Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1469: 1 big game

God Master Black Feather's tone was very positive, beyond doubt.

Ji Tianxing shook his head repeatedly and flatly refused.

"Great Master, I won't succeed as Palace Master, you can discuss it separately."

"Why?" God Master Black Feather frowned, and asked: "In terms of strength, you are now the undoubtedly number one powerhouse in the mainland, not weaker than the Lord Palace Master.

In terms of prestige, you are the hero who slayed the Demon King, created the ancestor Demon God, and saved the savior of all races in the world.

Moreover, the palace lord and the three seniors have imparted skills and unique skills to you, and you should inherit the palace lord's legacy and serve as the palace lord.

Tianxing, don't you bear to watch the imperial palace fall down? "

Ji Tianxing shook his head again and explained: "Great Master, although what you said is very reasonable, I really can't succeed as Palace Master.

Ten days later, I will leave the Profound Sky Continent and go to the Shenwu Continent to find my wife, deal with the ancestor Demon God, and fulfill certain wishes.

I still have more important things to do, it is impossible to stay in the Profound Sky Continent and waste the years. "

Hearing this, Divine Master Black Feather became silent.

He had already guessed that sooner or later Ji Tianxing would go to another continent.

But he did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

Ji Tianxing continued: "Moreover, the Emperor's Mansion will not decline!

This is a martial arts holy land for cultivating the geniuses of the three races, and there will always be fresh blood joining, and more powerful men will be born.

The imperial palace is the gathering place of geniuses, the cradle of the strong, not the imperial court ruling the three clans, nor the overlord who rules the Profound Sky Continent.

Once the demons are removed, the world will be peaceful.

The human, demon, and water tribe will never threaten the imperial palace, and even support and support the imperial palace.

Even if the palace lord is alive, he is the number one powerhouse in the mainland, and he has never bullied or ruled the three-clan imperial court, right?

Therefore, you don't have to worry about the great master. "

Divine Master Black Feather frowned and thought for a while, somewhat embarrassed, "This...but..."

"It's nothing." Ji Tianxing waved his hand quickly and said in a solemn tone: "I'm taking charge of the big brother, and you will inherit the position of palace lord!

Ten days later, I will leave Zhongzhou for the Shenwu Continent. "

Master Black Feather wanted to persuade Ji Tianxing again, but was interrupted by Ji Tianxing.

"Great Master, my heart is determined, you don't have to say more, it's just that.

Later you will summon a few priests to the imperial palace, and I will announce the news in person.

In addition, before I leave, I will help you treat your injuries.

I will also pass on my experience and experience in breaking through the original spirit realm, hoping to help you break through the original spirit realm as soon as possible..."

Master Black Feather could no longer persuade, so he could only acquiesce in his decision.

"Tian Xing, since you have decided to go to the Divine Fetish Continent, I have to remind you of something. I don't know if the palace lord has told you..."

Ji Tianxing raised his brows, and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

Divine Master Black Feather hesitated for a while before whispering: "Since the palace lord took over the imperial mansion, he has rarely stayed in the imperial mansion in the past eight hundred years.

Most of the time, the Palace Lord was gone.

I didn't know where he went before, but later I realized that he spent most of his time in Shenwu Continent. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and showed interest in his eyes, "I also think this matter is a bit weird, what is the big brother looking forward to doing in Shenwu Continent?"

Divine Master Black Feather explained: "I don't know the specific reason. It's only through the palace lord's words and some scattered news that I learned something.

In Shenwu Continent, the Lord Palace Master seemed to be working for a certain superpower, as if he was carrying out a plan.

Moreover, in the past eight hundred years, the imperial palace had produced two genius powerhouses in the Yuanshen realm, and they were all sent to the Shenwu Continent by the palace owner. "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing frowned fiercely, thinking in silence for a while, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Great master, do you mean... the palace master works for that peerless strong man and helps that strong man collect martial arts genius?

If this is not the case, how can the palace owner travel between the two continents freely? This is totally unreasonable! "

God Master Black Feather nodded, "Yes, I think so too, and I think there are many doubts.

The palace lord is too mysterious, I don't know him well, let alone his secrets.

But I vaguely felt that Palace Master didn't care much about the situation in the Profound Sky Continent.

His goal and attention are both in Shenwu Continent. "

Ji Tianxing furrowed his brows and asked, "Great Master, have you ever heard the Palace Master mention, which powerhouse does he work for? Or why does the power act?"

Divine Master Black Feather shook his head, and said with a blank face: "Palace Master keeps this secret very much, and has never mentioned it. I have doubts in my heart, so I discussed this with you.

Moreover, I still have to consider a question. After you leave the Profound Sky Continent, what do I need to do after I succeed the Palace Master?

Am I going to work for that strong man? How to contact the strong man?

Even, what is the significance of the existence of the imperial palace? Why was it created? "

Hearing his words, Ji Tianxing's body suddenly shook, and many thoughts flashed through his mind, thinking very carefully.

He vaguely felt that the origin of the imperial palace was very problematic.

The palace lord and the strong man are probably going to have a big chess game.

Even, he began to worry about Yun Yao!

The palace lord had promised him personally that Yun Yao would not be in danger when he arrived in Shenwu Continent and would receive excellent treatment.

He was willing to believe the words of the palace lord, and was unwilling to speculate on the palace lord's motives and goals with malicious intent.

After all, in order to help him improve his strength, the palace owner would rather sacrifice his own life, but also impart his life skills to him.

Such a selfless dedication made him remember his life and was extremely grateful.

He absolutely did not believe that the Palace Master would have any malicious or evil intentions.

But all this is very strange and very mysterious.

Fear and worry stemmed from his ignorance of the palace master's plan, let alone who he worked for.

He neither knew where Yun Yao was, nor whether Yun Yao was safe, so he was worried and anxious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a long time, his emotions calmed down.

He exhorted the Black Feather Master: "Great Master, after I go to the Shenwu Continent, I will definitely investigate this matter clearly.

You don't need to worry about this, just manage the imperial palace with peace of mind.

If that mysterious strongman needs you to work or do something, he will naturally contact you. "

Divine Master Black Feather thought for a while, nodded and said: "At present, it seems that we can only let the flow go."

Ji Tianxing exhorted him a few words, then got up and left Heiyu Palace, rushing to the imperial palace in the depths of the imperial palace.

The imperial palace is the palace lord's palace, and the most sacred and hidden place in the imperial palace.

If the palace owner left any information and clues, most of them would be hidden in the imperial palace.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing wanted to investigate the secrets of the palace lord, and to find out the mysterious powerhouses and forces behind the palace lord, he must start the investigation from the imperial palace.

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