Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 713: Different paths

Orcs riding dire wolves are normal. Goblins riding dire wolves are rare but not unreasonable. However, humans riding dire wolves are unreasonable whether they are inside or outside of Mordor. So when a group of three entered the Gobi and came to a wasteland full of poisonous gas vents, they had to change their appearance.

He took off his armor, weapons, and hand tied ropes, and was fixed on the back of the Dire Wolf. Zhao Mai was currently, the goblin delayed, facing the gradually cold west wind, and marched all the way to the Doomsday Volcano.

The closer you get to the Doomsday Volcano, the more you can feel the evil power of Sauron descending from the sky, rising from the ground, and squeezing in from all directions. Riding on the back of the dire wolf and looking around, the onlookers seemed to cast covetous and threatening gazes. Their fingers were always not far from their weapons, and they seemed to attack at any time.

This is an illusion created by the dark power to make the orcs stay alert. Zhao Mai was okay. He responded with an attitude of "Just let these orcs attack first, I have nothing to worry about", but Talyon and Goblin Beast Fang were not so comfortable. Leaving their territory and taking their own strength into Sauron's domain, it is still light to be out of place. Being monitored and suppressed is what really makes them uncomfortable.

This was when Sauron did not recover, and his focus was also drawn away. Zhao Mai calculated that, in order to avoid causing unnecessary attention, the three of them slowed down, and they were definitely not as good as Zeratul, who was running at full capacity. It is estimated that Gulu should be captured by the orcs and dedicated to the ring spirits near the Doomsday Volcano, right?

Poor Guru.

Zhao Mai kept Guru for a long time, and studied him for a long time, trying to see if he could return to his original appearance and get rid of the desire for the Supreme Lord of the Rings. He originally thought that this was a strong mental addiction, a spiritual effect that could not be overcome with his own will, and the big deal could make him forget the existence of the Lord of the Rings. Could it be possible to re-behave? But the result disappointed him. The Lord of the Rings gave Guru an unnatural longevity, but he was actually dead. The remaining creature called Guru is just a new creature with the body and memory of the past, plus dark power. Any attempt to separate the dark power from him was futile, because he had only that one left.

Gulu can only leave, must leave, but when will he leave. Zhao Mai detained it for a long time, using this method to fight against the will of the world, adding addition, subtraction, and subtraction returned to a blank state in the dynamic. But recently, the detention of Guru has brought him more and more pressure, and the will of the world has become impatient. Even if he does not release Guru this time, Talion's "unintentional" news in order to go to the Doomsday Volcano will cause Guru to be released.

Zhao Mai glanced at Talion and Goblin Fang, the two of them were still being carried forward in the river of world development. At best, they are two relatively large eddies, capable of attracting and changing the surrounding water flow, but are they still the same in the end? Zhao Mai tried his best not to touch the water, it was a leaf floating on the water, which was more casual to a certain extent. If you find a way to fly, that is the ultimate pursuit.

This is not yet possible, so we still have to follow the trend. Zhao Mai and Xiaohua agreed that if it is a blue dire wolf tooth, or if they find that the ring spirit has come to the south, they will immediately hand over Gulu to ensure that it will be caught by the ring spirit without hesitation. Whenever there is a little delay, the ring spirit may enter the blackfoot settlement and cause damage there.

This competition in Arda is not against other contestants at all, but against the will of the world. Zhao Mai must distinguish between enemies and friends. Even if they are enemies with Sauron, Talion and Celebrity are not fighters, but promoters. They caused the "cause" that made the ring spirits look for Guru.

As for the Goblin Beast Fang... Zhao Mai is still observing him. The world will possessed by the goblin is very strong, and the degree of solidification is about to catch up with Guru. The only difference is that this goblin hasn't died, and the dark power hasn't completely taken over his body, so it hasn't become completely "solid".

If inferred based on the difference in this state, then wearing the supreme lord of the ring can regain the physical Sauron. How deep and terrible is the dark power he possesses?

Zhao Mai already knew how to gain the favor of the will of the world, knew the law of its transfer, and found a way to balance and offset its influence, but there was only one thing left that he didn't know: how to use it actively. Talion or Celebrity knew this method, otherwise he would have been killed by Zhao Mai's volley.

"It's almost today, camp." Talion said as the night was approaching. "Whether it is the leader of Beastfang or these dire wolves, you need to stop."

"If he would die so easily, he would have died so early. But the dire wolves really should rest." Zhao Mai snorted. Because of the different weights, the dire wolf under his **** is the most tired. He jumped to the ground and looked around. "There is a river there, there seems to be water, go there!"

Talion nodded, shook his wrist and loosened the rope, and then took out the tied weapon from under the dire wolf belly.

There are rugged rocks all around, almost no grass growing. But today was a lucky day, and they found a rock sheep whose legs were trapped in a crack in the rock. "Some slave must have been carelessly lost, it happened to be mine!" Zhao Mai opened his big hand and was about to catch, an arrow shot past him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the heart of the sheep.

"Well, what I killed was my prey, and I suggested that all three people have a share." Talion walked past Zhao Mai with a long bow. Zhao Mai snorted, and deliberately hit him with his shoulder when he turned around. The Gondor Ranger staggered, but with the help of the will of the world, he avoided the danger of shattering his shoulder blades and walked safely to the side of Yanyang.

"I suggest that it is better not to light a fire, so as not to be seen as a human being eating with the orcs. And metal will reflect light under the firelight, which is plainly noticeable." The goblin coughed hard, but still stubbornly alive. .

"I'm fine, I don't know if the humans in Gondor can stand it?" Zhao Mai smiled, found a rock that was large enough to sit on it.

"It's okay, he won't die because of this." Celebrity's ghost figure appeared, and then said: "I feel it, Sauron's eyes have shifted, and the trip to the Doomsday Volcano is likely to succeed. . So I’m going to start casting the Lord of the Rings. I’ll remind you again that it’s actually better for me to cast the Ring of Strength for you.”

Zhao Mai looked at the goblin and made a move, but in the end he said in a reluctant tone: "Don't look at me, I can definitely learn it! Just talk!"

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