Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 778: Saruman's choice

Zhao Mai never thought that he would be a "pig teammate", so he didn't care about Saruman's accusation. Tian Lai Novels www. 』⒉3TXT. COM, he looked at Saruman, and of course he wouldn't believe that the Supreme Lord of the Rings was meant to deal with Sauron's rhetoric, but it wouldn't be wrong to listen to what Saruman wanted first.


"Me? I would say that I will go to the west coast and take a boat back to Villino, but that must be a lie to you." Saruman snorted coldly, and said with a scornful expression: "No, I will Stay and find a place undisturbed to see how you go from confidence to despair. All the victories you have now are in Sauron’s plan. Your good idea is nothing more than Sauron’s game play. Pity you haven't felt it yourself. I will go to Dolgurdu, where the Holy White Council once expelled Sauron, and admire your doomsday."


   "How do I feel that you are telling the truth?" Zhao Mai frowned and pulled his head: "You can also tell the truth?"


   "There is no benefit in taunting the loser, Tverdor." Saruman's eyes flashed, and he held his staff and gave him a heavy meal on the ground. "I'm leaving now. Of course you can try to intercept me. But you also know that I am only going to Villino when I die. Just like those elves, what you have done is futile, but the loss is intelligence. After all, I Lurking beside Sauron, knowing some of his plans."


   "Do you want to use this information in exchange?"


"Of course. Knowing some things is better than not knowing, and once you miss it, it is permanent, and it is often impossible to find the same thing again." Saruman said: "I will leave it to you in Osanta, and The entire Isinger. The books and treasures here are all placed in it. I could have burned them, but you must know that these things belong not only to me, but to the entire Middle-earth."


   "You are so kind?" Zhao Mai didn't quite believe it, but still said, "By the way, Gandalf's ring is with you, the fire ring, one of the three elves, you have to give up."


  Saruman squeezed the staff tightly and stared at Zhao Mai motionlessly, the power of magic surging around him. For a while, Zhao Mai felt that the White-robed Mage was ready to do it, and he wanted to preemptively. But Saruman let himself slowly relax, then slowly took off the ring from his finger and placed it in the palm of his hand.


"Elves ring, hold it if you want, but it's not a good thing. I can also give you the key to the Asanker Tower, but I will take my belongings. If you want to be an occupier and want to Be a robber, then we have to compete."


   "True Knowing Crystal Ball."


"Ha, that thing is on top." Saruman said: "My mana is improved, and I don't need that thing to help me observe. Moreover, it can't see the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and it can't even find your true position. , Misled me as a user, what's the use? How about it, Tverdo, can we reach an agreement?"


   "What about the information you promised, wouldn't you just forget it?" Zhao Mai said: "It seems that in our old friendship, I can reach this agreement with you, but you have to tell me everything you know."


"Although I still don't know what the old friendship you are talking about, but..." Saruman nodded and said: "I observe Sauron on the one hand, and on the other hand I am also concerned about other corners of the world. According to my research It is known that Sauron summoned helpers from the void in order to ensure his victory. Melkor, who was permanently exiled from the void, seemed to also provide help, so some outsiders came in the world of Arda. These people are not necessarily helping the evil, they are all It’s just for benefit. I was pretty sure you were one of them, but through recent observations of you, I overturned this conclusion."


"I studied an elf named Christie, and found that her mind is actually a human kind, so I sent her to Mordor to kill the orcs. I also know that Hart is an outsider, lurking in Gondor, with unknown intentions. Of course, beside me So are the Geiger apprentices. These talents are the real instability factor. Geiger’s magic is very good, and I also learned Apparition from him, but he is very ambitious, even better than Sauron."


"He is very careful. Even though I can see his identity, I have never found a suitable opportunity for hands-on. Now, these troubles can be thrown on you." Saruman threw the keys to the wizard ring and wizard tower to Zhao Mai , And then said: "As for the next step Sauron’s plan is to use his forces to attack Gondor, turn Minas Tirith into a sea of ​​fire, and prevent the return of the human king. Now, I have nothing to say to you. Get out."


   Zhao Mai hesitated for a moment, and Saruman looked at him quietly. "Okay, I am a person who does what I say. Saruman, I hope you can also watch this battle between good and evil as you said. If you want to intervene again, I hope you can join hands with me, at least Don’t join Sauron again. Once something like that happens, I’ll feel very embarrassed. It’s a private enmity between the two of us, and it won’t be resolved due to other influences, do you understand?"


"Ha! Funny!" Saruman said: "Tverdo, you are still too self-confident. You have crossed the threshold of arrogance. And you will inevitably pay for your arrogance. Remember my words. ."


   Zhao Mai curled his lips, turned away, and signaled that Saruman could leave. "Don't stop him, let him go."


   Unexpectedly, Shuhu walked over and stood in front of Saruman. Zhao Mai said: "Shuhu, Saruman's damage to the Fargon Forest, if he does not repay, I will help plant the tree to rebuild, you should not conflict with him because of this. Your race needs you, you can't commit..."


"Not for this. We have destroyed Saruman's home, just as he destroyed our home. Now he goes wandering, I will not stop him." Shuhu said: "But ~www.wuxiaspot.com ~We caught a person on the periphery and ran in to find Saruman in a panic. I want to ask the white-robed wizard how to deal with this matter. Oh, his name is Grimma."


   "I don't know this person, you just deal with it, he has nothing to do with me." Saruman said viciously.


Zhao Mai slapped his forehead fiercely and said, "Oh, I understand. It is a coincidence that Grimma has been by the side of King Xiurton of Rohan, and now that he has left here, he can only be driven out by Xiurton. The land of Isinger originally belonged to the Kingdom of Rohan and was handed over to you to manage it. Now the king of Rohan must have denied your management right, so the tower will be crumbling."


  Saruman said nothing.


"Take your servant with you. I won't change my original intentions because of Rohan's rise and stop you again." Zhao Mai said to Saruman: "Although it is mixed with awe and interest, He is still loyal to you. Saruman, you are a white-robed wizard, not the Dark Lord Sauron. Even if you make a mistake, you are not a wicked person. Sauron and the Lord of the Rings affected you, but you did not become a ring spirit. , That smart Maya is still in your body."


  Saruman flicked his robe and left. Grima was released by the tree man, he quickly ran to the master, and the two apparated and left together.

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