Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 993: Confession to Hening (2)

Xiao Yao sat aside, staring at He Ning eagerly. She has always been not very confident, somewhat inferior and cowardly. After He Ning appeared, she became a lot brave and dared to rise up to fight for everything for herself. Thoughts.

He Ning suddenly realized that something was wrong.

She is also a girl, so why can't she see the eagerness and admiration for loving people in Xiao Yao's eyes?

Did you give Xiao Yao some wrong hints?

Reminiscing that he usually treats Xiao Yao somewhat better than ordinary people, He Ning was nervous, and sure enough, it caused unnecessary trouble.

He Ning hurriedly said with a stern face: "Now I don't think about falling in love, so let's do whatever it takes."

After speaking, she quickly drank a sip of tea.

It seems that even if you care about Xiao Yao in the future, you won't be able to show up in front of the little girl often, lest people misunderstand it.

After eating this meal, we must pay attention to this problem in the future.

Gong Yunxi and Xiao Yao saw her expressions a little nervous, as if they were deliberately avoiding something, they looked at each other, and they both felt that it was possible to talk to He Ning.

Especially Gong Yunxi, she pretended to answer a call and said: "My friend is looking for me, I will go out first."

After finishing talking, she winked at Xiao Yao as she packed her things, and motioned to her: "Hurry up, confess your confession as soon as possible, and take it as soon as possible!"

Xiao Yao was also very nervous, raised her eyes and looked at He Ning.

He Ning was also a little bit on pins and needles. She didn't want to understand why Xiao Yao fell in love with herself?

"That Xiao Yao, I am a person who has always lived in the United States. I am used to living freely. I am not accustomed to all kinds of traditional life. I have not settled down yet. My family is worried about this matter." He Ning couldn't directly tell her who she was, so she had to attack her, hoping to dispel Xiao Yao's thoughts.

Xiao Yao, however, heard other meanings from these words. She said that she hasn't defined her identity yet. Will it be a huge change after meeting herself?

She looked at He Ning enthusiastically, gathered her courage, took out a rose from behind, and handed it to He Ning: "Chuning, I like you. I really like it! You are so handsome and free. Stay in my heart. Since you don't have a girlfriend and I don't have a boyfriend, then no matter what, please accept my kindness and sincerity. Let's be together!"

She finally mustered up the courage to finish speaking, and looked at He Ning seriously with a pair of eyes like autumn water.

She looked very similar to Ning Wan, who was the most important person in He Ning's previous life.

Seeing her so ardent, He Ning didn't know what to say for a while, so that she could not only decline her confession, but not hurt her feelings.

To be honest, she has never really received a confession from a girl!

"Chuning!" Xiao Yao looked directly into her eyes shyly and bravely, and urged a little bit coquettishly.

"I..." He Ning caressed her forehead, my God, who will save her!

This is simply the biggest crisis she encountered after returning to the Dragon Empire disguised as a man, and she still didn't know how to resolve it.

Just when He Ning was in a dilemma, the door was pushed open.

Shen Jingyu walked in, his tall and handsome figure looked unusually dazzling under the light.

In the backlight, the hair casts bright and extinguished shadows on the face, and the angular features, revealing the fascinating attraction.

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