Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 977: Don't want to accept gifts from the enemy

An An wanted a pistol like this for a long, long, long time!

It was about a long time since he wanted to marry Ningning.

Seeing Pingping running around with a gun, he really didn't envy him at all!

An An was lying on the dining table without looking at Ping Ping. Every time he looked at it, he couldn't convince himself of the reason for moving his eyes away from the gun.

Seeing him recognize the gun shape and various advantages of this gun at a glance, Shen Jingyu's lips evoked a smile.

An An was lying on his stomach a little bored. He wasn't jealous of his brother, but he didn't want to be happy for his brother either.

Blame, blame, the enemy is too strong.

It took a long time for the mediocre joy to calm down, and ran to hold Shen Jingyu's thigh and raised his head to look at him: "Thank you, Dad!"

Shen Jingyu rubbed his little head.

Lan Xi was a little worried: "Jingyu, I am still young, is this too dangerous?"

"Grandma, Dad said that all the guns given to me are not allowed to be aimed at people casually, and they can’t hurt anyone. Besides, Dad’s bullets are replaced with rubber bullets. Guns are used It is our men’s responsibility to protect the weak and the people we love, not to hurt others! Therefore, I will remember every word clearly! I also guarantee that every word can be done in full."

His face was serious and sacred.

He remembered every word that Dadbi said.

What Mommy told him was true. Papa is a born hero and a good papa who will satisfy all her heroic dreams!

Therefore, I will definitely listen to him obediently.

When Lan Xi heard this, he no longer had any objections, and just said: "Then you must pay attention to safety."

"I will, grandma." Nodding flatly.

Master Chu smiled and said, "Since it was given by Jingyu, it must have taken into account the security situation, madam, you don't have to worry too much."

Now Ye Chu and Lan Xi have held a simple wedding, and the couple are as respectful as guests, loving as ever, and their lives are very comfortable.

But all this joy has nothing to do with An An.

He could have called Papa twice like Ping Ping, and he could get a lot of benefits.

But he would not surrender to the enemy.

That means I will give up Ningning forever!

he does not want!

Just thinking about it, a beautiful gift box was pushed in front of him.

It was pushed by Shen Jingyu.

An An couldn't think that he would not give himself anything.

candy? Transformers? If he has a bad relationship with him, he will definitely not love himself as much as Pain Pingping.

An An doesn't want to accept gifts from the enemy.

"Personally, or should I help you?" Shen Jingyu asked in a low voice.

Anyway, they had to be dismantled, so An An chose to dismantle by himself.

He opened the gift box three or two times, and had no hope for Shen Jingyu's gift.

However, after taking it apart, An An looked surprised.

Because this is another Austrian Glock 17 9mm pistol.

The same streamlined gun body, the same paint finish, the only difference is that it is slightly larger than the flat one.

The difference in height and age of the two people is completely taken into account, so the details are considered very thoughtful.

An An looked at Shen Jingyu differently, and really did not expect that he would give himself this gun.

How did he know he likes this?

[Author's words: Everything in the novel is fictitious, and the protagonist has a strong aura to make everything worry-free. Don't imitate it. In real life, even toy guns are very dangerous and easy to hurt people. Don't buy and play at will. 】

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