Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1564: 7 Stars Off

Five hours later.

This is the darkest moment before dawn.

In a vast and remote mountain range, Ji Tianxing is hiding in a mountain, meditating and adjusting his breath in the cave.

He had fought against Black Wing before and fleeed for another four hours.

Now he was exhausted, his mana was almost exhausted.

What's more, his soul was also injured by Black Wing, and his strength was very weak.

After finally getting rid of Black Wing's pursuit, he naturally found a hidden place to hide his wounds and adjust his breath.

He took out five Yuanshen-level pills from the space ring, and after taking them in turn, he began to refine the pills.

These pills were taken from the secret room of Tiansheng Palace, and he carried them with him in case of emergency.

Soon, several primordial god-level pills were refined, exerting powerful medicinal effects.

His soul injury is slowly repairing, and the lack of mana is gradually recovering.

As time passed, his complexion slowly recovered, and he finally got out of his weak state.

While adjusting his energy and adjusting his breath, he was still thinking silently in his heart: "The people from the White Night Empire and the Thousand Snow Empire before, tried every means to **** the Heaven Burying Sword.

Now, two days after I left Fengshen Mountain, I was intercepted by the Black Wings of the Blue Dragon Empire.

Even the people in the Canglong Empire know my name and news about the Heaven Burial Sword...

It seems that the news of the Heaven Burial Sword has been spread in various countries, and the forces of all countries want to take the Heaven Burial Sword as their own! "

He knew very well that now he is like a piece of fat, and the power of the Six Nations is like a hungry wolf.

Surrounded by wolves, his situation will only become more and more dangerous.

He had already made up his mind. After the Shenleihu incident was over, he returned to Fengshen Mountain and would not leave easily.

For him, only Fengshenshan is relatively safe.


Two days later, Ji Tianxing's primordial spirit injury recovered 80%, and all his mana recovered.

He left the cave and drove the black dragon on his way.

For the next two days, the journey went smoothly without any more twists and turns.

Until the early morning of the third day, he finally arrived at Shenlei Lake.

At this time the morning sun rises, and the golden sun shines down.

The black dragon flies in the sky, and Ji Tianxing stands on the dragon's back, looking ahead.

Hundreds of miles away, there are vast mountains lined with peaks.

A crystal clear lake is quietly hidden among the towering mountains.

Looking down from the sky, the Shenlei Lake with a radius of three hundred li really looks like a tear.

In the early morning, the mountains were filled with smoke, covering the lake of Shenlei.

Heilong went straight to Shenlei Lake, but was blocked by an invisible barrier a hundred miles away from the lake.

It was forced to stop in the sky, looking around.

Ji Tian acted with his eyes and carefully observed the sky in front of him, only to realize that the invisible barrier was a huge array of heaven and earth.

This large formation covers a radius of five hundred miles and protects the entire Lake of Shenlei.

With his realm of strength and formation skills, it is impossible to crack this saint-level formation.

Unless he enters the Tianshu Pavilion and consults the relevant formation books, he can find a way to crack it.

But he didn't intend to do this. He cracked the big formation without authorization, and he would definitely offend the Lord of Shentear Island.

He took the black dragon into the sword world, stood in the sky, bowed to Shenlei Lake, and shouted like Hong Zhong: "Fengshenshan disciple Ji Tianxing, come to visit the Lord of Shenlei Island."

The billowing sound traveled hundreds of miles in the sky, enough to be heard by the people in the Lake of Tears.

After waiting for a while, he saw a dazzling light and shadow galloping from the Shenlei Lake.


In a blink of an eye, the cyan streamer came to him twenty feet away and stopped in mid-air.

The blue light converged, and a long figure appeared.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a green robe, a bun, and an ancient sword with a cloud pattern on his back.

This person has a thin face, clear eyes, and his hands and feet exudes the indifferent breath that can only be found in a hermit.

He looked at Ji Tianxing calmly, and after taking a look, he said indifferently: "Sir, don't you know that Shenlei Lake is a forbidden place? Doesn't my island owner follow his opinions?"

Ji Tianxing bowed his hand and said calmly: "It is because of knowing that I officially visited and asked for a meeting.

How do you call this senior? "

The man in the green robe gave him a blank expression, and was silent for a moment before he said: "The thirteenth sword in this seat is the servant of Lord Island Master."

Ji Tianxing nodded and called Senior Jian Thirteen.

The indifferent color in Jian Shisan’s eyes faded slightly, and he said, "Excuse me, who is your first name? Why come to Shenlei Lake to see the Lord of the Island?"

Ji Tianxing explained: "Under the surname Ji, Tianxing, I heard that Shenlei Lake has a magical effect, which can dissolve the obsessions in my heart. When I see the person I love, I specially rushed to see him from Fengshen Mountain."

Hearing what he said, Jian Shisan nodded slightly: "It's no wonder that you came to Shenlei Lake for thousands of miles. Such reasons and reasons are in line with the rules set by the master of the island.

However, the owner of the island is cleaning up in the lake, and he doesn't like being disturbed, and not everyone can see it.

The lord of the island has set up a seven-star heavenly pass. If you insist on seeing you, you should pass the seven-star heavenly pass before talking. "

"Seven Stars Pass?" Ji Tianxing frowned, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Senior Sword Thirteen please tell me what's going on."

With a wave of the 13th sword sleeve, a dazzling blue light was cast, opening a door on the invisible barrier in front of him.

"Come with me."

After that, Jian Shisan turned and flew towards Shenlei Lake.

Ji Tianxing hurriedly passed through the gateway, followed behind him, crossed two mountain peaks, and flew to Shenlei Lake.

The two descended from the sky and landed on the shore of Shenlei Lake.

Only then did Ji Tianxing see clearly that on the clear mirror-like lake, there were seven clusters of light of various colors floating, like seven lanterns.

Each light group is the size of a house, blooming with brilliant light, just like stars in the night sky.

The seven light groups are arranged vertically, extending from the shore to the center of the lake.

In the center of the lake, there is a dark green island hidden by clouds.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing immediately understood.

That small island is the Island of Shenlei, and if he wants to see the island owner on the Island of Shenlei, he must cross the seven rays of light.

Jian Shisan stood beside him, his face calmly reminded: "The Seven-Star Heavenly Pass contains infinite mysteries. To successfully pass through, not only powerful strength but also high wisdom is required.

I remind you ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is best to think carefully before making a decision.

After all, there have been many martial princes who crossed the Tribulation Realm before, but they failed to break through the Seven-Star Pass, and were seriously injured and left in embarrassment..."

Ji Tianxing nodded to express his understanding, and said firmly, "Thank you, senior, for reminding me that no matter what, I will pass the seven levels and successfully land on the Island of God's Tears."

Jian Shisan raised his brows, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Confident enough and determined! But I estimate that with your strength, you will have to break at most three levels."

(End of this chapter)


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