Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1471: our promise

After Ji Tianxing announced the news, the Emperor's Mansion matter was resolved.

After Divine Master Black Feather became the palace lord, he could not control the situation and situation of the imperial palace.

He told the five priests to retreat, leaving only the black feather master in the hall.

Then, he took the black feather master to the secret room, Yun Gong helped him heal his injuries, and taught him the experience of breaking through the original spirit realm.

This matter delayed Ji Tianxing for several days. When he walked out of the secret room, it was already five days later.

Master Black Feather stayed in the secret room, continued to use his exercises to heal his injuries, and comprehend his cultivation experience and experience.

Ji Tianxing left the imperial mansion and flew to the south quickly, heading towards Tianchenyu.

He will be leaving in a few days. This time he will not meet again.

Before leaving, of course he had to visit his father, Master Chu Tiansheng, Father Xiang Wuji, and people from Qingtianzong.

At the very least, he had to say goodbye to his father and his elders in person.

With his current strength, he is the only one in the world in the Profound Sky Continent.

From Zhongzhou City to Tianchen Domain, he can arrive in just one day.

After arriving at Tianchen Domain, he first went to the Domain Lord's Mansion to visit his father and Ji's family.

When Ji Changkong learned that he was leaving the Profound Sky Continent, he was of course reluctant to give up, and his heart was full of worries.

But he also knew that Ji Tianxing had a reason to go to Shenwu Continent and it was imperative.

Therefore, he can only support Ji Tianxing's decision and exhort him carefully.

Anyway, the Emperor Court will soon send someone to pick him up and go to the Emperor Court to settle down, so there is no need to worry about the future safety.

After leaving the Domain Lord's Mansion, Ji Tianxing went to Qingtianzong again to bid farewell to Chu Tiansheng, Xiang Wuji and others.

Everyone talked for a long time, and Chu Tiansheng, Xiang Wuji and others were full of emotions and quite reluctant.

However, everyone did not ask to stay, they all expressed their sincere wishes to him.

After the matter was over, Ji Tianxing had no worries in his mind and returned to Zhongzhou with peace of mind.


Soon, ten days passed.

Finally, the day when Ji Tianxing was about to leave, Zhongzhou City was full of people and noisy.

A few days ago, the news that Ji Tianxing was leaving had already spread in Zhongzhou City.

Early in the morning, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians spontaneously saw Ji Tianxing off.

The crowd gathered outside the Forest of God Steles and lined up along the avenue, extending to the vicinity of the square in the city.

Countless people are looking in the direction of the imperial palace, waiting for the appearance of Ji Tianxing, discussing with all their hearts.

At the exit of the imperial palace, there were dozens of distinguished and powerful men who came here to see Ji Tianxing off.

Among these dozens of powerhouses, the emperor, the Golden Dragon Emperor and the Tianluo Demon Emperor are headed.

Behind the three supreme ones are Long Yunxiao, Kunwu, Ji Ke and Taiyi, as well as Xiao Han, Yun Zhongqi, Baili genius doctor, Fox Ji, and Ling Yiqian.

The faces and moods of everyone were very complicated, especially Ji Ke, who was the most sad.

Today, she wears a fiery red long skirt and a luxurious Luanfeng and Mingyu crown on her head, exuding a noble aura.

However, water mist loomed in her big clear eyes, and her eyes were a little red.

She hasn't seen Ji Tianxing for more than a year since the Mozu Rebellion broke out.

She did not expect to see Ji Tianxing again, but it was the moment to see him off.

After a while, when the exit of the imperial palace opened and Ji Tianxing took the lead to walk out, everyone looked at him in unison.

He walked towards the crowd first, followed by Black Feather, several priests and many emperors.

The countless soldiers and civilians near the Forest of God Tablets immediately bowed to Ji Tianxing and said farewell and blessings.

For a time, there was a hustle and bustle near the Forest of God Steles, and there was a lot of voice.

Ji Tian walked to stand in front of the emperor and the others, and slightly raised his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

Then, he saluted the emperor and the golden dragon emperor and said goodbye with a smile.

Long Yunxiao, Kunwu, Taiyi, Ji Ke and others also greeted him one after another and talked with him.

The three princes can still keep smiling, and they are quite cool in their conversation.

The three sincerely wish Ji Tianxing a safe journey, and he can reach the top and achieve greater glory on another continent.

Ji Tianxing thanked him one by one, and then came to Ji Ke.

He stood face to face with Ji Ke, eyes facing each other, and both fell silent.

Ji Ke stared at him affectionately, her thin lips pressed lightly, and the water column in her eyes was spinning.

Ji Tianxing showed a slight smile, reached out his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said in a gentle voice: "So many people are watching, don't cry, it will damage the majesty of the Yaozu princess."

Ji Ke pouted and whispered: "I don't care! I haven't seen you for more than a year, and you are leaving after meeting you.

I just want to look at you more and remember your appearance forever, so as not to forget you in the future..."

Ji Tianxing showed an apologetic smile and explained: "Ke Ke, sometimes at the end of gathering and dispersing, I cannot stay in the Profound Sky Continent. I will leave after all."

Ji Ke pursed her lips, and asked softly: "Brother Tianxing, can you take me with you then?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." Ji Tianxing shook his head, and Chuanyin explained: "That time and space channel, only the strength of the Primordial Divine Realm can enter."

The look of expectation in Ji Ke's eyes immediately dissipated, and a sense of loss appeared.

She nodded silently, looked at Ji Tianxing firmly, and said with a firm and persistent tone: "Brother Tianxing, then when you go there, you must take care of your body and be careful in everything.

Yuanshen Realm...I will work hard to cultivate!

Brother Tianxing, I will come to you soon! "

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, "Well, if you reach the Primordial God Realm in the future and don't want to be the queen of the demon race, come to Shenwu Continent to find me."

Ji Ke thought for a while, and added: "Brother Tianxing, then you have to count your words, you have to remember our agreement, and you have to wait for me!

If it takes too long, when I go to Shenwu Continent, but you have already left, I will hate you for a lifetime! "

Ji Tianxing chuckled and nodded, and said goodbye to her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ continue to walk forward.

He walked all the way out of the Forest of God Tablets, and everyone along the way saluted him and saw him off full of wishes.

He nodded to everyone, and walked to the wide avenue before stopping.

"Everyone, thank you all for seeing me off, and thank you all for your wishes.

Ji Tianxing will leave this, if there is a chance in this life, we will meet again! "

Ji Tianxing looked at the people calmly, bent over and bowed, then turned and stepped onto the sky, his clothes fluttering to the east.

Everyone in the vicinity of the God Stele Forest looked up at the sky, watching his figure disappear into the sky, and then looked back after a long time.

Ji Ke also stood in a daze for a long time, two crystal teardrops silently slipped from his eyes.

"Brother Tianxing, I will definitely find you, waiting for me!"

She clenched her fists secretly and murmured in her heart.

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