Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1470: Mystery mark

Although the palace lord had passed away, there were still more than a dozen guards guarding outside the imperial palace.

After Ji Tianxing arrived at the imperial palace, the guards on both sides of the gate hurriedly saluted and opened the imperial palace gate.

Now in the imperial palace, he is the most respected person by all the guards, emperors, and priests, and he is also the next palace lord by everyone's acquiescence.

He stepped into the imperial palace hall, and with a big wave of his hand, he closed the palace gate.


In the wide and dark hall, rows of bright lights were immediately lit on the walls on both sides.

The bright golden light illuminates the whole hall, shining golden light on the ground and the gilded pillars of vermilion.

Ji Tianxing walked slowly around the walls around the hall, carefully observing the patterns and words on the four walls.

Although he has been to the imperial palace several times, he has never had the opportunity to observe these closely.

After two quarters of an hour, he observed the whole hall again, but nothing was actually gained.

The patterns and characters in the hall are from the four tribes of human, demon, water, and demons thousands of years ago, and have nothing to do with Shenwu Continent.

He left the hall with some regrets and walked to the depths of the imperial palace.

In the depths of the imperial palace, there are dozens of vacant rooms and secret rooms, with dim light and dust.

Ji Tianxing released his spiritual consciousness, carefully searching every room and secret room, looking for useful clues and news.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

He searched more than forty rooms and found nothing useful.

Even the secret room where he closed his practice before, he searched it carefully, but still found nothing.

There is only the last one, the secret room protected by the Yuanshen Great Formation, which he has not searched yet.

He knew that it was the exclusive secret room where the palace lord lived and practiced.

Although the palace lord didn't spend much time in the imperial palace, he stayed in that secret room every time he returned to the imperial palace.

Therefore, Ji Tian walked outside the door of the secret room and used his power to crack the big formation.

The defensive formation of this secret room was arranged by the palace owner himself.

He inherited the palace lord's unique learning and martial arts experience, and of course he knew how to crack it.

In less than half an hour, he cracked the defensive formation and opened the stone door of the secret room.

This secret room is not big, only ten meters in radius.

The secret room was empty, and a futon made of the best spirit jade was placed on the open space.

In the corner of the secret room, there is a jade bed made of ten thousand years of cold jade.

In addition, many hidden grids were excavated on the surrounding walls to store things.

Ji Tianxing walked around in the secret room, opening dozens of hidden compartments in turn to check the contents.

Most of the hidden grids store some medicines and formations, as well as strange magic weapon fragments.

Ji Tianxing picked out a few primordial god-level pill from the inside, put them into the space ring, and kept them for future use.

In the last hidden secret, he found a grey ancient book.

This ancient book is very heavy, with frayed and curled edges and pages, and it is obviously often turned over.

With full expectation, he flipped through the ancient book in his hand.

However, the cover of the ancient book had a few quirky characters that made him frown.

He thought for a while, but he didn't recognize what the word was.

But he can be sure that those characters are neither the characters of the four tribes of human, demon, water, and demon, nor the seal characters of ancient times.

"Isn't this the text of Profound Sky Continent?"

This thought flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind, his eyes condensed suddenly, and his heart became more and more expectant.

He opened the ancient book and saw that the dark gold pages were filled with rows of small black characters.

The small characters are the same as the font on the cover, and they are not characters from the Profound Sky Continent.

Ji Tianxing pondered for a long time, but couldn't understand the meaning of these words.

So he continued to look back.

Starting from the third page, some scattered human words appeared on the pages of the book.

The lines of small characters, similar to comments and instructions, are distributed in the middle of the mysterious text.

Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a hint of joy, comparing those human characters and learning to identify mysterious characters.

Gradually, he was immersed in ancient books, forgetting the passage of time.

After half an hour, he could already recognize hundreds of mysterious words.

Only then did he finally understand that the text in this ancient book was indeed not from the Profound Sky Continent, but the general text on the Shenwu Continent!

"It turned out to be the characters of the Shenwu Continent! After the battle of the gods is over, the continents will no longer communicate with each other, and of course there will be differences in characters and languages.

The palace owner hid this book in the secret room, added annotations and transliteration, and often read it...

It seems that he was also studying the script of Shenwu Continent before. "

Ji Tianxing muttered silently, reading the ancient books carefully and intently, comparing the comments of the palace lord, and constantly identifying the characters of Shenwu Continent one after another.

Unconsciously, two days passed.

In the past two days, he has stayed in the secret room and read the ancient book twice from beginning to end.

Relying on his unforgettable super memory, he memorized the content of more than two hundred paper pages verbatim.

Moreover, he has been able to recognize thousands of Shenwu mainland characters after repeated speculation and study.

He can even imitate the pronunciation of Shenwu Continent and say some simple common sentences.

This is not a small gain for him.

At least, he already has a certain foundation, and he will go to Shenwu Continent in the future, so he can learn and master the language of Shenwu Continent faster.

In addition, he also found a mysterious clue.

At the end of the ancient book, there is a mysterious mark the size of a fingernail.

The imprint is oval, with more than 30 patterns on the edge, like a wreath or coiled dragon and snake.

In the middle of the circle, there is a simple bird pattern with a long neck and flying wings.

This pattern is a bit abstract, and Ji Tianxing is not sure whether it is a pattern of a divine bird or a strange symbol.

All in all, this imprint is very special and mysterious, and it must have some meaning.

Ji Tianxing pondered for a long time, but couldn't figure out the meaning of this mark.

He could only silently guess that this mysterious mark must be related to Shenwu Continent.

It may be the secret code for the palace lord to connect with Shenwu Continent~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it may also be the superpower, or the emblem of a certain power.

Ji Tianxing kept in mind the appearance of the mysterious mark, and it was not bad.

Then, he put the ancient book back into the secret room, turned and left the secret room.

Except for the words and mysterious emblems of Shenwu Continent, there is no clue in the imperial palace.

Ji Tianxing kept these things in his heart, and he waited until he went to Shenwu Continent before continuing his investigation.

After a while, he returned to the main hall of the imperial palace.

Outside the gate of the sacred and solemn hall, there are a few priests in black robes standing silently waiting.

These six **** masters, headed by the black feather **** master, are just the few powerhouses left in the imperial mansion.

Ji Tianxing asked the guards to open the door and led several priests into the hall.

Then, he announced to the priests that he had appointed the priest Black Feather as the new palace master.

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