Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 712: Blue plan

Different from the three men with ghosts, Zeratul's mind is very simple: take out his sister, join the army of the Elf King, defeat Sauron, and become the hero of the Elves. ?? Read a book??·???·

Don't make a bend, this is a straight road, and it will definitely be full of difficulties and dangers, but it is a righteous and correct road, and Zeratul can no longer ask for more. He has fulfilled his promise with Heizu, and even kept a secret for him, this time his sister should be able to go with him.

If there is no Celebrity, then Tverdor Mordor Blackfoot is also a place to choose. There are too many mysteries in this strange orc, and his abilities are endless, and Zeratul can't understand it at all. To others, Blackfoot is a guy with a strong body, outstanding martial skills, and a grumpy temper. In the eyes of some people who specialize in him, there is more cunning and insidious impression. But Zeratul knew that under the muscles of the black feet, it was not just a little cleverness that was hidden, but something deeper and more terrifying. The power he exposed is only the tip of the iceberg, and there are more and more incredible lurking in the depths.

But he did not tell Celebrity.

Along the way, Zeratul was pondering this question. Why did he not speak to the Elf King when he saw those strange things? Black feet can transform into bows and arrows, black feet can emerge from the void, black feet have blue eyes to monitor the entire territory, black feet can...

There are so many things, he sees them in his eyes and keeps them in his heart, but he has never said it with his mouth. Maybe it was because he was worried that he would be heard by the black foot after he had said it, and he would treat his sister as soon as he was upset. ???? One? Read?? Book? Look... But, Blackfoot doesn't seem to be that kind of person. It seems that he is more interested in dogs than women. I don't know why Good or bad...

Zeratul shook his head, but don't think about it. It's better to take his sister away quickly. He deliberately picked one of the best horses, and marched to the blackfoot settlement day and night. I don't know why, it's abnormal that no patrol team can touch it.

Zeratul had to get off his horse until it was very close to the Blackfoot settlement. He repeated his old tricks, sneaking into the orc slave trade team, and then in the settlement, everything went smoothly and terribly.

This gave him a creepy feeling, as if everything he did was controlled by some invisible force. If he can come in safely, he can come in safely; but if he disappears in vain, it seems even easier. If all of this was done by Blackfoot, then it would be terrible. He must remind Lord Celebrity, that orc...

It may be that his nervousness has exposed him to his deeds, or it may be that where and what he is doing is already known. Rarely, the food reserve left the tower, rushed to Zeratul a few steps, and sniffed him with his nose. A smell of charcoal fire radiated from the big dog's mouth, making Zeratul's heart beat faster. He hurriedly took out the blue Dire Wolf Fang and showed it to the grain reserve in his palm.

The big dog sniffed carefully, then snorted. At last it pulled Zeratul's trousers, motioning to follow. The gate of the tower of the Blackfoot Residence opened when the food reserve was approaching, and then closed again after Zeratul entered.

"Brother, you are back!" Cerandis exclaimed excitedly. Although she was wearing the coarse clothing that was common to slaves, she did not look like a slave at all. She jumped up from the chair, with a book in her hand, and biscuits and tea on the table beside her.

"What book are you reading?" Zeratul wanted to ask her how she was doing, but he obviously had an answer.

"It's a collection of elves transcribed by humans. Heifoot-sama's men found it in the tomb of a certain Gondor general. They thought it was something important. It came to me in the end." Cerandis said: " I'm fine. How are you, brother?"

"I have completed the task and can pick you up."

"The Blackfoot leader has already seen Celebrity? What is the situation, can you tell me?"

"When is it all, leave here first!" Zeratul said anxiously.

"You can't leave here yet, you need to wait a while."

Accompanied by a clear and sweet voice, a white, tender, blue-eyed girl with horns on her head and a tail behind her walked down from the second floor. "Show me the leader's token."

"Who are you?" Zeratul saw that the blue eyes had sunk, and the big blue eyes were staring at his back before disappearing inexplicably. However, he opened his palm to show the blue Dire Wolf Fang.

"Blue, which means that the Dark Demon has action." Xiaohua, who was in the gardener dragon's body, rolled her eyes and said, "Aliang, go and release that guy. It's better to take him away , Don’t forget to leave a clue!"

The food reserve nodded and disappeared in a burst of smoke that rose suddenly.

Zeratul took a breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~What is happening in front of me! How come all of them have the ability to appear out of thin air and disappear out of thin air? He looked at his sister and did not see any surprised expression on her face, which shows that she knows it all! But she didn't tell herself! A complex feeling of abandonment surged to his throat. He fell heavily into the chair, sighed and said, "Are we forbidden to leave?"

"That's not the case. The master said, as long as you return with the teeth of the dire wolf, it means that you have completed the task and can take your sister. The different colors are just another kind of information, which has nothing to do with this matter. ."

"Are you the real leader, and Blackfoot is your thug?"

Xiao Hua froze for a moment, then giggled. "Sometimes it is true. I ask him to hit whoever he will hit. But I will not abuse this trust."

Serendius walked to her brother, squatted down and held his hand, and said, "Brother, stay. Thanks to your efforts, we have fulfilled the Star Elf prophecy, and the result is even better than we thought. Even better. The leader of Blackfoot is not an orc, it is just his disguise. His true identity is..." Cerandis glanced at Xiaohua, and then said: "He is the enlightenment of star elf and the teacher of psychic powers. I have learned to use psionic powers for simple treatment!"

"I just ask, is he an elf?"

"No." Xiaohua answered directly.

"But Master Celebrity, we should go to our compatriots."

Xiaohua and Serandice shook their heads together, "Master Celebrity used to be an elf, but now he is just a ghost. He can only return to Villino and wash away the evil remnants of the Dark Lord torturing him in Vera's sanctuary. In order to restore the wizard. This is the conclusion we have reached after research." (To be continued.)

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