Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1531: Oracle comes

Yin Wuque stared at him with clear eyes, a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.


   He and Ji Tianxing looked at each other for a moment, then turned away and returned to the crowd.


   The turmoil brought by Lan Yiqing and others was resolved by Ji Tianxing.


   The self-confidence and domineering he displayed have left a deep impression on talents from all over the world, and has become the focus of discussion.


   Lu Li glanced at Ji Tianxing, then glanced at Lan Yiqing and others on the edge of the square, a deep disappointment and contempt flashed in his eyes.


   He originally thought that Lan Yiqing and others would definitely make Ji Tianxing incredibly ugly and fall into a very humiliating situation.


   At that time, he will come forward to resolve the dispute and help Ji Tianxing resolve the crisis, and he will definitely be grateful to Ji Tianxing.


   But he didn't expect that Ji Tianxing solved the dilemma in just a few words, and he vomited blood out of Lan Yi's breath, and almost ran away.


   His plan was aborted, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart: "This bunch of trash from the Izumo Empire really disappointed my lord!"


   Of course, he still pretends to be nonchalant on the surface, leading everyone across the square and walking towards the temple.


   At the gate of the temple, more than forty maids and guards, all staying outside, kneeling respectfully under the eaves of the corridor.


   As servants, it is a great honor for them to be outside the temple, and they are not qualified to enter the temple.


   Only Ji Tianxing, Jiang Ningxue and a few geniuses from the Qianxue Empire entered the hall with Luli.


   In the magnificent hall, the great guardian stood under the statue of the god, and the six gods stood on the left and right sides.


   This pilgrimage ceremony, just like the previous one, is still presided over by the great guardian.


   He was holding a book of the Kingdom of God in his hand, standing solemnly under the statue of God, looking at Lu Li and the others with majesty.


   Lu Li took Ji Tianxing and others, walked to the middle of the hall and stood still, and bowed to the guardian and several envoys.


   "I've seen the great guardian, my sirs."


   Ji Tianxing did not respond, neither bowed nor spoke.


   He looked at the wall behind the statue of God Lord, observing the murals and symbols.


   At the same time, in the depths of his mind, some pictures appeared uncontrollably, all about Taihao Martial God.


   Those are the memories of the sword god, but some are scattered and broken.


   Fortunately, he is not lost, his eyes are still clear and calm.


   Seeing that he did not bow and salute, the guardian felt a little unhappy, and his eyes became cold.


   But he suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and ignored Ji Tianxing.


  In his mind, Ji Tianxing has nothing to do with disrespect to him. If he disrespects the divine lord Taihao, then it is a heinous sin.


   Holding the code in his hand, he solemnly announced: "This seat announces that the worship ceremony begins now!"


   Then, he prayed solemnly for the profound and obscure divine writings, and slowly waved his right hand, casting a mysterious seal.


   "Everything is born without a beginning, a beginning and an end, all without delusion, all without thought..."


   With the solemn voice of the Great Guardian sounded in the hall, Lu Li knelt down respectfully and kowtowed towards the statue of the god.


   His look and posture are very respectful and pious.


   After knocking three heads, he got up and walked three steps forward, then knelt down three heads again.


   Next, he walked towards the statue of the **** master step by step, kneeling every three steps, and worshiping every nine steps, really three knees and nine knocks!


   Jiang Ningxue and the geniuses of the Thousand Snow Empire, like him, knelt and knocked nine times on the statue of God Lord, with an extremely pious expression.


   Only Ji Tianxing was still standing in the middle of the hall, never knelt down, let alone kowtow.


   His dignity and arrogance made it impossible for him to bow down to the statue of God Lord like Lu Li and others.


   He just bent over at the statue of God Lord, bowed and saluted.


   This is already his greatest sincerity.


   The Great Guardian was praying and reciting the divine text, and only halfway through the reading, he saw the outstanding Ji Tianxing.


   Lu Li, Jiang Ningxue and others all knelt down sincerely, but he stood erect, which was too conspicuous!


   Seeing this scene, the great guardian suddenly stopped praying and chanting divine texts, frowned fiercely, and strong anger welled up in his eyes.


   He did not expect that after the incident last time, Ji Tianxing did not learn much, and he dared to offend the majesty of the gods!


   It was Lu Li's face that he gave Ji Tianxing a chance to reform.


   Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing still has this attitude.


   How can this make him not angry?


   "Ji Tianxing! This seat is out of law, giving you this opportunity to come to the temple to worship and confess. How dare you not bow down?!"


   The big guardian glared at Ji Tianxing, and yelled in a cold tone.


   The envoys, Lu Li and others were all awakened at once, turning their heads to look at Ji Tianxing.


   Everyone stared at him closely, and they all showed expressions of shock and confusion.


  No one can understand, why does this guy die without repentance?


   The statue enshrined in the temple, but the supreme Taihao Martial God!


   Is this guy lacking in mind? Why refuse to kneel down and worship the statue of the god?


  If someone has a pious attitude, he may be favored by the god, and be rewarded by the god!


   At this moment, a sudden exclamation suddenly broke the silence of the temple.


   "Gosh! Look, everyone, there is an oracle on the idol!!"


   Hearing these words suddenly, everyone was startled, their eyes were confused, and there was no reaction.


   The next moment, everyone came to their senses and turned to look at the statue of the god.


   I saw the majestic statue of God Lord, lit up with a bright golden light, it was extremely sacred.


   On the pedestal at the foot of the statue, there is a white jade slab two meters wide and ten meters long, which also lit up with a drenched white light.


   That jade slab ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is part of the base, used for decoration and embellishment.


   At the same time, this jade slab is a psychic divine jade, and it also has a special function, which is to show the oracle of the Lord Taihao!


   When the powerful or enchanting genius worships the statue of the god, if the **** is favored, the jade board will light up and show different oracles.


  Some oracles enlighten believers, and some oracles give orders.


   For nearly a thousand years, only a few people have received oracles when they worship the statue of the god.


   Those few people were the holy emperors of several empires, and the great guardians of the year.


   The Great Guardian was also the best enchanting genius of the same generation, and his name shook the world by virtue of the body of the abyss.


   When he worshipped the statue of the god, he was favored by the god, and the oracle came.


   Later, he was cultivated as a martial master, and he was highly regarded by the gods, and he was appointed as the great guardian of the Haotian Tower.


   And now, the oracle has come again!


   The Great Guardian, the six divine envoys, Lu Li, Jiang Ningxue and others all showed extremely excited expressions.


  Especially Lu Li, his complexion flushed with excitement, he slapped his head nine times at the statue of God Lord and laughed excitedly.


   "Hahaha...great! I come to worship every two years sincerely, Lord God finally feels my sincerity, and he has sent an oracle for me!"


   (End of this chapter)

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