped forward and handed the two room cards to Shen Jingyu. Sure enough, Shen Jingyu's brows were scary.

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