Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1438: Reunion

Just when Ji Tianxing was full of doubts, his expression was cloudy and sunny.

A mysterious gem in the corner of the secret room lit up with a drenched white light, condensed into a light curtain.

In the light curtain, a purple robe figure with white hair like snow appeared, and it was Palace Lord Gu Daoxuan.

The palace lord stared at him calmly, his eyes were kind, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile of relief.

"Tian Xing, when you see this photo, this seat and the three juniors and sisters have already left this world."

The palace lord's voice sounded, the tone was calm and serene, without any sadness or regret, as if there was a hint of relief in the voice.

Ji Tianxing was stunned for a moment, his eyes staring at the light curtain, his face turned pale.

"What? You all..."

In the light curtain, Palace Lord's voice sounded again.

"Don't be sad, don't be surprised, this is the long-destined ending.

Please forgive me for deceiving you. We will use the Dafa initiation and pass on the power of our life to you. The price is...we will all vanish.

However, we have no regrets and are not ashamed.

This seat also believes that you now stand proudly on the top of the mainland, and are qualified to fight the Demon Emperor and even kill him.

There is only so much we can help you.

Of course, this may not be called a help, it may be a return...

In short, the chaos of the demons is left to you, and the fate of the Profound Sky Continent is also up to you.

If it is destined, we will meet again in the next life!

At that time, I hope all mysteries can be solved..."

As the palace lord's voice slowly dissipated, the white light curtain gradually faded.

Mysterious gems have become ordinary, losing the effect of taking pictures.

During this process, Ji Tianxing could only watch the light curtain and listen to the last words left by the palace owner.

After all, it was just a picture set by the palace lord in advance, only watching but unable to talk.

Ji Tianxing finally understood everything, but stiffly froze in place, his mood was extremely heavy, and his face was very ugly.

He has all kinds of regrets and hatreds in his heart, but they can only be suppressed in the bottom of his heart.

He was a little lost, showing a bitter self-deprecating smile, and murmured in a sad tone: "Ha ha ha... I should have thought about it, how could there be such a magical thing in the world?

You pass on your lifelong skills to me, and you can recover to the peak after a hundred years of recuperation. How is this possible?

But, why do you want to do this, even at the expense of your lives, but also help me break through the original spirit realm?

What have I done to you, is it worthy of you to treat me like this? "

He didn't blame the four palace masters for making decisions, but the regret and guilt in his heart.

In order to help him, the palace lord and Ye Huang did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives.

For him, this is tremendous pressure and responsibility.

He silently vowed that he would do his best in this life to punish the ancient demon emperor and avenge the four palace owners!

After a long time, his emotions calmed down and he whispered again.

"Unexpectedly, the parting came so suddenly, so hastily that I couldn't say goodbye to you.

But I will never let you sacrifice in vain. The tens of billions of human race people will always remember you! "

Having said that, his body stood upright, his eyes scorching to the north, his body was full of murderous aura.

Of course, in addition to these things, he has always had a regret in his heart.

He had long wanted to ask the Palace Lord where he settled Yun Yao after taking Yun Yao to the Shenwu Continent.

It's a pity that he had only met with the palace owner a few times before.

Every meeting was a critical situation of life and death, and he never had the opportunity to ask this question.

Moreover, the chaos of the demons has not been resolved, and whether he will survive is unknown, and the hope of going to the Shenwu Continent is even more slim.

Now that he has finally achieved great success, he has the opportunity and qualification to ask this question.

But Palace Lord has long since disappeared!

Ji Tianxing can only hold this regret to the bottom of his heart, and let it be solved later.

The top priority, he must figure out the situation in Zhongzhou as soon as possible!


North Gate of Zhongzhou City.

Millions of human soldiers are trying their best to resist the attack of the demons.

The war is in full swing, the defensive array is illuminated with splendid brilliance, and all kinds of shocking noises are endless.

Batch after batch of seriously wounded Terran soldiers were carried out of the defensive formation.

One after another, the corpses of human soldiers were lifted off the towering walls and sent to the big camp in the city.

Those vacant positions were quickly replaced by batches of Terran soldiers.

Outside the city wall, an army of millions of skeletons piled up into a mountain, frantically rushing towards the northern city gate and the tall city wall.

The army of more than two million demons spread out on the vast ground, using the battlefield to release powerful attacks.

A huge mountain of monsters, ghosts and ghasts, hovered and danced over the battlefield.

The war has reached its most tragic moment, with more than 800,000 human casualties and hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers.

In the sky far away from the ground, the emperor was holding the human emperor sword and led several commanders to besiege the demon emperor.

Relying on the powerful power of the Taiyin Broken Soul Ruler, the Yougu Demon Emperor alone faced many powerful men, and did not lose the wind at all. Instead, everyone was bruised and bruised.

Suddenly, a spiritual light flew from the city gate below and fell into the hands of the emperor.

The emperor grabbed the inspiration and took a look, and found that it was a piece of jade slip for transmission, and quickly read the information in it with the spirit.

After reading it, his complexion changed immediately, and his blood-stained face showed a thick color of surprise.

"Emperor, Tian Xing is out!"

The emperor looked at the emperor with scorching eyes, and reported the news via sound transmission.

Probably because he was too excited, his voice was trembling.

The emperor was fighting fiercely with the demon emperor, the golden robe and cloak were shattered, and his body was stained with blood.

Suddenly hearing the news, his cold face immediately relaxed.

"We can still support an hour and let him quickly support the Aquarium Camp!"

The emperor made a decisive decision, using the method of sound transmission to give orders to the emperor.

The emperor quickly followed the order and sent the jade slip back.

After about a hundred breaths of time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he saw a dazzling golden light above Zhongzhou City, piercing the sky like a meteor.

The golden meteor flew out of Zhongzhou City in the blink of an eye and flew towards the Shuizu Camp in the northeast.

Seeing this scene, the emperor and the emperor were relieved, and secretly whispered in their hearts: "Tian Xing, Tian Xing, whether the Shui Clan Camp can be saved and the situation can be reversed, it all depends on you!"

At the same time, Yougu Demon Sovereign also noticed the abnormality and felt that the situation was not good.

He waved the Taiyin Broken Soul Ruler and swayed a full sky attack, pushing the emperor and several commanders back, and then turned and flew away.

Of course the emperor knew that the Demon Emperor wanted to rush to the Shui Clan Camp to check the situation.

But how can he make the Demon King do what he wants?

He brandished the Human Emperor's sword, desperately killed the Demon Emperor, and ordered in a deep voice: "Everyone, attack with all your strength, and hold the Demon Emperor anyway!

As long as we stick to one hour, the situation will be able to turn around! "

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