Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1439: Road to revenge

Although, Ji Tianxing could not wait to immediately punish Yougu Demon Emperor.

But he knew that Yougu Demon Emperor possessed the Taiyin Soul Breaking Ruler, which would never be easily defeated.

Now the demons are divided into three groups, attacking the three camps separately, and the situation is very critical.

At this critical juncture, he can only suppress endless anger and killing intent, put the overall situation as the most important, and rescue the aquatic camp first!

He exploded at the fastest speed, like a meteor piercing the sky, and in just a short hundred breaths of time, he reached the sky over the mountains thousands of miles away.

It was three hundred miles away, and he had already seen the situation in the field.

The Shuizu Camp occupies a radius of four hundred miles, surrounded by five peaks, and a vast valley in the middle.

The five mountain peaks are shrouded by the defense formation, and there are several colorful masks in the entire aquarium camp.

Over a million aquarium soldiers are densely arranged on the periphery of the camp, relying on the defensive array to resist the attacks of the demons.

However, the situation in the Aquarium is very dangerous.

Several large defensive formations were repeatedly broken and torn apart, and countless soldiers were bombarded and killed every moment.

Especially the mountain peak in the southwest, the defense formation is full of cracks, has been precarious, half of the mountain peak has become ruins.

In a few moments, that big formation will completely collapse and become a huge gap.

In the mountains around Daying, a few hundred miles are covered in black.

It was an army of more than two million demons, gathered together like a black ocean.

The two sides are fighting fiercely, the battle is endless, and the scene is extremely **** and tragic.

The mountain peaks and the earth were stained red with blood, and the blood of the soldiers on both sides gathered in the valley into a river and a lake of blood.

The sky is covered with black clouds, and the devilish energy is overwhelming.

The blood, spirit and soul of millions of corpses condensed into a mist of blood, flowing slowly in the sky.

Ji Tianxing could even see that several blood gods who had only reached the soul refining realm were greedily devouring blood and spirit.

He raised his head and looked at Gao Tian, ​​and saw several powerful figures fighting endlessly.

The Golden Dragon Emperor, dressed in a golden robe and covered with golden scales, faced six powerful demons alone.

Among them are the Dark Night Demon Commander who is completely wrapped in the Nine Nether Battle Armor, the Nightmare attached to the Demon God's Scepter, and the four powerful demons in the Soul Refining Realm.

No matter how strong the Golden Dragon Sovereign was, it could hurt any of them.

But the six powerhouses didn't want to kill the Golden Dragon Emperor, they just wrestled with him endlessly, never let him get away.

The Golden Dragon Emperor watched, countless aquatic soldiers died tragically under the demon's butcher knife, but they were unable to rescue them, and couldn't help but roar with anger.

At this time, Ji Tianxing finally arrived on the battlefield.

After he saw the situation in the field clearly, he flew to the southwest of the camp without hesitation, performed a trick to learn secrets, and blasted towards the demon army below.

"Meteor fire rain!"

He stepped high in the sky, his robe agitated, and the sky was lit up with a sky-destroying atmosphere.

Above the distant sky, dense fires appeared, falling like meteors.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of fires pierced through the magic cloud that obscured the sky, pouring down on the earth like a torrential rain.

It was more than 30,000 huge fireballs, condensed from the mighty and violent sky fire, possessing the terrifying power of burning everything.

Suddenly, a few hundred li in the radius was shining crimson.

The terrifying heat and air waves dissipated the blood mist and black clouds.

Millions of demon and aquatic soldiers all felt the terrifying aura of apocalypse and looked up at the sky, showing extremely frightened expressions.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Before the demon soldiers could respond, the overwhelming meteor shower flooded the area.

A loud and deafening noise burst out, echoing endlessly in the sky.

Hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers and the earth vibrated violently, cracking huge cracks.

The half-million demon soldiers who were attacking the defensive formation were all engulfed by the boundless sea of ​​fire.

They were struggling in the sea of ​​fire, roaring, and making heart-piercing screams.

But all this came to an abrupt end and gradually disappeared.

After ten breaths, the 500,000 demons and soldiers were burned to ashes and all died.

Baili mountains and rivers and the earth were also burned into a lake of magma, with raging red fire rising.

Ji Tianxing used a unique trick to kill the army of 500,000 demons in seconds, and immediately stunned everyone.

Regardless of whether the demon or the aquatic warriors, they all stared at the sky in a daze, screaming in horror and shock.

The Golden Dragon Emperor, the Dark Night Demon Commander and others who were fighting together were also shocked by this ruining movement.

Everyone stopped fighting, looking at Ji Tianxing in shock, showing different expressions.

Jinlonghuang was full of excitement and grinned.

The Dark Night Demon Commander and several powerful demon clan powerhouses, however, were ashamed and cold all over.

Standing proudly high above the sky, overlooking the sea of ​​fire below, Ji Tianxing muttered to himself expressionlessly: "The past **** hatred, all the past grievances, it is time to break!

The road to revenge has just begun!

Only by slaughtering the world demons can they be worthy of those who have died! "

After that, he opened the sword world and called out the little black dragon, Qianyue, Sanjue Ancestor and Jinshan King.

He pointed at the battlefield below, and gave an expressionless order: "Kill! Kill all the demons!"

The ancestors of Sanjue, King Jinshan and others immediately obeyed their orders and performed magic techniques that would destroy the world and kill the demon army.

Ji Tianxing didn't waste any time, and rushed to the demon army not far away, and began to slaughter.

"The avenue is lacking, the heart is not dirty, Sanqing Huaqi, Xuantian Town Demon!"

He pinched the magic trick with both hands, and made a mysterious gesture to condense the magic seal.

The dazzling golden light burst out all over his body, turning him into a ten-foot-tall golden giant, as sacred and majestic as a god.

When he chanted the tactics in his mouth and displayed the magic tactics of Suxinzheng, the whole body burst out with sacred golden light, sweeping in all directions.


The dazzling sacred golden light exploded like a mushroom cloud~www.wuxiaspot.com~ enveloped a hundred li.

At least more than 300,000 demons and soldiers were all overwhelmed by the sacred golden light.

At that moment, he seemed to be a golden scorching sun in the nine heavens, illuminating the world.

Within a hundred li, it is full of demons, soldiers, blood, and magic clouds. It is a real evil and filthy place.

However, under the shining of his "sacred scorching sun", all evil was dispelled.

More than 300,000 demon clan soldiers, their bodies quickly weathered, shattered into thousands of debris, scattered like sand.

Above the sky, there are thousands of golden lotus flowers in full bloom, falling like a pouring rain.

On the earth, the black-brown barren mountains have also sprouted green shoots, showing vigor.

Such a magical scene is like a miracle!

The two million demons and all the aquatic warriors, witnessing this spectacle with their own eyes, showed expressions of incomparable horror and awe.

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