Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1467: Resignation?

Ji Tianxing stopped under the huge silver light curtain, looking at the slowly flowing picture on the light curtain, revealing a trace of regret.

Although he wanted to kill the Ancestral Demon God, he tried his best, but let the Ancestor Demon escape.

Moreover, the ancestor Demon God got into that picture, and it was very likely that he would enter the Shenwu Continent.

He must remain calm, it is impossible to follow into the light curtain.

First, the picture on the light curtain has changed. Even if he followed along, he might not be able to find the ancestor Demon God.

Second, the Demon Race has just been resolved, and the situation in Zhongzhou has not stabilized. He still has a lot to do, and he cannot leave the Profound Sky Continent for the time being.

Therefore, he can only look at the huge light curtain and sigh with regret.

Of course, he just felt sorry for it, and would not be angry about it.

At least the Profound Sky Continent is safe, and the ancestor Demon God can no longer slaughter the people of all races and come to him and the emperor to take revenge.

After a long time, Ji Tianxing turned and left.

He flew quickly through the void, returning to the entrance of the Rift of the Sky.

Half a day later, he passed through a light gate at the entrance, left the rift in the sky, and returned to the Profound Sky Continent.


The golden light flashed, and he reappeared on the Nine Heavens Platform.

It was late at night, the sky was covered with a thick fog, and the sea was very dark.

He fought a few battles in a row, and chased down the ancestor Demon God for a few days, and he was exhausted.

So, he sat cross-legged on the nine-day platform, silently adjusting his breath.

He used the secret method to draw the power of Jiutiantai, swallowed the majestic aura of heaven and earth, and quickly restored mana.

Unconsciously, a few hours passed.

After dawn, his mana was restored to its peak.

Immediately afterwards, he used the Thunderstrike Technique to stir up the dark clouds in the animation sky, and cause one after another to kill the gods.

He let the **** thunder light beam blast and kill, greedily devouring the **** thunder power, and tempered his body by the way, strengthening the physical strength and defense.

After a whole day of cultivation, the power of the divine thunder in his body reached saturation, and the physical body was also tempered.

So he left Jiutiantai and returned to Zhongzhou with his flying sword.


When Ji Tianxing returned to the land of Zhongzhou, it was already three days later.

He flew over Zhongzhou, overlooking the cities on the earth, and basically understood the situation in Zhongzhou.

Now, seven days have passed since the decisive battle.

The news of the demon king being killed, the demon army completely destroyed, and the ancestor Demon God was seriously injured and escaped, has long been blowing through the entire Zhongzhou like a violent wind.

The warriors and people in the cities of Zhongzhou all learned the news.

Ten days ago, the people and warriors of all cities were panicked and fled south from their homes in order to escape the disaster.

Now that the news of the defeat of the Demon Race, everyone was refreshed and stopped running away.

The people were excited and cheered enthusiastically.

In the streets and alleys of various cities, people were discussing this matter one after another, and they kept making all kinds of exclamations and shouts.

After the news spread, the land of Zhongzhou was full of joy, and the people of all ethnic groups and warriors all celebrated together.

Of course, various stories about Ji Tianxing also spread in Zhongzhou.

Hundreds of millions of people and warriors are talking about his feat of slaying the Demon Emperor and the miracle of severely injuring the ancestor Demon God.

In the minds of people of all races, he is the great hero and savior of Zhongzhou, as powerful and majestic as a god.

His military strength and prestige even surpassed the human emperor, and he has attracted the adoration of hundreds of millions of warriors!

Hundreds of millions of warriors and people all praised him and were grateful.

All in all, the entire Zhongzhou land was immersed in joy and excitement.


In the evening of the third day, Ji Tianxing received a jade slip from the emperor.

So, he hurried to Liantian Mountain Range, to the Imperial Court to meet the Emperor.

In the setting sun, the palace buildings of the imperial court were covered with golden light, which looked very sacred and solemn.

Here is not affected by the war, everything remains intact and has not been destroyed.

When Ji Tianxing climbed up the mountain range, all the Guards saw him and bowed respectfully, showing worshiping eyes.

Under the leadership of the imperial army, he entered the Imperial Study Room of the Qiankun Palace and met the emperor in person.

The emperor was sitting in front of the large purple jade table, burying his head in reviewing official memorials and dealing with the military affairs of the human race.

His injury has not recovered, his complexion is still pale and tired, and his breath is somewhat weak.

After all, his soul was severely damaged in the war, and it is impossible to recover without decades of recuperation.

But he is in a good state of mind, wearing a golden dragon robe and a purple crown on his head, as always noble and majestic.

Ji Tian walked to the table, bowed his hand and said: "Tian Xing sees Emperor."

The emperor quickly put down the imperial pen and official documents, looked at him with a smile, and slightly nodded: "Tianxing, you are finally back, sit down and talk."

Ji Tianxing was not hypocritical and polite. He sat down on the big white jade chair in front of him and asked calmly: "I don't know what the emperor is calling me, why?"

The emperor showed a look of expectation and quickly asked: "Tianxing, you have chased and killed the ancestor Demon God for a few days, what is the final result? Have you already killed it?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said with regret: "I chased it all the way to the East China Sea Returning Market, but I was never able to kill it and let it escape the Profound Sky Continent through Jiutiantai."

Hearing what he said, although the emperor was a little sorry, he was not surprised, nodded and said: "Well, this is what the emperor expected.

After all, the ancestor Demon God is the ancient great demon God, who once made the gods of all races in the world feel terrified. I don't know how many gods and methods they possess, how can they be killed so easily?

It is also a good thing that it is forced to leave the Profound Sky Continent by you, at least it cannot return to the mainland and seek revenge on us. "

Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement.

The emperor frowned for a moment, and then asked: "Tianxing, do you know, where did the ancestor Demon God escape?"

"Shenwu Dalu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing replied with a certain tone.

The emperor showed an expression of'it really is so', and smiled and said: "If the ancestor Demon God stays in the Profound Sky Continent, it is almost impossible to recover to the Nine Tribulations Realm. Only by going to the Shenwu Continent can he restore his peak strength and become the demon God who surpasses all living beings. .

The Profound Sky Continent is finally at peace! Tianxing, you are the greatest hero, even the Golden Dragon Emperor and Tianluo Demon Emperor call you the savior.

This emperor should give you the highest honor and the most generous reward.

Come on, what reward do you want?

As long as the Emperor Court has it, you can choose whatever you want, and this Emperor will never frown! "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a smile: "The emperor is polite, and rewards are unnecessary. We can achieve victory because of the merits of the soldiers of the three clans.

It is also the victory that countless soldiers have exchanged with their lives and blood.

When I came to the Imperial Court this time, in fact...I also wanted to say goodbye to you in person. "

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