Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 976: He doesn't envy at all

With a flat eyeball, he said proudly: "I remember, Dadbi said, the gun is dangerous because of the instability of insurance and the recoil of shooting is too strong, he will give me a suitable one for me. He also said Now, every time I grow up a year, I will refit one for me! Dadbi also said that even Mommy will not oppose his decision!"

An An concealed her envy.

He wanted a gun like this for a long time.

But Master Chu was not allowed, and Ning Ning was not allowed.

Although he receives a lot of simulation toy guns as gifts every year, so many rooms are piled up, but none of them is what he really likes.

After all, those are just toy guns, completely incomparable with real guns.

Where can I match those classic gun types that An An really wants in mind.

So now, his biggest wish is not only to marry Ningning, but also to grow up quickly, so that he can go to Master Chu's gun room and pick a gun he likes.

Shen Jingyu, he can modify Pingping!

It seems that Pingping can accomplish this dream much earlier than himself.

Not envious, not envious at all, An An turned her head away.

Pingping said intimately: "Brother, I will play with you when the time comes, okay?"

"Not good." An An didn't want to play.

He wanted to be a real soldier who defended his family and the country, holding a gun, not for fun.

Responsible heroes do not focus on play, but on the shoulders of responsibility.

This is what Chu Ye and Ning Ning have been teaching him.

"Then you learn with dad, okay?" Pingping is a soft and cute personality, like He Ning, so he is also extraordinarily well-behaved.

"Let me learn from him?" An An snorted.

He can learn from anyone, but it is impossible to learn from his rivals.

Before going to bed last night, Ningning came back from a video call, but he didn't even mention Shen Jingyu's arrival.

He would rather be the girl he will marry when he grows up.

Seeing that An An ignored her, she put her mind away, and just as the servant brought up dinner, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands obediently.

At lunch the next day, Shen Jingyu took out a box and placed it in front of a flat surface.

Evening eyes lit up, looking at Shen Jingyu's encouraging eyes, and immediately opened the exquisite packaging box.

There is a brand new pistol inside, which is bright and attractive.

The streamlined shape and the exquisite spray paint just fit the size of a flat hand, and he screamed with excitement, holding a gun, jumping and laughing with excitement.

Ann's eyes were straight, and he could tell at a glance that it was an Austrian Glock 17 9mm pistol.

He couldn't help but said: "Austrian Glock is now available to police in more than 40% of the countries in the world. The advantages are light weight, good operability, and convenient one-handed operation; high capacity, which can accommodate 32 rounds. Bullets to maintain continuous firepower; and the safety performance is very good. If the pistol falls on the ground or falls off the shooter, the trigger safety device can automatically be in a safe state to avoid accidents..."

The one held in Ping Ping's hand was obviously restructured and optimized by Shen Jingyu, making it more suitable for children of this age and easier to manipulate.

[Author's words: Everything in the novel is fictitious, and the protagonist has a strong aura to make everything worry-free. Don't imitate it. In real life, even toy guns are very dangerous and easy to hurt people. Don't buy and play at will. 】

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