Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 779: Understand the spirit

"I always feel that letting him go is not a good idea.?" Shuhu Urn said angrily: "Saruman is still a powerful wizard. He has a wide range of friendships, and he will not be the only fortress in the War. Just let him out of sight before the winner has been decided? I am a little confused."


   Zhao Mai couldn't explain the world will to Shuren. With the loss of Asankhtar, and with the loss of command of Saruman's army of strong orcs, the power of the white-robed wizard has fallen sharply. Of course, his spells and knowledge are still there, but he will never reach the previous level.


"Saruman stayed in the tower and was imprisoned by us. He can still do bad things." Zhao Mai can only explain: "Saruman fell to Sauron this time and made a mistake, but you and I can decide him Should he die? You know, he has lived in this world for thousands of years, and the Vera and Maya who sent him will naturally consider his merits and demerits. I don’t want to make this judgment on life and death. Moreover, I and I He does have friendship, and showing kindness is to prevent him from falling into darkness completely."


"It's very complicated, but I can probably understand it." Shuhu said: "Like some trees that I am familiar with, slowly turning into a Huen because of anger, often attacking creatures passing by, but I still don't want to give them up. Same. You are noble."


   "Haha, it's not that noble." Zhao Mai rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "I just want Saruman to leave quickly so that I can go to the Asanker Tower to see the loot, I can't wait!"


   Fried teeth·Mouse suddenly realized that he immediately took this point in his heart.


"Mouse, change the demolition project to the reinforcement project. Let the zombie inside the tower go in and explore, so there are no traps and dangers." Zhao Mai said: "When you are happy, you must be careful. When you smile, you have to open your mouth, easy I was stabbed in, right?"


   "Yes, boss! I am good at strengthening buildings, and there are bugs to help! I remember, be careful when you laugh!"


   A few spring worms took the lead, while the worker worms spread the soil and slowly deepened, and the others waited outside. Xiaohua didn't want others to hear it, so she approached Zhao Mai and said, "I think you will cause trouble if you let Saruman go. Now that you have made this decision, you have to be more careful in various actions in the future. I listen. There is a proverb, although a straw is inconspicuous, it can also be the one that crushes the camel."


   Zhao Mai rubbed Xiao Hua's head and nodded in agreement.


   In the end, it was proved by facts that Saruman walked very freely and did not leave special traps. Except for a few cups and bottles smashed in the shaking, the entire Osancta was completely preserved. Saruman is not the kind of king who is greedy for enjoyment. His thirst for knowledge and wisdom is above all else, so the entire Osancta is basically half a library and half a laboratory. There are thousands of precious historical materials here, many of which are solitary, whose value is difficult to measure; the laboratory here has countless new magic spells and alchemy formulas. What is even more commendable is the complete research process and all experimental experience and data.


   The result is important, but the process cannot be underestimated. Zhao Mai saw these materials, compared with the results that Saruman had achieved, and admired his abilities from the bottom of his heart. Regardless of whether he thought of it himself or was inspired by the traversers, this white-robed wizard developed an alchemy bomb that could destroy city walls and fortresses.


   Zhao Mai can make substances out of thin air. He has experimented with formulas on the earth, and the things he made are very small. The reaction of this life will still occur, but the degree of reaction will be suppressed, and the effect of instant explosion will not be achieved. The bomb made by Saruman is a kind of off-white granular substance, piled up like dyed rice. Zhao Mai tested its power, and now it not only has the ability to destroy substances, but also affects the protection effect of the field.


  In other words, as long as the dose reaches a certain level, places like Oshankta protected by domain power can also be blown down. By analogy, the white wall of Minas Tirith in Gondor is a huge gate that cannot be knocked open. Even Evil Black Tower and Doomsday Volcano are no longer "invincible".


"Saruman should have vaguely touched the side of the will of the world, and has been consciously making weapons." Zhao Mai solemnly collected all the manuscripts. In his opinion, this is more important than the finished product. .


"Xiaohua, you bother to sort all the information into categories to see which ones are useful. You can let the fang mouse help you, don't work hard yourself." Zhao Mai took the note of "making alchemy bombs from scratch" , Sit down quietly and carefully figure out Saruman's thoughts.


   Learning only one formula is of little significance to Zhao Mai. It's not that he doesn't know the formula, but he cannot guarantee that the formula will work in different worlds. It is true that with the help of the worm heart ring to form a field, he can use the environmental rules he is familiar with within a certain range, but this also means putting himself in danger. That kind of weapon with a radius of one kilometer and an explosion radius of two kilometers is completely fighting for life.


   Therefore, through Saruman's research process, it is more important to learn a way to solve problems than to get answers directly. He was holding the thick book, looking at it page by page, not letting go of every detail, and read it again from time to time, showing 100% concentration. Even when Grofindale brought a large group of people to Oshancta, the shadow of Lord Jinhua suddenly blocked the sun, and Zhao Mai suddenly raised his head.


   "Hey, are you back?" Zhao Mai first said hello with a smile ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then looked behind him, looking for a grain reserve to criticize. Usually this dog is by his side, guarding him when he has nothing to do with him. However, the grain reserve and Xiaohua were finishing Saruman's manuscript, so Zhao Mai was left alone.


   "Myron, I'm back. Not only did I come back, but also brought a lot of good news. By the way, who do you see behind me?"


  Grofindale was followed by an army of cavalry. The heavily armed knights held a banner with a white horse head. There was no doubt that this was the military look that Rohan had. The one who walked in front was an old man, a man whose beard began to dye white, his skin was initially loose, but his eyes were piercing. He was wearing a dark golden breastplate, holding the reins in one hand, holding the hilt in the other hand, and riding on the horse with a straight waist, looking around majesticly. Judging from the ornamentation on his armor, this must be King Haydon of Rohan.


   On his left is Aragorn, riding on the back of a gray horse, smiling at Zhao Mai with his head sideways. Behind him, the elf Legolas and the dwarf Jinli ride on the same horse, and they don't know what they are arguing. On the right side of Hidden is a white-robed mage, or Gandalf who has become a white-robed mage.


   "When you become white, you are not as good-looking as before, the white-robed Gandalf." As soon as Zhao Mai turned his wrist, he put Saruman's research notes in the portable space. "But how do you feel after changing into new clothes?" 8

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