Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1495: Behind the scenes

This voice was full of surprise and disbelief.

Ji Tianxing frowned subconsciously, and looked to the left front with a cold expression.

Twenty steps away, a tall and thin figure in a snow-white gown caught his eye.

There is no doubt that this person is Yin Wuqian.

He was holding a yin and parasol umbrella, looking at Ji Tianxing in surprise, his eyes gleaming.

Behind him stood two middle-aged men with cold expressions and strong aura.

The strength of the two men reached the Nine Tribulations Realm, but their attitude towards Yin Wuqian was very respectful, like a guardian.

Ji Tianxing glanced at Yin Wuque, and asked in a cold tone: "Why are you here?"

Yin Wuqian replied without hesitation: "You were attacked, of course my son has to come and have a look! I didn't expect you to be alive, which is really surprising."

Ji Tianxing stared at him sharply, and said in a deep tone: "I'm not dead, you seem a little disappointed?"

"No, no, no!" Yin Wuwei waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: "What are you talking about? I'm too late to be happy, how can I be disappointed?

Don't you doubt that this son sent someone to assassinate you? "

Ji Tianxing didn't speak, but stared at him calmly.

Yin Wuqian's expression was a little unnatural, it seemed a little bit aggrieved and sullen, and he snorted coldly, "Huh! If this son sent someone to kill you, how could he show up in person? Isn't it just a snare?

With your cleverness and wisdom, how can you not even understand this point? "

Ji Tianxing did not answer, but bowed his hand to him and said "thank you".

Yin Wuque was stunned, and immediately stopped defending, with a gentle smile on his face.

"It's pretty much the same! Even if you still have some eyesight, it's worth worrying about this young man!"

After all, he flew into the ruins beside Ji Tianxing, searching with keen eyes.

The entire house was turned into rubble and dust, and even the surrounding buildings of hundreds of meters were collapsed by the shock wave and turned into rubble.

Yin Wuwei rummaged in the ruins for a while, and soon found the assassin's body fragments, armor fragments and several pieces of broken metal.

He picked up the fragments and fragments and carefully observed for a while before returning to Ji Tianxing with a solemn expression.

"Master Ji, you are in big trouble now!"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and looked at him calmly, "What do you say?"

Yin Wuque glanced around and saw the dark shadows around him. Obviously, many secret agents had noticed the abnormality and were peeping in secret.

Therefore, he used the method of sound transmission to explain to Ji Tianxing: "The person who assassinated you should be the assassin of the Hidden Killing Pavilion."

"Hidden Killing Pavilion?" Ji Tianxing showed a hint of confusion, and asked in a low voice: "I have never heard of this force, and there is no grudge with Yin Killed Pavilion... Is this an assassin organization?"

"Yes!" Yin Wuwei nodded and said: "And it is the most powerful assassin organization in the country, the strong are like clouds, and even the Wusheng strong was assassinated thousands of years ago!"

Hearing his explanation, Ji Tianxing's face turned gloomy, and his tone was grave: "It seems that someone secretly shot and paid a lot of money. Please kill me assassin!"

"Yes!" Yin Wuwei nodded, and said in a playful tone: "You have just arrived, and you have no grievances with the major forces in your country, but in the ranking battle, you have offended some geniuses.

You must have won someone’s honor and ruined someone’s future. "

Ji Tianxing immediately recalled the words that Lan Yiqing had been defeated by him before leaving the ring, and the hateful eyes.

His face was cold and he said proudly: "I didn't intend to block anyone's way, and I don't want to have anything to do with the forces of the Izumo Empire.

Since that person wants to kill me, just let him go, why should I be afraid? ! "

Yin Wuque stared at him with scorching eyes, and said with emotion: "Master Ji, I have to admire you, you are really confident and domineering!

However, I have to remind you that no matter whether the hidden killing pavilion or the faction, you can't afford to offend it! "

Ji Tianxing just made a sneer at the corner of his mouth, without answering.

Seeing that he didn't take it seriously, Yin Wuwei quickly persuaded him: "Young Master Ji, you really can't underestimate Yinsha Pavilion and Lan Family, they are the top forces in this country!

Although you escaped tonight and killed two assassins, this is a fluke.

You live in the imperial city and are watched by the eyes of all forces. In order to hide, the Assassin from the Primordial Divine Realm was sent to assassinate you.

After all, once the powerhouses of the Nine Tribulations Realm approach this area, they will be aware of the aura, causing the royal family to be alert.

Only the assassins of the Primordial God Realm will not be noticed, and it is more convenient to assassinate you.

If the next time the Yinsha Pavilion sends an assassin in the Nine Tribulations Realm, will you still survive? "

Of course, Ji Tianxing knew that his analysis was reasonable, so he nodded and said: "Thanks for reminding! But, you don't have to worry too much.

The assassination plan of the Hidden Killing Pavilion failed, and this matter will definitely be known to the royal family and major forces.

In a short period of time, the hidden killing pavilion and the faction will definitely not dare to make any rash moves unless they dare to ignore the majesty of the Holy Emperor!

Three days later, we are about to leave the Izumo Empire and head to the Clear Sky Tower... Do they dare to chase the Clear Sky Tower? "

Yin Wuqian was taken aback for a moment, and slightly nodded in agreement, "Yes, your analysis makes sense.

However, you still can't take it lightly, and you still have to be more careful during these three days. "

Having said that, he thought about it for a while, and said sincerely: "Master Ji, why don't you go back and stay with me for a few days, three days later we will go to see the envoy together.

There is a manor in the south of the city. It is my private domain. No other power than the royal family dares to invade...

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, and hesitated to ask: "Now I am at the center of the storm, are you afraid of getting into trouble?"

Yin Wuque showed a confident smile, and said proudly: "Except for the royal family, I have no fear of other forces, and they dare not offend me easily!

As for the Saint Emperor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will explain it personally, so don't worry. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said, "So, thank you very much."

The innocent smiling face became more charming, his eyes sparkled, and he was obviously in a good mood.

Afterwards, he took Ji Tianxing out of the ruins, escorted by two middle-aged guards, quickly rushed to Nancheng, his figure disappeared into the night.

After everyone left, there were many powerful men and spies lurking in the dark. They touched the ruins and quietly investigated the situation.

Those people searched for some fragments, and soon left the ruins and disappeared into the darkness.

Within an hour, there were more than a dozen groups of spies and strong men who successively explored the ruins, investigating many clues.

Three hours later, a long night passed and a new day arrived.

At the same time, the royal family and major forces also got news one after another and learned about the attack on Ji Tianxing.

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