Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1426: Before the final battle

The question Long Yunxiao raised was exactly what each commander worries about.

If only the two armies are fighting, Terran is the defender of the city, of course it has the advantage.

With the strong defense of Zhongzhou City, Human Race is certainly invincible.

But the most powerful assassin of the Demon Race is the Demon Emperor who possesses the Heaven-defying artifact, and the newly reborn ancestor Demon God.

If no one can stop the Demon Emperor and the Demon God, they can destroy the entire Zhongzhou City and destroy the tens of millions of human races.

The commanders looked at the emperor with scorching eyes, and all showed expectant eyes, dreaming that the emperor could have countermeasures and trump cards.

However, the emperor also frowned, his expression becoming more solemn.

He also didn't know if it was for the purpose of stabilizing the military's morale, or it was true. He said with a majestic expression: "This emperor believes that this is a problem that you and my clan soldiers are worried about.

Please don't worry, the emperor has already made corresponding arrangements and countermeasures.

Think about it, how many hardships and ups and downs our people have experienced in the tens of thousands of years since ancient times?

In the end, haven't we survived and become the most prosperous race on the mainland?

Please believe that no matter how dangerous and difficult we are, as long as we are united sincerely, we will definitely be able to defeat the evil spirits!

Demon, never wins righteousness! "

The emperor's tone was strong and full of inspiring power.

All the commanders were shocked, and a fire of hope ignited in their eyes.

The emperor ordered several more tasks, and then let the commanders withdraw from the hall.

After everyone left, only the emperor and the emperor were left in the hall.

The emperor showed worry on his face, sighed silently, and asked the emperor next to him: "Emperor, is there news in the emperor's mansion?"

The emperor stroked his beard, and said calmly: "I only met the great master today. The great master told me two news, one good and the other bad..."

Before he finished speaking, the emperor frowned and said: "Tell the bad news first."

The emperor said in a low tone: "A few days ago, Lord Palace Master passed away."

The emperor suddenly frowned, showing a look of surprise, "What? The palace lord was only injured by the Demon Emperor, how could he lose his life?"

The emperor quickly explained: "The Great Master said, how could the Lord Palace Lord sacrifice himself to fulfill Ji Tianxing."

"Chengquan Ji Tianxing?" The emperor raised his brows, vaguely understood something, "The second good news is about Ji Tianxing?"

"Yeah." The emperor nodded and said with a serious face: "Ji Tianxing broke through the Yuanshen realm not long ago, and condensed the Yuanshen Dharma image and Dharma body, and also caused a rare heaven and earth vision."

Hearing this, the emperor's expression eased a lot, and he slightly nodded and said: "If the palace lord's death is really to complete Ji Tianxing, then Ji Tianxing should inherit his orthodoxy.

In this way, there will be one more soul powerhouse to fight side by side with the emperor.

It's just that Ji Tianxing just reached the Primordial God Realm, I'm afraid he can't kill the Demon Emperor, let alone fight the ancestor Demon God? "

The emperor was also silent, not knowing how to answer.

After all, he was also very worried.


It was midnight soon.

The sky is as black as ink, and there is no starlight.

The bitter north wind whizzed in, engulfing the demonic energy and death breath of the demon camp, blowing towards Zhongzhou City.

Thousands of miles outside the city, somewhere in a low-lying mountain range, a dozen groups of dark red blood lurked.

These blood lights are all the blood **** children of the soul refining state, and they are scattered in the mountains with a radius of thousands of miles.

They joined forces to cast spells, releasing a variety of highly toxic black gas, plague poison mist, bone-cutting blood gas, and soul-eater cold wind.

All kinds of calamity forces, turned into strands of black energy and blood, merged into the night, and flew to Zhongzhou City along the north wind.

Even two blood gods released highly poisonous black water into the mountains and slowly spread towards Zhongzhou City.

This is an order from the Dark Night Demon Commander to let them display their talents before the war, and try to create disaster for Zhongzhou City.

After the fight against each other begins, they will also take the opportunity to create more terrifying disasters and slaughter the human race as much as possible.

The collected blood, spirit, and spirit will be consumed by the Ancestral Demon God and help the Ancestor Demon God restore mana.

In the gloomy night sky, dense black bugs flew past, and silently rushed towards Zhongzhou City.

Those black bugs, only the size of a fingernail, are dark throughout, but have strong defenses and extremely fast speeds.

These worms are the Netherbee, the killer that the Netherworld Demon commander keeps.

Millions of Netherbees quietly touched the vicinity of Zhongzhou City, and then they had to penetrate deep underground and sneak into the city to cause chaos.

They have strong attack power and toxins, and their defense and speed are extremely fast, coming and going without a shadow.

Each Netherbee can individually kill a martial artist in the Profound Realm.

In addition, the Dark Night Demon Commander also laid out several plans.

In the demon camp, there are millions of demon soldiers joining hands to spur a super large formation.

This big formation was arranged by the Demon Sovereign and many powerful men in three days.

After the big formation is activated, a three thousand li demon cloud will be born to cover the entire demon clan camp.

Moreover, there will be hundreds of blood **** magic eyes in the big formation, which can not only monitor the movement of the demon camp, but also have the effect of offense and defense.

All in all, the demon army is ready before the war and is ready to go.

After about half an hour, the originally quiet and peaceful Zhongzhou City suddenly lit up with a dazzling array of light.

There was a commotion near the northern wall, and loud shouts rang out.

Long Yunxiao, who was in charge of the defense formation, noticed the vision of the northern city wall, and hurried to check the situation.

He asked the defending general before he knew that there were a large number of monsters who wanted to sneak into Zhongzhou City from the ground, and there were all kinds of magical energy and poisonous, and they wanted to sneak into the city at night.

Fortunately, the defensive formation in Beicheng District has been open.

Those demon insects and highly poisonous devil qi, after touching the big formation, will be backlashed and suppressed by the formation, which will cause a riot.

After Long Yunxiao learned of the situation, he personally checked the big array, and then he was relieved that there was no problem.

He exhorted a few words to the defending general before he turned and left.

At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ more than a dozen blood **** children passed the news of the failure of the plan back to the demon camp.

In the depths of the Demon Clan Camp, there is a newly built black palace, which is the temporary residence of the Demon Emperor.

He was sitting in the main hall with his eyes closed and rested, holding the Demon Scepter in his hand.

A black shadow floats on the top of the scepter, which is the Dazheruo Brahma Soul Nightmare.

The Dark Night Demon Commander truthfully reported the news of the failure of the plan to the Demon Sovereign.

After the Demon Sovereign listened, he frowned and gave a sneer.

"Hahaha... Long Xuankun, the bastard, really has built Zhongzhou City's defenses tightly. Does he want to hide in the city as a tortoise?

That being the case, Mingye, you immediately led the leading army to attack Zhongzhou City, and let the emperor see the remnants and defeated soldiers in the city, what they are!

Nightmare, you also go out with Ming Ye, let the emperor see the results of your retreat this year! "

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