Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1399: 2 lose all

Since Ji Tianxing became a **** thunder sword domain, he has not really used it.

He is confident in the power of the God Thunder Sword Region.

He believed that by virtue of the power of the domain, he was enough to make a tie with the Netherworld Soul Beast.

Even defeat the Netherworld Soul Beast!

Hearing his words, Netherworld Soul Beast showed disdainful eyes and sneered jokingly: "Little reptile, you are really arrogant and ignorant!

The deity has lived for thousands of years, with boundless mana and vast magical powers. It can pass through Qingming on the top and Nine Netherworlds on the bottom. Can you imagine it?

You dare to pretend to kill the deity based on your little tricks? It's ridiculous! "

The Nether Town Soul Beast has an extraordinary origin. Like the Nether Demon Emperor, it is the most talented and outstanding powerhouse of the Demon Clan in the past ten thousand years.

Ji Tianxing fought against it for so long, and deeply felt that it was not like a monster of war, but more like a top powerhouse comparable to the Demon King.

Is there any beast that can possess the wisdom and means like it, and has mastered various magical secrets?

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing tried his best to manipulate the Divine Thunder Sword Region to release the most powerful killer move.

"Ten Thousand Swords Boom!"

The Divine Thunder Sword Domain, which was 80 miles in radius, suddenly swallowed the aura of the heavens and the earth for hundreds of miles around like a whirlpool.

In the dark golden mask, tens of thousands of golden sword lights condensed in an instant, piercing the Netherworld Soul Beast from all directions, like a rain of arrows.


In just an instant, the huge Netherworld Soul Beast was submerged by sword light.

Each sword light is ten feet long, powerful and violent, with a sharp breath.

Tens of thousands of sword lights were woven and painted into a huge golden lightsaber net, which tightly wrapped the Netherworld Soul Beast, strangling it at speed.

The sword light hit its scaly body one after another, continuously bursting out a series of muffled noises, which continued to echo in the sword domain.

Each sword light will leave a shallow mark on the body of the Netherworld Soul Beast.

Then the sword light collapsed and shattered, turning into fragments and splashing out.

In just a few breaths, the Netherworld Soul Beast was stabbed all over by thousands of sword lights, added dozens of new wounds, and splashed dark purple magic blood.

It roared angrily, bursting out with purple light all over its body, frantically brandishing its eight limbs and two pairs of wings, blasting thousands of sword lights around.

Thousands of sword lights collapsed into fragments in the sky, spreading out, splashing and dancing around.

The Nether Town Soul Beast rushed out full of blood, cracked two big mouths in the blood basin, and roared furiously.

However, before it saw Ji Tianxing's figure, it was hit by the purple divine thunder falling from the sky.

Just now, Ji Tianxing used a secret method to manipulate the power of the God Thunder Sword Region to condense twelve God Thunder Light Pillars.

Each beam of light has a length of thousands of feet, and the whole body is dazzling purple, containing the violent power of destroying the world.


Twelve purple divine thunders blasted down from the sky at the same time, and immediately drowned the Netherworld Soul Beast.

The flashing thunder arc wrapped it up, blasted it fiercely, and scorched it all over with smoke, revealing a dozen hideous blood holes.

The dozens of original wounds on its body were also scorched as black as carbon, and the injuries were even more serious.

The heart-piercing pain made it roar up to the sky and let out a scream of grief and anger.

"Ahhhhh! Ji Tianxing, you beast who kills a thousand swords, you deserve to die ten thousand times!"

While it roared, it performed its secret skills to resist the thunderbolt.


A dazzling purple light gushes out of its body, covering the whole body, and shaking the surrounding thunder.

After a while, the lightning from the sky dissipated.

The Nether Town Soul Beast was covered with a layer of lightning arcs, and rushed out fiercely, desperately rushing towards Ji Tianxing.

Although its injuries seemed miserable, its body was covered with scorched blood holes and wounds, and dark red blood was constantly pouring out.

But its vitality is extremely tenacious, and this injury will not affect its actions and battles.

Its primordial spirit is not injured, and its strength is still abundant.

"Little beast, go to **** you!"

In the blink of an eye, the Netherworld Soul Beast rushed in front of Ji Tianxing, brandished two pairs of black wings and a few giant claws, and slapped it.

Only then did Ji Tianxing discover that the pressure of the Divine Thunder Sword Region could not weaken its power.

Its charge is still as fast as electricity and as fast as streamers.


At the critical juncture, with the help of domain power, his figure teleported twenty miles away in a flash, evading the culling of the Nethersold Soul Beast.

The Netherworld Soul Suppression Beast seemed to have expected this result long ago, and immediately released seventeen ancient and mysterious magic seals of the Demon Race, and suppressed it away from him.

"Netherworld Soul Calming Technique!"

The Netherworld Soul Suppression Beast used the magic path secret method, manipulated the seventeen purple or blood red seals, and suppressed it from the sky.

Many Dharma seals were suppressed one by one, covering the ten miles around Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing immediately noticed that the terrifying amount of pressure was as heavy as a huge mountain, and like the sky was falling.

He was struck down by the invisible force, his body stooped down, his complexion turned pale, and the bones all over his body made a crisp sound.

There is an intangible connection between the seventeen dharma seals, and their power continues to increase and overlap, becoming more and more powerful.

Even if Ji Tianxing can withstand the first few seals, the power of the next ten seals continues to increase, making him unable to resist.

Fortunately, he had cultivated the Galaxy Body Refining Art, and his physical body was so strong that he could sustain it under the Netherworld Soul Calming Art.

If he were to be replaced by an ordinary Yuanshen realm one or two strong person, his body would be crushed immediately.

Of course, the main power of this trick of the Netherworld Soul Suppression Beast is not to suppress the physical body, but to kill the soul!

When the Twelfth Path was suppressed, Ji Tianxing was already unable to support it.

The Soul Golden Sword in his mind was hit hard, hit by invisible power, and shook on the spot.


He opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of hot blood, his eyes became blurred~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his consciousness was a little dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, the thirteenth Fa Yin was suppressed, and his Soul Golden Sword shook again, cracking a gap.


He spit out blood again, and his injuries were even more serious.

The fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth Dharma Seals are still being suppressed one by one, and their power is constantly increasing!

Seeing that Ji Tianxing's soul was severely injured, he would soon be killed on the spot.

Once the Soul Golden Sword shattered and his Soul was shattered, he was completely dead.

Seeing this scene, the Netherworld Soul Beast laughed triumphantly, his eyes became very hideous and bloodthirsty.

Ji Tianxing was full of grief and anger, but helpless, he could only urge the Dzi Bead in his mind to release a mysterious white light and protect the Soul Golden Sword.

At the same time, he desperately urged the God Thunder Sword Domain, unleashing the most violent power, and launched a counterattack.

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