Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1402: Immortal body?

This scene made Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, his expression a little gloomy.

"Damn it! I obviously poured 50% of the power of the divine thunder in that sword technique, but I couldn't hit Venerable Chaxue severely?

This shouldn't be! Nine Heavens God Thunder can definitely restrain the Blood God Child! "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, shocked and puzzled.

Prior to this, he had always thought that he controlled the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and became the Divine Thunder Sword Domain, and he could completely restrain the Blood God Child.

But the fact is not the case. After Venerable Chaxue was shattered, he reunited his body unharmed, and his strength was not weakened at all.

This is completely beyond his imagination!

But he was stunned for a moment, and quickly disappeared in the night sky, continuing to lurch in the dark, looking for an assassination opportunity.

Venerable Chaxue and Venerable Demonblood both culled at him, trying to work together to besiege him.

But he was already invisible, and the emperor also wielded his divine sword to cut out more than a dozen divine lights, and beheaded unstoppably.

The two nobles could only give up the siege of Ji Tianxing and fully resist the emperor's attack.

Before long, Ji Tianxing found another opportunity and quietly approached Venerable Demon Blood.

Venerable Demon Blood is casting a secret method to attack the emperor with all his strength.

Ji Tianxing lurked thousands of feet behind him and took the opportunity to launch an attack.

"Heaven Breaking Sword!"

This is the fourth sword of the Funeral Nine Swords, a fierce and unstoppable sword!

He urged ten successful powers, poured the extremely violent power of the divine thunder, condensed into a huge sword light that is thousands of feet long, and slammed towards the demon blood.

The giant sword with half white light and purple light instantly tore through the night and smashed Venerable Demon Blood.

Although Venerable Demon Blood had been prepared for a long time, it didn't help.


With a loud and deafening noise, its hundred-foot-tall giant body was cut to pieces by the giant sword on the spot.

The sword light and thunder light that ruined the world, shattered its body into a few pieces, blasted it into tens of millions of pieces, and splashed in all directions.

In order to prevent the debris from re-condensing, Ji Tianxing wielded the Sky Burial Sword again, cutting out a dozen purple thunder and lightning.

"Boom boom boom!"


More than a dozen huge thunderbolts exploded in the night, lighting up a dazzling thunder light, illuminating half of the sky.

The blood-colored fragments that filled the night sky were chopped into dust by thunder and scattered in the night sky.

"It should be dead now, right?"

Ji Tianxing retracted the Sky Burial Sword, frowned and stared at the sky full of powder, whispered in a low voice.

However, a scene that made him shocked and helpless appeared.

The endless dark red powder bloomed with dazzling blood, weaving and drawing a huge demon pattern in the night sky.


The light of blood that covered the sky and sun kept flickering, and it gathered together in the blink of an eye, turning into a demon with a height of 100 feet.

The demon was dark red, surrounded by black energy and blood, and densely packed with ancient symbols flickering.

Its appearance is hideous and terrifying, its breath is also very powerful, and its strength has not diminished at all.

Undoubtedly, Ji Tianxing's sky-breaking sword didn't cause substantial damage to it either.

Such a scene made Ji Tianxing's expression even more ugly, only to find it incredible.

"How could this be? The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is a masculine divine power! Can't restrain the Blood God Child?

Could it be said that the Blood God Child who has reached the Primordial Divine Realm is no longer afraid of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder's bombardment?

From this point of view, I can only kill the blood gods in these two Primordial Divine Realms only by using the power of the Heaven Filling Bead? "

Ji Tianxing thought silently, flashing these thoughts in his mind.

The Venerable Demon Blood, who had reunited his body, rushed over in incomparable anger, releasing the overwhelming blood and toxic black energy, sweeping towards him.

He hurriedly displayed his hidden steps, his figure disappeared into the night and quickly avoided.

The emperor also teleported in, brandishing a golden sword, and performing a secret technique, which defeated the sky of blood and the poisonous black gas.

Ji Tianxing hid in the dark, watching the changes in the battle.

While the two venerables were fighting with the emperor, he seized the opportunity again and slashed towards the demon blood venerable.


He swung the Heaven Burial Sword with all his strength, cut out a huge sword light that was thousands of feet long, and swept towards Venerable Demon Blood.

The sword light contains a powerful soul power, as well as a dazzling purple divine thunder, with extraordinary power.


Venerable Demon Blood had no time to escape, and was cut by sword light on the spot, and the body of the demon, which was a hundred feet high, was directly cut into two parts.

Ji Tianxing teleported over immediately, waving his left palm to cast a sacred white light, blasting at half of its body.

As long as the sacred white light released by the Dzi Bead hits half of the body of Venerable Demon Blood, it will definitely be able to purify it.

However, Venerable Demon Blood was already full of vigilance and defense.

Before the sacred white light could reach it, its broken body quickly merged into a ball of blood-colored light and disappeared into the night sky.

In the next instant, when the blood-colored light group appeared again, it had already escaped fifty miles away.

Ji Tianxing was about to start the hunt, and the more than 30 blood-colored eyeballs in the sky, but released dozens of blood-colored light beams, blasted down from the clouds.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

His figure was immediately drowned in blood light, and he fell from the sky with a beam of blood, smashing into the ground below.


The violent impact blasted him into a broken mountain.

That thousand-meter-high mountain was suddenly torn apart and completely turned into ruins.

He was also blasted into the depths of the ruins, blasting the ruins out of a pit of hundreds of feet, lying on the bottom of the pit in embarrassment.

When the blood in the sky dissipated, he crawled out of the pit and flew back into the sky staggeringly.

He looked a little embarrassed, his body was covered with dust, and he looked like a gray head and a gray face.

Although his physical body was strong, he blocked the **** beam of light.

But he was still slightly injured, his soul was also blurred by the shaking consciousness, and his head was dizzy.

He was unwilling and wanted to return to Gao Tian and continue to chase and kill the two venerables.

At this time, the emperor used the method of sound transmission to say to him: "Tian Xing, don't have to come to help the emperor, go to help the commander and our army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to cover their retreat!

We have already lost, and we must withdraw to Tianlong Pass as soon as possible in any case to minimize losses! "

Ji Tianxing was taken aback and looked up at Gao Tian.

Emperor Junzheng looked at him anxiously, his expression very solemn.

He didn't answer, but nodded silently, and immediately turned and left, flying towards the emperor and the commanders.

Over the battlefield a hundred miles away, the emperor and the seven commanders were besieged by more than a dozen powerful demons.

The commanders were all scarred and covered with blood. They seemed to have reached the end of the crossbow, and they were defeated by the powerful demons.

Even the emperor master of the fairy wind dao bones is a look like a disheveled hair, and the white robe is stained with a large amount of blood.

He also suffered serious injuries, still gritted his teeth, tried his best to resist the siege of the strong demon clan, and protected several commanders from retreating.

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