Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1425: Under the castle

Under the guidance of Funian Tian, ​​Ji Tianxing only took two hours to successfully open the big formation.

Of course, this divine formation is extremely profound, and it is still not something he can comprehend and control.

All he can do is to activate this divine formation.

As for how the sacred formation works, what kind of mystery it contains, what structure it is, and so on... it has nothing to do with him.

After the sacred formation began to operate, the ground with a radius of one hundred meters was lit up with golden light, and overwhelming seal characters and mysterious symbols poured out.

Endless ancient characters and symbols, swirling and flying like a butterfly, and rushing to the Nine Heavens God Cauldron like a tide.

The huge nine-day **** cauldron also bloomed with sacred golden light, and many patterns and words appeared on the surface.

Inside the sacred cauldron, the sacred fire of the void came into being, turning into a dark purple cloud and mist, spinning like a vortex in the cauldron.

Invisible power permeated the entire hall, making Ji Tianxing more stressed, sweating all over his body.

"Tian Xing, you can practice with peace of mind. I will leave the customs in three months."

Funeral sky exhorted, and flew into the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron, into the black and purple Void Divine Fire.

According to its instructions, Ji Tianxing put the six kinds of refining materials into the divine cauldron one by one, and then quickly left the hall.


After leaving the Shenbing Pavilion, he returned to the tomb of the sword **** and appeared in front of the black tombstone.

Next, what he has to do is to comprehend the third level of the Tao of the Sword Soul and continue to practice in retreat to improve his strength.

His primordial spirit returned to the body, began to meditate and comprehend the exercises, and strive to improve his strength.

The palace owner told him before that the cultivation resources of the four of them were enough to support the operation of the secret room for two months.

Two months outside, twenty months in the secret room.

He has four months left, and he must take advantage of this time to increase his strength as much as possible.


In Zhongzhou City, the situation is getting increasingly tense.

The scouts on the front line will send back the latest news every day, reporting on the movements of the demons.

Three days ago, the demon army was still 150,000 miles away from Zhongzhou. It destroyed three cities along the way and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of fleeing civilians and warriors.

Two days ago, the demon army was 130,000 miles away from Zhongzhou.

But now, the demon army is only 100,000 miles away from Zhongzhou.

The human army in Zhongzhou City can already clearly see the northern sky, vaguely covered with a layer of black air, and faintly shimmering with blood.

The demon army is getting closer, and the city of Zhongzhou is at stake.

The number of the human army has gradually increased to more than 13 million.

The fortifications of Zhongzhou City have been doubled, and the power of the formation has also increased to its apex.

Countless soldiers and warriors are always ready to fight.

Soon, another five days passed.

There is no need for the scouts to report the news this time. The emperor, the emperor and the powerful human races can also clearly see the scene in the north.

The army of more than ten million demons had arrived in Zhongzhou City and stopped thousands of miles north.

The mighty demon soldiers, like a vast black tide, carried monstrous demon energy and blood.

The demon army stopped and stationed on the plain thousands of miles away.

While recuperating and rebuilding the army, they quickly built a magic army camp, and built magic caves and passages underground.

By the evening of this day, the sky north of Zhongzhou City was already covered by black clouds for thousands of miles, turning into a dark area.

The whistling north wind was blowing in, mixed with strands of magic mist, and strong blood and murderous intent.

The Terran soldiers in Zhongzhou City are aware of a problem.

The territory north of Zhongzhou City has all fallen.

The decisive battle to determine the fate of the human race is coming!

However, the demons came long distances and did not rush to attack.

They were stationed outside Zhongzhou City and rested for three days without ever attacking.

However, tens of thousands of Mozu scouts and sentries have been circling around Zhongzhou City, constantly monitoring the movement in the city.

The two sides set up positions inside and outside Zhongzhou City, and there are no secrets at all, and they all know each other's strength.

Regardless of the human race or the demon race soldiers, they all understand a problem.

If there is no accident, the Terran army will undoubtedly be defeated, and will definitely not be able to defend Zhongzhou City!

As long as the most sacred city on this continent falls, the Terran Imperial Court will soon be destroyed, and the end of the Terran will be here.

At night, sparse lights lit up in Zhongzhou City.

Inside the majestic city lord's mansion, the discussion hall is brightly lit.

More than a dozen powerful human races are gathering in the hall to discuss military affairs with the emperor.

The emperor sat in the first place, and the emperor teacher stood by.

There are six people standing on the left side of the main hall, namely Sifang God General, Yunzhongqi and Long Yunxiao.

On the right side of the hall, there are seven strong soul refiners.

These are all martial arts powerhouses from the folks, recruited by the imperial court, to jointly resist the demon army.

Some of them are the leader of a certain powerful force, and some are the head teacher or ancestor of a certain top sect.

Others are idle clouds and wild cranes wandering on the mainland, and even more, they are hermits who have not been born for hundreds of years.

Even the famous genius doctor Baili on the mainland stood in the queue.

There are billions of Terran warriors, and their background is very deep. Naturally, countless powerful men have been born.

In peacetime, many strong people kept a low profile and avoided the world without showing up.

Now that the human race is at a critical juncture, even the hermit who does not ask about the world will come forward.

The emperor looked at everyone with majestic eyes, and said in a low tone: "You are the strong men of our clan, and the commanders who stand out among the thousands of warriors.

At this critical moment, at the critical moment of our race's survival, you are shouldering the lives of 13 million soldiers and the hope of tens of billions of human races! "

Obviously, the twelve soul-refining powerhouses and Long Yunxiao in the main hall are the commanders of the 13 million army, each leading a million army.

The emperor paused for a while, and then continued: "As for your duties, you should keep it as it is. The four gods will guard the four gates to prevent the demons from attacking separately.

The one million army led by the emperor is still responsible for presiding over the five defense formations.

The remaining commanders keep ready for battle at any time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ support other commanders as soon as possible.

The demon army built a large camp outside the city. It has been stationed for three days, and it must be restored.

If the emperor's expectations are not bad, tonight or tomorrow night, the demon army will launch an attack.

After all, sending troops to fight at night is more beneficial to the demons. "

The commanders nodded repeatedly and agreed with the emperor's words.

Only the emperor Long Yunxiao frowned and considered for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Emperor, now Zhongzhou City has been built by us, and the defense is very strong.

If the Demon Sovereign and the ancestor Demon God do not go out, we will be able to withstand the army of more than 10 million demons, even if we stick to it for a year.

However, once the Demon Sovereign and the Ancestor Demon God take action, none of us can resist!

If the defensive formation and the city wall are broken by them, Zhongzhou City is bound to fall! "

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