Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1530: Vomiting blood

Lan Yiqing's attitude is very tough, and his words are also very acid and vicious.


   She was very smart and didn't argue with Lu Li, it was a waste of time.


   She directly scolded Ji Tianxing by name, not only would not offend Lu Li too ruthlessly, but also make Ji Tianxing extremely passive and embarrassed.


   As long as Ji Tianxing still has dignity and personality, it is impossible to turn a deaf ear, and he must step forward.


   Young geniuses from various countries all looked at her with admiration and had different opinions in their hearts.


   "This woman is so deliberate, and Ji Tianxing will be embarrassed now."


  "This Lan Yiqing is really calm and wise, with very sharp methods, pointing directly to the core of the problem.


   No wonder that after Ji Tianxing was punished, she became a role model for the Izumo Empire genius! "


   "This woman should not be underestimated, let's watch out for her in the future!"


   Lan Yiqing could not help but sneer secretly when he saw everyone talking in a low voice, and pointed to Ji Tianxing.


   "Huh! Ji Tianxing, Ji Tianxing, do you think this big tree next to Luli can turn over? Don't think about it!


   I will never let you go to the temple to repent and reform!


   If you take this opportunity to please the great protector and avoid punishment, you will become a stumbling block to me in the future! "


   The crazy dragon and a dozen young geniuses beside her also sneered, looking at Ji Tianxing with contempt.


   For a time, Ji Tianxing became the focus of everyone and was pushed to the cusp of the storm.


   But he had long expected that Lan Yiqing and others would definitely make trouble, so he was prepared.


   He walked out of the crowd calmly and stood in front of Lan Yiqing, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.


   "I don't belong to any power, so how can I betray you? You should keep the word traitor to yourself!"


   Lan Yiqing, Kuanglong and others suddenly changed their faces, frowned fiercely, and the contempt on their faces became more serious.


   "What a shameless guy!" Lan Yi scolded with a cold face: "Ji Tianxing, don't forget, you are the first genius of the Izumo Empire!


   Now, you have taken refuge in the prince of the Thousand Snow Empire. Isn't this betrayal and what is it? "


   Ji Tianxing also frowned, and said with contempt: "Lan Yiqing, are you deaf or have your brain flooded? I have already said enough, don't you understand?


  Although I came to the Haotian Tower as the first genius of the Izumo Empire, I am not from the Izumo Empire.


   Who do I want to go with, that is my personal business, do you have a penny relationship with you?


   What are you again? Are you qualified to point fingers at me? ! "


   The cold and majestic voice spread throughout the square.


   The geniuses from all over the world suddenly showed shocked faces, looking at Ji Tianxing incredulously.


   No one thought that he would let out such arrogant words, and even scold Lan Yi with blood!


   Lan Yiqing was frustrated on the spot, staring at him angrily, pointed at him, and said three words of ‘you’, but couldn’t find a rebuttal.


   Crazy Dragon and a dozen young geniuses are also full of anger, looking at Ji Tianxing's eyes, almost bursting into flames.


   But like Lan Yiqing, they have all witnessed Ji Tianxing participating in a ranking battle.


   At that time, Ji Tianxing's dress style was completely different from that of the people of the Izumo Empire, and even his words and accent were very different.


   Everyone knows that Ji Tianxing is indeed not from the Izumo Empire!


   However, Lan Yi was so angry that his conspiracy and purpose had not been achieved. How could he give in?


   She pointed to Ji Tianxing, and shouted in a cold tone: "Ji Tianxing, if the Holy Emperor Izumo had not taken special care of you, why would you be the number one genius in your country?


   Now that you want to take refuge in the Thousand Snow Empire, you can say such ruthless words, Izumo Saint Emperor will never let you go! "


   Crazy Dragon and a dozen young geniuses also nodded in agreement, cursing righteously.


   Ji Tianxing stared at Lan Yiqing with an icy expression, and scolded with contempt: "I can be the first genius of the Izumo Empire by strength!


   I use my real talents to learn, and blow up your waste, not by someone's special care!


   As for whether Emperor Izumo will let me go, what does it have to do with you? What are you worthy to represent Emperor Izumo?


   I warn you one last time, don't point fingers at me! Take your paws away, or I don't mind destroying it! "


   Such arrogant words, on the spot, Lan Yiqing and Kuanglong's faces were pale, and their whole bodies were trembling.


   He dared to say such arrogant words in front of the geniuses of the Six Nations, it was too mad! !


   He was majestic, exuding an extremely domineering aura, and every word was like thunder, shaking the hearts of everyone.


   Lan Yiqing was shocked and angry, almost vomiting blood in anger, and his face was also pale.


   "Ji Tianxing, you will definitely pay for what you say today!"


   She glared at Ji Tianxing with hatred, and after leaving a harsh word, she turned her head and left.


   She wanted to take this opportunity to humiliate Ji Tianxing publicly and prevent him from going to the temple to worship.


   But she didn't expect it to be like this.


   Not only did her plan fail, she was scolded by Ji Tianxing in public, and she was embarrassed.


   The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed and angry she became. Under her anger, she opened her mouth and spit out blood.


   Crazy Dragon and many young geniuses hurriedly retreated to the edge of the square surrounded her, and began to comfort her.


   However, one of the people who stopped in front of Lu Li and Ji Tianxing did not leave.


   He is wearing a white shirt. Although he is a man, he is as beautiful as a woman, and his temperament is feminine and charming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no doubt that he is Yin Wuxia.


  Although he was in the crowd just now, he never spoke from the beginning to the end, and he never slandered Ji Tianxing.


   At this time, he looked at Ji Tianxing with complicated eyes, and said in secret, "Master Ji, I didn't expect that things would develop to this point.


   In any case, I want to remind you that Lu Li is a man of deep scheming, insidious and cunning.


   Even if you are trapped for a while, you should not follow him, he is definitely not a master! "


   Ji Tianxing also looked at him deeply, and secretly replied: "Thank you for your concern and reminder. The reason why I did this is naturally my reason and plan.


   Moreover, I do not belong to any forces, and I will not take refuge in anyone.


  Don't even talk about Lu Li, even if the Emperor Qianxue is here, I don't have the right to let me bow down! "


   Hearing what he said, the worries and worries in Yin Wuque's eyes disappeared.


   He nodded slightly to Ji Tianxing, and the voice transmission said: "This son really didn't misunderstand you! You fellow, as always, arrogant and arrogant.


   However, I was born in the Izumo Empire, and my family and friends are all in the Izumo Empire.


   Therefore, I cannot stand up and support you. Please forgive me..."


   The corners of Ji Tianxing's mouth rose with a radian, and the sound transmission replied: "It is enough for you to have this intention."

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