Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1428: Nightmare conspiracy

Facts have proved that the emperor's guess is correct.

The blood **** son and the vanguard army under the command of the dark night demon all furiously launched an attack.

Only it stood in the dark night sky, silently watching the Demon Scepter in his hand.

No one knew what it had communicated with Nightmare Transmission.

After a while, when the two armies fought fiercely, fighting the earth and the earth in chaos, its figure quietly disappeared.


It slipped into the dark ground quietly and let go of the Demon Scepter.

"Nightmare, be careful of yourself, this commander will cover you!"

It stared at the Demon God's scepter and exclaimed in a cold tone.

"Ha ha ha... you just wait for my good news!" Nightmare responded confidently, immediately driving the Demon Scepter into the depths of the earth.

The Demon Scepter is its body, it lurks hundreds of miles deep underground, galloping towards Zhongzhou City.

The Dark Night Demon Commander also turned and left, flying back to the dark night sky.

It overlooked the battlefield situation below, and saw the undead skeletons and demons flock to Zhongzhou City like a tide, and then waved its palm to cast a secret method, released a million ghost bees, and launched an attack.


Millions of Netherbees pierced the night sky like a flash of electricity, rushed out like a black tide, and rushed towards the northern city gate.

The North City Gate and dozens of miles of city wall were protected by a huge colorful light cover.

That was the Primordial God-level array arranged by the emperor himself, possessing strong defense power.

The magic commander of the dark night does not expect the Netherbee to break through the large array, but only puts pressure on Zhongzhou City to cover the nightmare's action plan.

Of course, after it released the Netherbee, it also held a pitch-black sword and slammed into the city gate of Zhongzhou bravely.

"Ghost and God Pi Yi!"

It shouted with a cold voice, holding the pitch-black sword in both hands, cutting out a **** sword light that opened up the world, and slashed towards the towering northern city gate.


The blood-colored sword light of a hundred feet long slammed into the defensive formation, bursting with a loud noise.

The colorful array mask immediately trembled after being chopped, and rippled.

Many of the Terran soldiers who supported the operation of the large formation were pale, showing painful expressions.

"The reptiles of the human race have turned their heads into a tortoise. Who dares to fight this commander?"

The Dark Night Demon commander held a sword, stood majesticly in the night sky, shouting in a cold voice.

It is tall and burly, wearing black armor, and full of devilish energy, making it particularly domineering and brave.

Seeing this scene, the Mozu army immediately boosted its morale, shouting and screaming, making the charge even more brave.

Hundreds of thousands of demons and soldiers jointly launched an attack, shaking the defensive formation more than ever, and the light burst, and it was vaguely about to burst.

The human race soldiers supporting the defensive formation were under more pressure. Many of them were severely injured by the shock and vomited blood, or fell into a coma.

When the emperor saw this scene, he pointed to the Demon Lord Mingye outside the city, and ordered the commanders around him: "You guys, join hands to deal with it. It's best if you can kill it!"

One of the commanders was taken aback for a moment, and a whisper appeared in his heart.

"The Dark Night Demon Commander is the first fierce general under the demon emperor's command. With the strength of the nine-layer soul refining, we are not opponents at all.

The emperor can fight him, why not take it personally? "

Seeing that his expression was different, the emperor explained, "You keep your eyes on the Demon Commander Mingye, there are more important things to do in this seat."

A commander asked smoothly, "Under the crown of the emperor, what's the matter?"

"Devil Scepter, Nightmare!" The emperor cast aside these words and quickly turned and left.

From the beginning of the war, the emperor had been staring at the Demon Commander, and noticed the Demon Scepter and Nightmare.

Now that the Demon Commander of Ming Ye took the initiative to attack, the Demon Scepter and Nightmare disappeared.

With the imperial master’s city mansion and wisdom, how can he not notice the conspiracy?


His figure cut through the night sky like electricity, immediately got into the dark ground and flew toward the depths of the ground.

"Damn nightmare, there must be some conspiracy, or want to sneak into the city from the ground.

Although a dungeon was built underground and a powerful defensive formation was also deployed, the Demon God's Scepter was a primordial god-level magic weapon, and it was very likely to break the big formation.

The nightmare commander led an army to attack the north gate, and the nightmare was likely to sneak into the city from the other three directions.

Do you want to hide this kind of tricks? "

With this thought in his mind, the emperor quickly released his soul power, covering an area of ​​eighty li, searching carefully.

He was a participant and an overseer when all kinds of defensive formations were arranged in the state city.

He knew the weakest point of each big formation.

He started with the defense formation in the East City, and gradually searched the South City area, and then to the West City area.

In just two quarters of an hour, he searched the entire underground of Zhongzhou City.

However, he did not find the Demon Scepter, nor did he notice the breath of the nightmare.

"Strange, the breath of the Demon God's Scepter is very obvious, why can't this seat sense it?"

The emperor stopped searching for a while, thinking with all doubts.

At the same time, the fighting outside the North City Gate had reached its most intense level.

More than 300,000 undead skeletons were blasted into **** by human officers and soldiers, and piled up into bone hills outside the city.

At least hundreds of thousands of demons and soldiers died outside the city wall, and their bodies were scattered on the ground incompletely.

The black and purple magic blood gathered into a small stream and flowed into the moat, causing the moat water to soar and completely turn dark red.

But this did not deter the demons army, on the contrary, it made them more excited and manic, with murderous and fierce attacks.

The defensive formation protecting the northern city wall was blasted through cracks and gaps several times.

Although, those cracks and gaps were quickly repaired.

However, the blood mist, poison, and plague released by the blood gods took the opportunity to invade the city, causing the death of a large number of soldiers.

In the night sky, Yun Zhongqi and several commanders were besieging the Dark Night Demon Commander.

Their strength is not as good as the Dark Night Demon Commander, but they are worse than the large number of people, and they have the upper hand from the beginning.

However, the Nine Nether Armor worn by the Dark Night Demon Commander ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has an extremely powerful defense, and only the Yuanshen magic weapon can defeat it.

As a result, it fought with several human commanders, almost invincible.

Just as the war is in full swing, the two sides are fighting fiercely.

A hidden black shadow suddenly flew out from the corner of the city wall.

This is an ancient black scepter that flew silently into the night sky and got into a human camp.

This temporary camp is a manor with a radius of several thousand meters, in which more than 100,000 soldiers are stationed.

The black scepter flew into the manor, and the mysterious shadow in the scepter immediately released an invisible wave of power, spreading in all directions.

The 120,000 soldiers in the manor, all wearing armor, resting with swords and weapons, can support the front at any time.

However, after the invisible mysterious power enveloped the manor, the 120,000 soldiers were all asleep, as if unconscious.

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