Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1429: Dream killing

The 120,000 soldiers and soldiers, silently, fell into the secret of nightmare.

Everyone fell into a dream and couldn't wake up at all.

The devil's scepter was floating in the night sky, shining with red light, which looked very strange and mysterious.

Within the scepter, the nightmare has already entered the dream realm it created, and is killing it.

The weird dream realm is like an endless black space.

In the black space, there are dense clusters of white mist floating in numbers of up to 120,000, forming a white ocean.

Those white fog groups are the dreams of the soldiers, closely connected with their souls.

The nightmare turned into a dark purple troll with a height of hundreds of feet, with a terrifying appearance, with a pair of devil wings, strong and slender arms, and ten fingers as sharp as a knife.

It waved its arms to make a mysterious seal, unleashing a powerful force, and was performing the secret technique.

"Dream Soul Kill!"

As it whispered, the invisible mysterious power exploded, rolling up a violent shock wave, sweeping in all directions.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

Wherever the mysterious power swept through, countless groups of white fog exploded, making a series of dull loud noises.

In just a few breaths, all 120,000 white mists were detonated, turning into an overwhelming milky white air current, rolling like ocean waves.

In the huge manor, the 120,000 sleeping Terran soldiers all died silently.

They still maintained a resting posture, motionless, but their souls had been wiped out, and their bodies had gradually become cold.

On the surface, they didn't have any injuries, and they couldn't even see a drop of blood.

But they were so quietly slaughtered in a strange way.

"Hahahaha... the power of Dream Soul Kill is so powerful! In the dreamland, this seat is an invincible god!"

The nightmare laughed wildly with excitement, frantically swallowing the white air current like waves, and refining it into his own power.

That is not only the dream of 120,000 soldiers, but also their soul power.

The nightmare quickly swallowed the white waves clean, and his power was greatly enhanced.

It left the dream realm contentedly and returned to the Demon Scepter.

The manor at night was still silent, and it was covered with a cold breath of death.

But no one noticed this change, and no one knew what was going on.


The devil's scepter cut through the night sky, quietly left the manor, and flew to the next barracks.

After a while, the Demon Scepter flew into an ancient and solemn palace.

This palace occupies an area of ​​one thousand meters square, surrounded by several houses, and there are many secret rooms underground.

About 80,000 celebrities and soldiers are stationed in this palace.

They are soldiers under the command of a certain human race. They are resting in the barracks, ready to support the battle of the four city gates.

The palace is heavily guarded inside and outside, with hundreds of guards patrolling, and dozens of open guards and secret posts.

However, these are all in vain for the nightmare.

The devil's scepter concealed its breath and sneaked into the palace quietly.

The nightmare began to use the secret method again, unleashing the invisible and mysterious power, covering a radius of thousands of kilometers.

Next, the same scene was staged.

More than 80,000 human race soldiers, after being affected by the mysterious power, fell into a deep dream and fell unconscious on the ground.

Regardless of the ordinary soldiers in the True Element Realm or the Profound Origin Realm, or the generals of the Yuan Dan Realm or the Heaven Origin Realm, they couldn't resist the nightmare secret method.

In the dream realm, the nightmare began to massacre again.

While grinning grimly, it detonated more than 80,000 white mists.

After killing the soldiers, it swallowed everyone's souls and dream power.

After a short period of breath, the entire palace became deadly silent.

More than 80,000 Terran soldiers died in this strange way.

The Demon Scepter quietly left the palace and flew quietly in the night sky.

Nightmare looked around greedily, looking for the next hunting ground.


Holding the whisk in his hand, the emperor flew into the sky with a gloomy expression, frowning in thought.

"The **** nightmare, where is it hiding?

Since it has appeared, there must be some action, and it will never give up!

Perhaps, it is hiding near the North City Gate, waiting for the demon army to break through the defensive formation, and then take the opportunity to enter the city? "

This thought flashed through the emperor's mind, and he flew back to the North City Gate at an accelerated rate.

He had searched the East City, the West City and the South City before, but he had not searched the vicinity of the North City Gate.

He faintly felt that the nightmare might be lurking near the North City Gate.


He quickly cut through the night sky and flew over an ancient manor.

This place is only twenty miles away from the North City Gate.

The divine soul power of the emperor unintentionally swept over the manor, immediately noticed the abnormality, and stopped quickly.

He knew very well that the manor was a military camp with hundreds of thousands of soldiers stationed there.

In the manor at this moment, although the lights were on, there was no human activity.

Moreover, after investigating with his soul power, he found that the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the manor had lost their vitality and turned into cold corpses!

This result caused a huge shock to his body and his face changed on the spot.

"How could this be? Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died silently without any injuries?"

The emperor's face turned gloomy, and he landed in the manor quickly, carefully examining the injuries of the soldiers.

After a while, he found out the result.

"It turned out to die in a deep sleep, and the soul is directly annihilated... This is a nightmare method!

The nightmare of killing a thousand swords! It has sneaked into the city and started to assassinate our soldiers! "

The emperor murmured coldly, and the angry white beard trembled.

He hurriedly left the manor and flew into the dark night sky, pinching the magic trick with his left hand, waving the whisk with his right hand, and began to use the secret method.

"Open your eyes!"

He held the technique in his left hand, shining bright golden light, a touch on his eyes, and the pupils of both eyes suddenly turned golden.

In the blink of an eye, his eyes became the legendary secret sky eye. UU Reading www.uukánshu.com has the effect of seeing through falsehood, fog and disguise, and can see sights that ordinary strong people can't see.

He stood high in the sky, with golden eyes overlooking Beicheng District, and soon discovered all sorts of visions.

There are at least five military camps, 600,000 soldiers and soldiers, who have been brutally attacked by the nightmare.

The five barracks seem to be quiet on the surface, but in fact they have become a place of death, filled with an invisible breath of death.

The soldiers stationed in the barracks had long been annihilated and turned into cold corpses.

When the emperor's magic eye swept across a military camp twenty miles away, he immediately saw a group of dark shadows casting spells on 100,000 soldiers.

"Finally found you! Damn nightmare, this time I see where you run!"

The emperor screamed in a harsh tone, and the whisk in his hand swayed, rushing over like a stream of light.


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