Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 991: Lele is Shen Jingyu's biological son (10)

The old lady Shen was full of energy, her face was ruddy, and she had silver hair. When she regained her normal consciousness, she looked particularly temperamental.

When I saw He Ning, my head wasn't confused, and he smiled and said, "This is Master Ning who helped me?"

Sometimes people are like this. Are they confused? When confused, many things are recognized by instinct.

But once she was awake, she was bound by inherent experience. In the past few days, Mrs. Shen did not call An An any more, and when she saw He Ning, she no longer recognized people by instinct.

"Grandma Shen, hello. You can just call me Chu Ning." He Ning stood in front of her, leading Lele, "This is Lele. It is Shen's biological son. The test was only done a few days ago."

Lele really looks very small, and looks very different from An An. As long as Shen Jingyu and He Ning don't talk about it, no one will think that he is the child who was lost when he was born.

"Is it Jingyu's child?" Mrs. Shen's eyes flushed with excitement, "Jingyu, this child, has been suffering since childhood. Without He Ning and An'an, he finally has his own child again."

He Ning smiled and said, "Grandma Shen, I want to pick you up and go out on a field trip. Are you optimistic?"

"Okay." The old lady Shen couldn't ask for it, and agreed.

Aunt Chen was a little worried, but when she saw the enthusiastic old lady Shen, she agreed.

He Ning went straight to the outskirts of Jingyuan with the old and the young.

Lush trees and unknown flowers bloomed among them, and birds flew around, chirping.

The feeling of being close to nature makes the emotions of both the elderly and the children very high.

At noon, there is a farmhouse beside the house. In the small river beside the house, farmers raise fish for the guests to catch and try fresh.

He Ning grabbed Lele's hand and flopped in the creek for more than half an hour, only tossing to catch a slap-sized fish.

However, Lele was so happy that he watched the fish be sent to the kitchen by He Ning, and waited for the fish to come out.

The old lady Shen sat aside, thinking in her heart, if this Young Master Ning was a woman, it would be good if she could be with Jingyu.

What a pity, such a good young man.

He Ning turned her head and saw the old lady Shen looking at herself with expectation.

"Chuning, are you living with Jingyu now?" Old lady Shen asked.


"Good, good." The old lady Shen nodded, somewhat relieved and somewhat regretful.

The vegetables are brought up. The vegetables here are all grown by the farmers themselves, who eat Lele like a greedy little squirrel.

When He Ning sent the old lady Shen back, Shen Ye's car had just arrived.

"Chuning, where did you go?" Shen Ye got out of the car and ran to He Ning's side.

Usually he is already the prudent Shen family in power, and only in front of He Ning can he regain what he should have been at this age.

"Take Grandma and Lele to an outing. I'm sorry, but I took my grandma out without telling you." He Ning thought he was worried about the old lady, so he came here nervously.

Shen Ye smiled and said, "Thank you so much. I am busy and rarely come to accompany my grandma. This thing is for you."

"Young Master Ye, it's just a matter of effort, no need to be so polite." He Ning hurriedly refused, how embarrassed to accept his things?

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