Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1401: Tian Feng Liu Huo

Ji Tianxing raised his head to look up at Gao Tian, ​​and saw that the emperor and the two venerables were fighting together.

The battle formation composed of hundreds of thousands of demons also released powerful attacks, constantly blasting towards the emperor in the sky.

Dozens of blood-colored eyeballs in the clouds are still releasing dense pillars of blood-red light, and the emperor launched a bombardment.

The emperor's situation was very dangerous and dangerous.

Ji Tianxing acted decisively and decisively, and rushed to the mountain in front of him quietly.

He wanted to help the emperor out of trouble. The first thing he had to solve was the army of 500,000 demons around the mountain.


After a few breaths, he flew to the sky above the pitch black mountain, overlooking the battle formation below.

A dark red light cover a hundred miles around, shrouded the entire mountain, and also protected the half-million demon army.

After observing for a while, Ji Tianxing lurked to a hidden corner and used a secret method to break the dark red mask through a crack.

Then, he penetrated the crack and got into the dark red light mask, and then sacrificed the fire-cauldron of Tiangang God in his mind.

"At the beginning, I refined this divine cauldron to deal with the demon army, but now it can finally come in handy!"

He whispered to himself, his left palm rested on the bronze sacred cauldron surrounded by Kowloon, and his right hand held the **** together, pinched the mysterious magic arts and manipulated the power of the sacred cauldron.

"Instigate the heavens, pour the ground into flames, burn everything, punish the gods and extinguish demons!"

He whispered words in his mouth, dazzled with his right hand, and displayed a mysterious seal.

Under his control, the three-foot-high bronze **** cauldron immediately flew into the dark night sky and swelled to the size of the palace.

The quaint and unpretentious bronze tripod body bursts out with dazzling silver-white light and dark red fire light, shining brilliantly all around a hundred miles.

The hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers around the mountain are casting spells with all their strength, accumulating powerful spell attacks through the battlefield.

The huge divine cauldron that appeared suddenly made everyone stunned, and they looked up at the fire cauldron of Tiangang divine cauldron with expressions of surprise and confusion.

At this moment, the huge divine cauldron slowly turned upside down, and the mouth of the cauldron was facing the mountain below, pouring out an overwhelming dark red flame and endless silver and white brilliance.


The dark red flame looked like a monstrous flood, pouring down from the sky, and immediately enveloped a hundred li.

The dark peaks of thousands of feet high, shrouded in dark red flames, were immediately melted into crimson magma, rushing in all directions.

Countless demon soldiers were flooded by the fire, and they were burned to black ash in the blink of an eye, with no bones left.

This is the power of the heart of the earth, enough to melt everything.

In just ten breaths of time, the Qianzhang peak disappeared completely and turned into an endless torrent of magma, flowing wantonly on the earth.

The army of half a million demons was also quickly wiped out.

The remaining half of the demons and soldiers screamed and roared in fear.

There are also many powerhouses in the Tianyuan realm who have joined forces to perform secret methods in an attempt to resist the burning of the earth's heart.

However, the silver-white brilliance that fell from the sky was the violent Tiangang Divine Wind, which immediately turned into hundreds of thousands of hurricanes, sweeping hundreds of miles.

The power of Tiangang Divine Wind is inherently terrifying, and it can instantly blow away the body of the strong Tianyuan, crushing it into powder.

The sacred fire of the heart of the earth was fueled by the gods of the sky, and the flames became more violent and fierce, surging like a stormy sea.

The area with a radius of a hundred miles immediately became a world of sky wind and flowing fire, extremely chaotic.

Those demon masters and strong men could no longer resist the power of the wind and fire, and they were quickly burned to ashes.

After a short period of twenty breaths, the shouts, roars and screams in the sea of ​​fire disappeared, and it gradually became quiet.

Before, there were still crowds and shadows in the sea of ​​fire, but now I can't see a figure.

The half-million Demon Clan soldiers were wiped out by the Heavenly Wind and Flowing Fire.

Ji Tianxing hurriedly cast a spell, manipulated the Tiangang God Fire Cauldron, and retracted the overwhelming Tianfeng Liuhuo into the cauldron.

In the blink of an eye, the shocking hurricane and the monstrous sea of ​​flames were swallowed up by the Heavenly Gang God Fire Cauldron.


The Shending sharply shrank to three feet high, and flew back to Ji Tianxing.

He held the sacred cauldron in his left palm and looked at the hundred-mile earth under his feet, and saw that this area had become a magma lake with a radius of one hundred miles.

Regardless of the mountain peaks or the earth, as long as they are swept by magma torrents, they will melt into dark red magma, and finally gather into a large lake.

As for the 500,000 Demon Clan soldiers, they were all dead long ago.

Ji Tianxing was very satisfied with the power of Tiangang God Fire Ding, a touch of relief flashed in his eyes, and he turned and left quickly.

The battle formation formed by the army of 500,000 demons was broken, and the pressure on the emperor was much reduced.

While fighting the two venerables, he resisted the attack from the release of the **** eyeballs, and quickly recovered the situation and took the initiative.

The two venerables sensed something wrong, and quickly accelerated the pace of the offensive, exerting their utmost secrets and pestering the emperor to prevent him from getting out.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing rushed to the vicinity of the battlefield, shot silently, and launched a surprise attack.

He took advantage of the hidden steps to quietly approached Venerable Chaxue, and launched an attack ten miles away behind him.

"Thorn sword!"

The Heaven Burial Sword suddenly pierced out, bursting out with unparalleled power.

A little cold light suddenly appeared, and quickly disappeared in the night sky.

As soon as Venerable Chaxue realized that it was not good, he immediately changed the body of the hundred-foot-tall giant into a **** light to resist the attack.

However, before it could complete its transformation, that bit of cold light pierced into its body and exploded.


Amid the deafening loud noise, the dazzling white sword light, mixed with purple lightning arcs, exploded in Venerable Chaxue.

A huge mushroom cloud rose up in the night sky and swept across dozens of miles.

The night sky surrounding hundreds of miles was illuminated by that dazzling brilliance.

The raging shock wave immediately spread and swept across the sky.

The Baizhang body of Venerable Chaxue ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was also shattered and turned into tens of thousands of **** fragments, splashed into the night sky.

The sudden change made Venerable Demon Blood startled, and his face suddenly changed, revealing an angry fierce light.

The emperor was also taken aback, turned his head to look at Ji Tianxing, and a smile of relief came up at the corner of his mouth.

"The strength of Venerable Chaxue is only equivalent to the third level of the Primordial God Realm. Even if my sword can't kill it, it will definitely be severely damaged!"

Ji Tianxing stared at the mushroom cloud with burning eyes, this thought flashed through his mind, and his heart was full of expectations.

After a while, the mushroom cloud covering the sky and sun disappeared.

The overwhelming blood and light fragments quickly gathered together, and after a surge, they condensed into a hideous monster with a height of thousands of feet.

It looked up to the sky and roared a few times, lowered its huge head, stared at Ji Tianxing fiercely, and grinned sneer.

"Little beast, what if you attack the deity? The deity is an immortal body, so why can't you do it!"

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