Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1427: War broke out

After the Demon Sovereign said, he threw the Demon Scepter in his hand to the Demon Commander Mingye.

This ancient scepter, about five feet long, has two dark red blood dragons engraved on the handle.

On the top of the scepter is carved a majestic and domineering evil deity with three heads and six arms.

This scepter of the demon **** is a **** of the demon clan inherited from ancient times, symbolizing the majesty of the emperor of the demon clan.

It is a magic weapon of the Yuanshen level and can be called a divine weapon on the Profound Sky Continent.

However, since the Demon Sovereign got the Taiyin Broken Soul Ruler, the role of the Demon God's Scepter has been much smaller, leaving only the symbolic meaning.

After the Demon Lord respectfully held the Demon God's scepter and bowed to the Demon Emperor, he quickly left the Demon Palace and summoned the vanguard army.

The nightmare at the top of the Demon God's scepter, twisted his body with excitement, constantly transformed various phantoms and black mist, and gave out waves of cold grinning.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Since receiving the advice of His Majesty the Demon Emperor, this seat has been in retreat for a whole year and finally practiced the secret technique.

But this seat hasn't used it yet, so tonight just use the Terran Reptiles to verify the power! "

With a gesture of spreading teeth and dancing claws, Nightmare couldn't wait to slaughter the soldiers of the human race.

The Dark Night Demon Commander held the Demon God's scepter and executed the Demon Emperor's orders with a cold expression, ignoring the nightmare's words.

In just two quarters of an hour, it quickly gathered a million vanguard army, gushing out of the magic hole in the ground like a black tide, and rushed towards Zhongzhou City.

Although the demon army is operating, there is dark night and monstrous magic fog as a cover.

However, the millions of demons soldiers galloping on the mountains and plains still inevitably made loud noises, and the ‘rumbling’ spread far and wide.

Two hours later, the demon army rushed four thousand miles north of Zhongzhou City.

At this time, the scouts and sentries in Zhongzhou City were aware of the movement of the demons.

The human soldiers near the North City Gate immediately blew the loud horn and lit a dazzling beacon.

In the human camps in the city, millions of soldiers sleep in their clothes and sleep in peace, ready to get up and gather teams to participate in battle.

When the sound of the horn spread throughout the northern city, the millions of soldiers under the command of the gods of the northern border immediately assembled a team and rushed to the northern city wall in armor and sword.

The emperor, the gods of the northern borders, the Yunzhongqi, the genius doctor of Baili, and several strong human races all boarded the northern city gate and looked at the northern land.

Everyone looked solemn and murderous, waiting for the arrival of the demon army.

Holding the whisk in his hand, the emperor said to the commanders around him, "Don't worry, this is the vanguard army of the demons.

According to our estimation, that demons army is only one million, it is here to test the attack.

As expected, the emperor was right. Three days have passed, and the Demon Sovereign could not restrain his killing intent, and immediately launched an attack. "

The commanders nodded and looked much more relaxed.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yun Zhongqi's mouth, and he said bitterly: "Wait for the demon army to kill outside the city, it is the dawn, and it is also the most relaxed time for people.

The Demon Sovereign was as cunning as ever, not letting go of any details. "

The Beijiang God stared sharply at the night sky, and said in a low tone: "This is the first battle of vital importance. The outcome of the victory has a great impact on morale, and we must not lose!"

The genius doctor Baili nodded, stroked his beard and said, "There is no room for loss in this battle. Let's see who is the commander in chief."

The emperor showed a smile, put the whisk, and said with a certain tone: "Who else is there but the Demon Commander of the Dark Night? The demon commanders under the Demon Emperor's command have long been killed by Heaven!

Even dozens of blood **** children in the soul refining realm, only a dozen were killed by the sky. "

Upon hearing these two sentences, the genius doctor Baili and Yun Zhongqi both smiled with satisfaction and were quite proud.

Soon, another hour passed.

The demon army rushed in mightily and was about to arrive outside Zhongzhou City.

In the gloomy night sky, a dark red glow came.

When everyone looked up, they saw eight powerful demons flying together.

The leader is a powerful demon with a burly figure and black armor, who is the Demon Commander.

Of the seven powerhouses behind it, only two are Demon Race Spirit Masters, and the other five are Blood God Children.

The Dark Night Demon Commander and the others stopped a hundred miles outside the city, standing in the night sky to look at the situation at the top of the city.

It didn't take long for an army of millions of pioneers to rush out of the city.

Hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers formed a battle formation and jointly released powerful spells to launch an attack on Zhongzhou City.


The dazzling dark red blood, condensed into swords, spears, swords, and sky-opening giant blades, rushed toward the north gate in dense rain.

All kinds of green, blue, and **** magic fires also condensed into huge fireballs, fire pillars and demonic phantoms, pouring toward the northern gate.

At the forefront of the battlefield, the two spirit masters used secret methods one after another, summoning more than 300,000 undead skeletons, rushing down the city gate like a white tide.

The first battle in the decisive battle between the two armies kicked off.

The Terran army is tightly guarded in the city, hundreds of thousands of people support the operation of the circle and resist the attack of the demons.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers climbed up the city wall, lined up on the top of the wall, arranging bows and crossbows, and shooting a rain of arrows at the demon army.

Many soldiers used huge ballistas and slings to violently bombard the skeleton army outside the city.

There are also martial arts masters and strong men who unleash a variety of unique skills and secrets to pour the overwhelming fire, wind, and ice frost sword into the formation of the demon army.

The emperor and several commanders stood on the city wall, not in a hurry to take action, staring at the Dark Night Demon Commander and the few blood gods.

After seeing the start of the war, those blood gods couldn't help but take a shot, unleashing their powerful power and causing various calamities.

The blood **** son released the robbery, causing violent tremors in a radius of thousands of miles, and a super earthquake occurred, causing the entire Zhongzhou city to jump violently.

A blood **** son released the flood catastrophe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which caused blood to gush out from the ground, which turned into a huge wave more than ten feet high, and violently hit Zhongzhou City.

There were also the highly poisonous plague and the highly poisonous black water that covered the sky and the sun, and also rushed to Zhongzhou City.

As long as there are a few flaws and cracks in the defense formation of Zhongzhou City, those disasters will spread to the city, causing immeasurable losses.

Seeing this, Yun Zhongqi and several commanders took action one after another to withstand the disaster caused by several blood gods.

The emperor was still standing above the city gate, staring sharply at the Mingye Demon Commander.

He clearly saw that the Dark Night Demon Commander held a black scepter in his hand, and a black shadow was swaying at the top of the scepter.

Of course he knew that the scepter was the Demon Scepter, and the shadow attached to the Demon Scepter was a nightmare.

Even, he had a strong hunch in his heart that the nightmare must have some conspiracy in the first battle tonight.

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