Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1468: New Palace Lord

"What? Are you going to say goodbye?"

The emperor suddenly frowned, showing an unexpected expression.

"Tian Xing, do you want to leave the Profound Sky Continent and go to the Shenwu Continent?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Yes, I made up my mind a long time ago to leave the Profound Sky Continent to pursue a higher martial art realm and fulfill certain wishes.

Now that the demon chaos has been resolved, the mainland is about to return to peace, and I can leave with confidence.

My wife is in Shenwu Continent, I want to find her.

Moreover, the ancestor Demon God is also there, I will find it by every means, look for opportunities to kill it, and never suffer from future troubles. "

The emperor was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "Tianxing, these emperors all understand that it will be a matter of time before you go to the Shenwu Continent.

However, the war has just ended, even if you want to leave, don't rush for a while. "

Ji Tianxing showed a look of confusion, and asked, "Could it be that the emperor has any concerns?"

The emperor shook his head lightly and said, "I can't talk about any concerns, I just want to discuss with you the next plan.

Now that the news of the defeat of the demons has just spread, the people who fled to the south have also stopped fleeing and are returning to Zhongzhou Baicheng.

In recent days, the emperor has been dealing with this matter and has to settle many displaced people.

According to the emperor's estimation, it will take a few years at the earliest for Zhongzhou to regain its vitality and regain its prosperity.

Moreover, the emperor had discussed with the Golden Dragon Emperor and the Tianluo Demon Emperor. One year later, the three clans will join forces to attack the Northern Desert and completely wipe out all the demons..."

After Ji Tianxing listened carefully to the emperor's words, he solemnly nodded and said: "If the demons are not eliminated for one day, there will be no peace in the mainland.

Now that the ancestor Demon God has escaped, the leader Demon Emperor is dead, many demon commanders and blood **** sons have been killed, and there are no top powerhouses to support them.

All 30 million demons died in Zhongzhou, and most of the demons who stayed behind in the North Desert were old, weak, sick and disabled.

In recent years, it is indeed an excellent opportunity for the three tribes to set off on the North Desert.

If the Demon Race is not completely wiped out, it is impossible to guarantee that a second Demon Emperor will appear after thousands of years. "

After a pause, he went on to say: "Emperor, just follow the plan you discussed, completely eradicate the demons, once and for all.

Now there are no top powerhouses in the Demon Race. If you three supreme join forces, the Demon Race will definitely be destroyed, and there is no need for me to help.

Moreover, I can't wait for a year, at most ten days later, I will leave Zhongzhou. "

The emperor thought about it for a while, and then said a little bit reluctantly: "Since you have decided, the emperor will not keep you.

When you leave the Imperial Court later, remember to say hello to Yunxiao, after all, after you leave, I am afraid you will never be able to return.

In addition, the emperor will take your father and Ji family to live in the emperor court.

The Emperor will take good care of your family, you don’t have to worry about them..."

Ji Tianxing hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "So, I would like to thank the emperor."

The emperor thought for a while, and added: "By the way, after you return to Zhongzhou City, you must go to the Emperor's Mansion. The Black Feather Master seems to have something to look for you."

"I see." Ji Tianxing nodded, bowed to the emperor, and said solemnly: "Emperor, Tian Xing will leave you alone."

The emperor stood up, nodded solemnly, and said in a sincere tone: "Tianxing, no matter what the scene of another continent is, take care of your body whatever you will encounter!"

Ji Tianxing took down his words, turned and left the study.

After walking out of Qiankun Palace, he went to meet Long Yunxiao.

The two chatted a few words, and when Long Yunxiao learned that he was leaving the Profound Sky Continent, he was quite emotional and regretful.

But he knew Ji Tianxing's nature well, so he didn't ask to stay, but just exhorted him.

Then, he took out a pot of fine wine and toasted three glasses with Ji Tianxing to see him off.

"Tian Xing, a glass of wine, thank you for acquainting and acquainted with this gentleman.

Two glasses of wine, thank you for fighting side by side with my lord, to resolve the crisis.

The last cup, I wish you a smooth journey, and Yunyao will be together forever. "

After three glasses of wine, Ji Tianxing turned and set foot on the sky, Ling Feng went away.

Standing on the top of the palace, Long Yunxiao watched his back disappear into the sky, looking rather lonely.

After a long time, he raised his head and drank all the pot of wine before turning back to the palace.


After half a day, Ji Tianxing returned to Zhongzhou City.

In the city of Zhongzhou, there are traces of fighting and fighting everywhere.

The blood on the wall of the north city has not dried, and the millions of bones outside the city have not been cleaned.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and soldiers are still cleaning the battlefield and repairing the city walls and buildings in the city.

The haze of war has dissipated.

Every day, a large number of people and warriors return to the city happily and return to the garden.

Zhongzhou City gradually becomes lively, and after a maximum of one year, the former grand scene can be restored.

Ji Tianxing flew over the city and headed straight for the imperial palace.

After entering the imperial palace, he quickly flew across the sky and rushed to the bedroom of the black feather master.

Inside the Black Feather Palace, the simple and tidy hall was filled with a hint of cold air.

The black feather master, wearing a black robe, was sitting alone in the hall, meditating expressionlessly to heal his injuries.

His injuries have not recovered, only his right eye is left, and his left eye is still wearing a black blindfold.

Ji Tianxing stepped into the temple, walked to him and stopped, bowed his hand in a salute, "See the Great Master."

Divine Master Black Feather immediately opened his eyes and nodded slightly: "Tian Xing, with your current strength, credit and achievements, you don't have to be so polite to this seat, just sit down and talk."

Ji Tianxing didn't say much, he hurriedly sat down cross-legged in front of him and asked, "Great Master, I heard that you have something to look for me?"

God Master Heiyu nodded, with a solemn look in his right eye, and said solemnly: "Yes, since the end of the war, there is something I want to discuss with you.

Moreover, this matter has a bearing on the prestige and future of the Imperial Mansion, and is extremely important. "

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and asked: "What the **** is it? You can tell it straight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Master Black Feather said in a low tone and solemnly: "As the saying goes, a country cannot have a king for a day, and a family cannot be a day. No owner.

Although the Emperor's Mansion is the martial sacred land of the Profound Sky Continent, it is not immune to the vulgarity, and a new palace owner must be selected as soon as possible.

Since the death of Palace Lord Immortal, several priests have also died on the battlefield, and more than 20 emperors have also died.

Now that the imperial palace has lost more than half of its strength, its vitality has been severely injured, and the spirits of several priests and many emperors are also somewhat depressed.

The only way is to elect a new palace owner!

This seat has already discussed with several priests, and everyone has agreed that the position of Palace Lord is none other than you! "

Suddenly hearing this news, Ji Tianxing frowned and said with awkward expression: "You came to me because you want me to succeed the palace lord?"

Divine Master Black Feather nodded, and said with a certain tone: "Only you are qualified to be the palace chief, leading the imperial palace from decline to prosperity, and to create greater glory!"

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