Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 992: Confession to Hening (1)

Shen Ye opened it easily and said, "Look, it's just a small toy. What's wrong with taking it? The last time you came to my office, didn't you like it? I didn't let you touch it at the time, and then I bought one. Yes, for you."

He Ning saw clearly that this was a small toy Shen Ye placed in the office last time, and it was given to him by An An when he was very young.

"Young Master Ye, you're so careful." He Ning accepted it.

"You can keep it for yourself, or play for Lele." Shen Ye smiled, "How is my eldest brother recently? I heard that Lele is his biological son?"

"Yes." He Ning nodded. Everyone didn't keep this in secret, only the relationship between He Ning and Lele.

A trace of sadness appeared in Shen Ye's eyes: "It would be fine if my sister-in-law was still there. Do you want to go back with Lele? I'll see you off?"

"No, we can go back by ourselves." He Ning felt that there was no way to continue chatting with him. Shen Ye was so passionate about his sister-in-law, but he wanted to hide it from him.

It's really uncomfortable to deceive people.

After bidding farewell to Shen Ye, He Ning took Lele and got into the car in an uproarious manner and went straight to the west of Portugal.

After returning, He Ning received a call from Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao hesitated and asked her gently if she could help.

He Ning has always had an inescapable mentality towards Xiao Yao.

"Did you encounter something? I'll come here right away." He Ning glanced at the time. Lele fell asleep because he was too tired, and Shen Jingyu should be about to leave work.

She put Lele on the bed, left him a note, and also sent a text message to Shen Jingyu, telling him where she was going.

Then she got in the car and went straight to the TV station.

After getting off the car, Xiao Yao and Gong Yunxi were looking at He Ning with smiles.

He Ning breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought you had encountered something."

"No, during this time, no one came to make trouble, and no one bullied us. The TV station has returned to normal operation." Xiao Yao said hurriedly, and then lowered her head a little shyly, "In fact, Yun Xi and I are because This, I want to thank you, so I plan to invite you to dinner."

"Are you going to eat together? Okay." He Ning agreed.

Xiao Yao and Gong Yunxi followed He Ning hand in hand, and they walked to a nearby restaurant together.

"Xiao Yao, be brave, don't be afraid. If you don't try hard, how do you know it's impossible?" Gong Yunxi lowered her voice to encourage her.

Xiao Yao smiled very shyly, glanced forward at He Ning's back, with two blushes flying across her face.

Thinking of He Ning's various righteous help before, her courage to stand up with her holding her hand and protecting herself behind her made Xiao Yao feel like a deer in her heart.

Today, with all the encouragement from Gong Yunxi, she dared to take this step.

Otherwise, she really doesn't know how long her unrequited love will last.

On the way, Xiao Yao and Gong Yunxi bought something more before they entered the private room with He Ning.

After ordering, we chatted together.

He Ning was very familiar with the two of them, so he was very skilled in chatting with them.

This made Xiao Yao even more confident.

Gong Yunxi assisted and asked: "Chuning, let me gossip, do you have a girlfriend now?"


"Then what kind of girl do you like?" Gong Yunxi asked.

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