Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1496: Haotian Divine Light

Although the royal family and all major forces can find out, the person who assassinated Ji Tianxing was an assassin from the Hidden Killing Pavilion.

However, the power of the Hidden Killing Pavilion is strong, and the network of relations in the Izumo Empire is intertwined and deeply rooted.

Moreover, the Hidden Killing Pavilion acts very meticulously and concealedly, and there are many strong people sitting in it.

No one wants to offend Yin Sha Ge, even the royal family will not go to war with Yin Sha Ge for Ji Tianxing.

Anyway, Ji Tianxing was not dead, and he was about to leave the Izumo Empire in three days.

This matter is no more.

Hidden Killing Pavilion did not send assassins to take action, and the master behind the scenes did not have any further actions or plans.

Of course, the hidden killing pavilion's defiance of the majesty of the holy emperor has already angered the holy emperor, and will definitely be suppressed by the holy emperor in the future.

The eyeliners of the various forces are concentrated on Yin Wuxia.

His mansion in the south of the city has become the focus of attention.

Many forces are speculating that Yin Wuqian walks so close to Ji Tian, ​​there must be some purpose.

As for the royal family, there were also gossips from the palace.

It is said that in the early morning of the second day of the incident, Yin Wuwei went to the palace in person to meet the emperor, and had a close conversation with the emperor for a long time.

No one knows what they talked about.

Everyone only knew that for the next three days, Ji Tianxing had been living in the manor without any lack of darkness and never showed up again.

The emperor did not express any opinions or opinions on this, and seemed to have acquiesced.

Three days passed quickly.

In the early morning of that day, as the sun rises, hundreds of people have gathered on the square in the city.

At least more than 300,000 people gathered in the wide square and talked with expectation.

Today is the day when the God Envoy of the Haotian Tower will arrive, and 15 young geniuses will also leave the Izumo Empire and go to the Haotian Tower.

Almost all the people know that the Haotian Tower is a martial arts holy land, the preaching ground of the Lord God, and its status is respected and sacred.

No one has seen the appearance of the Haotian Tower with their own eyes, and has never bathed in the light of the Haotian Tower.

But everyone knew that every time the Haotian Tower **** envoy came to the imperial city, it would bring a lot of divine light.

Under the sacred light, the sky is falling chaotically, the ground is rushing with green lotus, and there is a lot of sunshine and a thousand spirits.

All warriors who have been baptized by the light of God will have the effect of washing hair and cutting the marrow, the martial arts aptitude will be more outstanding, and the savvy talent will also increase.

All in all, this is a miracle that only happens once in twenty years and can bring huge benefits to the people.

Therefore, every time the envoy visits the imperial city, it will cause a sensation in the city.

As time passed, the morning sun gradually rose to the sky.

More and more people came from all directions and gathered around the square.

The huge square was surrounded, the water was blocked, and the crowd was full of people.

There were more people present today than on the day of the ranking battle, almost reaching 600,000.

In the middle of the square, on the arena a hundred feet high above the ground, hundreds of people lined up neatly, standing respectfully.

Those are the hundreds of civil and military officials of the Izumo Empire, and 15 young geniuses.

Not long after, the great emperor Izumo, sage masters and eight powerful men also came to the ring on the colorful clouds and stood in front of everyone.

The ring was silent, everyone looked solemn and full of expectation.

The 600,000 people in the square also kept quiet, looking up at the sky with excitement, and waiting silently.

When the sun went three poles, a brilliant golden light suddenly lit up in the southern sky.

It was a band of dazzling golden light, cutting through the sky like lightning, and galloping toward Tianyun City.

Hundreds of thousands of people on the square burst out cheers of surprise.

"Look, the envoy is here!"

"We have waited for twenty years, and finally we can see God's Envoy again!"

"I have been in shackles for more than ten years, and I hope that I can break through the realm smoothly by bathing in the light today!"

The cheers came one after another, converging into a torrent of sound waves, echoing in the sky.

On the ring, Ji Tianxing, Yin Wuwei, and a dozen young geniuses, like the civil and military officials, turned their heads to look at the southern sky, showing expectant eyes.

Yin Wuque stood beside Ji Tianxing. Seeing his calm and indifferent expression, he sent a voice message to remind him: "Master Ji, the light of God will come later, you must concentrate on refining, it will be of great benefit."

Ji Tianxing just nodded slightly and didn't say much.

In a blink of an eye, that dazzling golden light flew into the imperial city and came to the sky above the square.

Suddenly, the rising sun in the sky was obscured, and half of the imperial city was shrouded in sacred golden light.

The heaven and the earth are shining and gorgeous, and the air is also full of extremely rich aura of heaven and earth.

There is a sacred and solemn guard of honor in the golden auspicious clouds with a radius of thousands of feet.

Hundreds of guards wearing golden armor, all of them handsome and martial arts, holding golden halberds and swords slung around their waists.

There are also hundreds of young and beautiful maids, dressed in exquisite dresses, holding various silk and bamboo musical instruments, and playing the wonderful music of nature.

A hundred guards and a hundred maids were surrounded by a luxurious golden nun.

The golden ruins have a radius of ten feet, and the whole body is gilded, inlaid with tens of thousands of rare and rare gems and sacred jade, the shape is extremely exquisite and gorgeous.

There is no doubt that this is the car of the Haotian Tower Divine Envoy, demonstrating its honor and extraordinary status.

The holy emperor looked up at the golden nun in the sky, bowed his hands and shouted: "Welcome the envoy to Tianyun City!"

As the holy emperor's voice fell, the holy masters, civil and military officials, as well as hundreds of thousands of people, knelt to the ground, bowing respectfully.

"Respectfully welcome the arrival of the envoy!"

The uniform shouts converged into a deafening torrent of sound waves, resounding through the clouds.

The emperor maintained the posture of bowing and saluting, and the hundreds of civil and military officials and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people also maintained the posture of bowing and worshipping, very pious.

In the golden nun high above the sky, dazzling colorful divine light gradually lit up.

A tall and burly figure walked out of the golden ruins and stood on top of the golden clouds.

This person is wearing a purple robe carved with dragons and phoenixes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The chest is embroidered with stars, sun and moon patterns, which is very noble.

He is a middle-aged man with a majestic face, a beard, and a golden crown. His temperament is majestic and refined, and he has a somewhat ethereal atmosphere of a worldly expert.

Obviously, he was the envoy sent by the Haotian Tower.

Condescendingly overlooking the entire square, he glanced over hundreds of civil and military officials, fifteen young geniuses and hundreds of thousands of people, and said in a solemn voice: "The sky is virtuous, and the common people are enlightened. Nurturing all beings..."

He was chanting some kind of sacred spell, and his hands slowly unfolded a dark golden picture.

Suddenly, the colorful divine light poured out from the scroll, pouring down like a flood, covering the entire square.

This area has completely turned into the golden light world, hundreds of thousands of people are bathed in divine light, subtle and mysterious changes have taken place in the body, and the strength and talent are also rapidly improving.

The golden flowers fall in the sky, the green lotus is rushing on the earth, and a hundred flowers bloom...

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