Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 990: Lele is Shen Jingyu's biological son (10)

When they came, He Ning was jogging on the lawn with Lele.

Shen Jingyu stood aside, looking at the figures of their mother and son tenderly.

Seeing Master Chu and Lan Xi, Lele lay sternly in He Ning's arms, and refused to look up at them.

"Parents, Lele's current situation has not fully recovered, so..." Shen Jingyu explained in a low voice.

"We know." Lan Xi said hurriedly, "don't blame the child. He has suffered so much, let's take it slowly.

The second elder stayed here for two days. What is gratifying is that Lele's resistance to them from the beginning has gradually become acceptable.

Although they couldn't hold them yet, Lele turned his head, took the water glass, and poured a glass of water for the two and the other.

Such a change is not only to make the two elders very happy.

Shen Jingyu and He Ning saw it in their eyes, and were happy in their hearts. Compared to before, Lele's progress and changes were really too big and fast.

After Chu Ye and Lan Xi left, He Ning deliberately wanted to accompany Lele more, taking him out to climb mountains, go to the park to play with small animals, go to the river to catch fish, and drove out for a drive.

Shen Jingyu also dedicated a few days to accompany their mother and son to wander the entire surrounding area of ​​West Portugal.

When it was really necessary to manage the company and the army was waiting for him to deal with a lot of affairs, Shen Jingyu had to temporarily let go of the work of accompanying his wife and children and devote himself to the company and the army.

Lele's mood has improved significantly.

When Gu Yunchen came over to see Lele, he was very surprised.

You must know that he has always been proud of his medical skills, and that he is not a problem with any incurable diseases, but after such a long time, he can't even touch Lele.

But only a short time after He Ning came back, Lele was completely different from before.

Give up the doll clothes he always likes to wear, a white T-shirt, a pair of sports pants, stepping on the new version of basketball shoes, clean and energetic.

The hair was pushed short by He Ning, and there was a smile on his face. The corners of his lips were smiling, like He Ning.

And the look in the eyebrows that strangers don't get close is like Shen Jingyu's imprinted in a mold.

"Tsk tusk tusk, mother and child are really connected, even science can't explain this principle." Gu Yunchen said with her arms folded.

He Ning smiled: "Then you will continue to study, Leleke and I are going out."

"Where to go?" Gu Yunchen asked.

"Go to pick up the old lady and go out to enjoy the flowers. The old lady's mind will be clear from time to time, indicating that her condition is not that serious. Having a happy company will definitely make her condition better."

Gu Yunchen nodded: "This makes sense. Lele can get better, and the old lady will surely do too. He Ning, I find that you are really the lucky star of the Shen family."

He Ning smiled, is she a lucky star?

hope so.

She just felt that because she owed too much to the Shen family, she wanted to make up for it all the time.

It's a little bit that can be done, that is, it is not ashamed of one's heart.

After saying goodbye to Gu Yunchen, He Ning drove directly to the hospital where the old lady Shen was.

Aunt Chen was very happy to see her coming, and reported to her: "Master Ning, the old lady has been able to eat two bowls of rice recently, and she is also very energetic. She can also recognize people, and she was still talking about you just now."

"Really?" He Ning took Lele's hand and walked in quickly.

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