Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 780: Confused Bookworm

"Reunion always makes people happy, especially with friends." Several people jumped off their horses and walked towards Zhao Mai. Gandalf said with a smile: "Farewell to Rivendell. I didn't expect to meet in Isengard. Ruman has been subdued, but he is missing a major worry. Come, let me introduce to you, this is the king of Rohan, the reborn Hidden."


"Fortunately, Lord." Zhao Mai bowed politely: "When we discovered that Saruman had prepared an army of orcs that threatened the lives and property of the surrounding people, we came here uninvited and wiped out this place. No. I did it alone, as well as Grofindale and the ancient treants in the Fargon Forest. You see, that is the oldest tree beard of them."


"I sincerely thank you for your help, freeing Rohan from Saruman's clutches, and regaining my sobriety and sanity. You are all my benefactors, Rohan's respected friends and heroes." Xiyou Dun was very enthusiastic and hugged Zhao Mai and Shuhu's legs vigorously. "Please tell me, what can Rohan do for you?"


"Just kill all the strong orcs wandering by Saruman, we don't have anything special here. Oh, what about you Shuhu?" The tall treeman shook his head at Zhao Mai, as the oldest race in Middle-earth, Tree people do not want to trouble humans who were born later than them. So Zhao Mai said: "It seems that nothing is going on. You are going to fight the orcs, do you want me to help?"


"Haha, you really are fascinated by reading, forgetting the time." Grofindale said with a smile: "We have returned from the front line! Saruman's army was stopped by Hoon, and then was flanked by the Rohan knights. The entire army has been destroyed, and that was three days ago."


   "Have I read for so long?" Zhao Mai scratched his head. Why did he lose the concept of time again? He called for the reserve food to come up, and Xiao Hua appeared dangling with the body of the gardener dragon.


"You have been reading a book for more than half a month. To be precise, it was seventeen and a half days." Xiaohua pointed her finger up and said: "We ask how you are every day, and you say it's okay. The Force also behaves like this. , So we didn’t bother you. The elf came once and left after sending a message."


   "Uh, I seem to be a little impressed." Zhao Mai scratched his head. He vaguely remembered that there was indeed an elf riding a horse passing by, and he encouraged him to fight bravely to kill the enemy. "Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I watched too intently, before I knew it, my brain was not enough. Tell me what happened?"


   Xiao Hua gently pulled Zhao Mai's clothes, winking secretly. Zhao Mai suddenly realized: "By the way, what about the Fellowship Team? What about the others? It was not your Gandalf sold to a human trafficker and changed into new clothes, right?"


   Everyone looked at each other and laughed, and then everyone walked east and came near the undamaged retaining wall, where the ground is dry, and there are many stones that can be used as stools or chairs. Hidden's entourage brought food such as wine pouches and meat strips, and simply arranged the environment. Saruman's inventory has been eaten up by Zhao Mai, and he can only take out the legionary luncheon meat bread to perfuse. Unexpectedly, this thing was extremely popular, and Hidden took the lead in grabbing a piece, sniffing it, and breaking a piece into his mouth to chew.


   "This thing is full of oil and water, what is it made of?"


"Uh, I better not tell you." Zhao Mai looked at everyone's eyes, each of them seemed to be frozen, and had to say: "The main ingredient is Legionnella, a kind of mushroom. In addition, we are here. The horses and wolves found on the battlefield are washed and processed and then ground together, and then added some oatmeal and wheat flour."


   "There is nothing you can't eat. Just now I thought you chopped up the orcs and put them in." Everyone glared at the words of the dwarf Jinli, and Aragorn shook his head helplessly.


   "I'm not a cannibal, I'm not that crazy!" Zhao Mai explained: "The Luohan people live on horseback and like this animal. I am not worried about whether there will be a difference in eating habits."


"We don't know how to raise horses or catch horses to eat, and try our best to treat horses that have died in battle as burial as warriors. But we also eat horse meat, especially horses that serve the enemy and then die. We can't under different circumstances. Generally speaking, and we will not accuse others because of our own customs, at most persuade and persuade." Xiuton said: "For example, can you make lamb and chicken flavors?"


   "It's okay." Zhao Mai responded with a smile. "I can make this kind of food in large quantities to exchange for real delicacies. That kind of food is made in the kitchen instead of processed in the workshop. When I defeat Sauron and eliminate the evil, I must go to Rohan to go around. Have a meal."


"Yeah, we must defeat Sauron." Hidden nodded: "We were all surprised when we heard that you let Saruman go. But we believe you must have your own considerations. Especially from Groven Lord Dell heard about your strategy and tactics. It was a big roundabout and a big shift. Our Rohan cavalry did not have such a military operation full of whims and courage. Saruman was completely deceived, and it solved one of our confidant problems. ."


"Yes, it's the key point: It solves the big troubles." Zhao Mai said: "When I let Saruman leave, the defense of Osancta has been destroyed, and Saruman's power in this place is impossible. It stands up again. Although there were still orcs who had not solved it at that time, it was only a problem sooner or later. If everything is solved and Saruman himself thinks he has no strategic value, then he will definitely not take the initiative to cooperate and surrender. I I’ve heard a proverb called “Broken the Pot, Broken”~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which describes this matter."


   Gandalf nodded, "Saruman is very proud. If he thinks he will be humiliated, he must not say anything. Have you asked him Sauron's plan."


"Of course, this is the most important thing. Sauron wants to attack Minas Tirith, completely destroy the city, and prevent the king from regaining power. Aragorn, Sauron wants to eradicate your throne, not let you gather and guide Human power, so that his orcs can take the lead." Zhao Mai added: "Saruman said that this was not what Sauron said, but that he had peeped into Sauron's heart, so it should be trusted. Ruman still retains his pride, as long as the pride has not fallen, then he still has the possibility of being saved, so I let him go."


"The attack on Minas Tirith is indeed a very good choice for Sauron." Gandalf said: "Minas Tirith will be the last gathering place for all those who fight against evil. If you lose that city , Everyone can only fight on their own, and they will inevitably be defeated by each. Fortunately, the current situation is not desperate for us. The dawn has pierced the dark sky from Isengard, at least on our shoulders. on."


   "Haha, that's pretty good." Zhao Mai applauded and asked: "Now it's time for you to tell me how you are, what happened to Frodo?"


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