Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1400: Defeated

The sacred white light released by the fill dzi beads protected the soul golden sword.

The fourteenth magic seal was suppressed, and the invisible soul-suppressing force hit the soul golden sword severely.

However, the invisible power was dissolved by the divine white light.

Seeing, the fifteenth seal was suppressed again.

At this moment, the Divine Thunder Sword Domain within an area of ​​80 miles suddenly shrank sharply.

The dark golden light covering the sky and sun condensed into thirty-six dark golden giant swords.

Each giant sword is as long as a thousand feet, and it is solid, and the blade is still flowing with dark purple thunder light, surrounded by dense electric arcs.

The thunder in the dark gold mask also condensed into eighteen thunder beams that are thousands of feet high.


As Ji Tianxing raised his head to the sky and shouted, the 36 dark gold giant swords and the 18 **** thunder beams all burst out with the most dazzling light and blasted down towards the Netherworld Soul Beast.

The Nether Town Soul Beast couldn't avoid it at all, it was hit by the Golden Light Giant Sword in an instant, and was drowned by the Divine Thunder Light Pillar.

"Boom bang bang bang!"


The earth-shaking loud noises and deafening thunders exploded in the night sky and spread thousands of miles around.

At that moment, the sky above the entire demons camp became a world of golden light and thunder light.

The night sky was shining brilliantly, and half of the sky was as bright as day.

Such a powerful force that shook the world has caused horror and shock to the tens of millions of troops on the earth, and they all looked up at the sky.

The Divine Thunder Sword Domain disappeared, and the nine blazing white divine soul magic swords quickly flew back into Ji Tianxing's body and penetrated into his mind.

He withdrew dozens of miles away, standing in the dark night sky, looking at the area where the golden light and thunder light were mixed, waiting for the result to appear.

Although, this is the strongest power of the God Thunder Sword Region, powerful to destroy the world.

But he didn't dare to hope that he could kill the Netherworld Soul Beast with this trick.

He only hoped that he paid such a huge price that it would be enough to severely wound the Netherworld Soul Beast and temporarily lose its combat effectiveness.

After a long time, the loud noise echoing in the night sky dissipated.

The golden light and thunder light shining on the sky gradually became dimmed, and quickly collapsed and dissipated.

The figure of the Nether Town Soul Beast finally appeared.

It was curled up, suspended in the night sky, trembling constantly, spilling countless black fly ash and purple blood.

Ji Tianxing took a closer look and saw that its two pairs of black wings had become dilapidated and full of potholes.

Its huge mountain-like body was covered with cracks and pits, exposing the bones and internal organs.

Dark purple blood poured out from those wounds and potholes, pouring like a tide on the ground below.

And its eight limbs were also broken into three pieces, leaving only five legs, which were also scarred.

The injury of the Nether Town Soul Beast was really miserable to the extreme.

However, after all, it is the supreme powerhouse of the Primordial Spirit Realm, and as long as the Primordial Spirit is immortal, it will never die.

With Ji Tianxing's strength, it could not severely damage its soul.

Its primordial spirit is still powerful, and it still maintains a combat effectiveness of 60 to 70%!

Seeing it silently cast a spell, a dazzling purple light appeared all over, flashing quickly for a while, and then suppressed the injury.

Those terrifying wounds no longer shed blood.

The charred flesh and blood at the wound no longer decomposed into black ash, and the injury no longer continued to deteriorate.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, his eyes becoming more solemn.

"The **** Netherworld Soul Beast, after all, is the Primordial Divine Realm, it's too difficult to deal with!

Even if I destroy its physical body, it is useless, as long as its primordial spirit still exists, it still has a strong combat power!

If I continue to fight with it, even if I run out of mana, I will definitely not be able to kill it.

On the contrary, the commanders and soldiers of the human race will definitely be killed by the demons! "

Thinking of this, he was angry and helpless in his heart, and he had no intention of fighting.

He had to face the reality that the gap between the Soul Refining Realm and the Primordial God Realm was too big, as insurmountable as a chasm.

At the same time, the Netherworld Soul Suppression Beast, which was fifty miles away from him, also stared at him with sorrowful eyes, with a retreat in his heart.

Although it is powerful, it has mastered many powerful secrets.

But it fought with Ji Tianxing for so long, and it didn't take much advantage. Instead, it ended in such an embarrassing and miserable end.

Ji Tianxing's strength and methods have made it feel deeply jealous.

It is not certain whether Ji Tianxing has any unused tricks, more powerful tricks?

It didn't dare to bet, so it could only suppress the rage and murderous intent, and quietly retreat.

After all, its physical body has been severely injured.

If Ji Tianxing still has a trick card, or the emperor rushes to help him and completely destroys its body, it will be a big trouble.

Thousands of years ago, its body was destroyed in the battle, and only a trace of the soul remained immortal before it survived.

For nearly a thousand years, it has been sleeping in the blood river under the holy mountain.

After thousands of years of recuperation, it reunited its physical body and returned to its peak strength.

It has tasted the taste of dormant for thousands of years and can only retreat and heal, and it never wants to try a second time.

Therefore, it chose to retreat temporarily, and its figure gradually disappeared in the darkness, quietly retreating to the depths of the earth.

Anyway, the task assigned to it by the Demon Emperor before he left was to protect the altar of the ancestor.

Ji Tianxing was also injured by it, and he certainly would not dare to invade the ancestor altar again.

And the fact is as it expected.

When it retreated, Ji Tianxing also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly turned and left.

He knew very well that if he continued to fight with the Netherworld Soul Beast, he would definitely suffer in the end.

It was a blessing to be able to force the Netherworld Soul Beast back.


He flew quickly into the night sky, flying towards the sky ahead, to rush to support the emperor and the commanders.

At this time, there was a faint light on the horizon.

The night is about to pass, and the dawn has finally arrived.

Ji Tianxing overlooked the battlefield below from the sky, and quickly saw the situation in the field.

The number of the demon army has reached tens of millions, like a black ocean, covered with mountains and plains.

Moreover, the UU reading www.uukanshu.com demon army became more and more courageous, morale was like a rainbow, shouting and killing.

In front of the demon army, what rushed before the battlefield was an endless stream of bones and skeletons, the number reaching millions.

And the number of the human army has dropped sharply from six million to more than three million.

Nearly half of the Terran soldiers were killed in this battle!

On the battlefield with a radius of thousands of miles, the sight of blood and bones like mountains was everywhere, and it was tragic to the extreme.

The human race was defeated by the demon army steadily, and there was no resistance. They could only sound the horn of retreat, and retreated to Tianlongguan in a panic.

Seeing that the Terran army was defeated and retreated, the morale of the demons rose even more, and they took the opportunity to hunt down and continue to reap the lives of the Terran army.

However, the emperor and the human commanders were all besieged by the powerful demons.

They are temporarily unable to get out, nor can they cover the retreat of the human army.

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