Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1565: Flame Sky Pass

Jian Shisan's tone was calm and determined.

There is no ridicule or ridicule, but a fact statement.

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly and didn't say much.

Jian Shisan didn't know him, and it was useless to argue with him.

He stepped across the water, and his figure flew ten miles away and landed on the first light group.


The dark golden light group immediately lit up with dazzling golden light, engulfing his figure.

He only felt a flower in front of him, and he entered a dark and alien space.

There is a dark void all around, but there is a road condensed by golden light at the foot, leading to the depths of the void ahead.

Just as he looked around and observed carefully, the sound of Jian Shisan came into his mind.

"This is the first pass, Ten Thousand Swords Pass!

You have to walk along the road to the end within a hundred breaths to successfully pass. "

Ji Tianxing understood it immediately.

He could also guess that there must be ambushes and traps on this golden avenue under his feet to serve as a test.

Sure enough, he walked ten steps along the avenue, and hundreds of dark golden sword lights were born in the void on the left and right sides, which were slashed violently.


The power of each sword light is comparable to the full attack of a four-layered master of the soul.

More than three hundred sword lights killed him at the same time, drowning his figure, and immediately cut him into meat sauce.

It seemed that he had no choice but to resist.

But just when the sword light was about to hit him, he suddenly disappeared.

In the next instant, he appeared twenty miles away out of thin air, teleporting to the depths of the void.

When his figure appeared, thousands of golden swords appeared in the void on both sides, shooting at him like a rain of arrows.

But he once again used the hidden steps, teleported twenty miles away, and escaped the sword light assassination without any danger.

Next, his figure flickered three more times, each time he could easily escape the strangulation and attack of Jianguang.

When he teleported a hundred miles away, he had reached the end of the void and successfully passed the Ten Thousand Sword Heaven Pass.

From when he entered this level to when he successfully passed it, it took only five breaths.


Guanghua flashed, he appeared above the lake, and continued to fly towards the second light group.

Jian Shisan standing on the shore clearly saw the scene of Ji Tianxing breaking through the barrier.

He frowned slightly, his expression was a bit wrong, and he muttered silently: "In the Ten Thousand Swords Pass, there were originally 20 different attacks, and there were tens of thousands of sword lights in total.

This kid is so smart that he could easily pass the first level with five teleports.

It was really unexpected, and he was indeed a disciple of Fengshenshan. "

He put away his contempt, looked at Ji Tianxing with interest, and said to himself: "The second level is the Five Elements Heaven. It is estimated that he will have to spend a lot of tricks, and it will take half a day."

As his voice fell, Ji Tianxing fell on the second group of colorful glare.


With a flash of brilliance before his eyes, he entered an alien space.

This space is a small world with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

There is a green meadow at his feet, surrounded by mountains, lakes and rivers. The aura in the air is very rich.

Before he could see the landscape of this space, the crisis suddenly came.

The earth trembled violently, cracking huge gaps.

Countless elves and rock monsters covered in earthy yellow emerged from the ground and rushed towards him in groups.

Hundreds of dark green spirits also appeared in the grass and forests, and they rushed and killed themselves.

In addition, the overwhelming fireballs falling from the sky turned into flames.

In the big rivers and lakes, icy blue water spirits and water monsters also appeared, and they besieged him.

The power of the five elements between heaven and earth condenses into different forms of spirits, rushing like a tide.

Ji Tianxing's figure was immediately submerged, and he was besieged by tens of thousands of Five Elements spirits.

Every spirit has the strength of the Soul Refining Realm, and tens of thousands of spirits gather together, which is powerful and terrifying.

If Ji Tianxing fights with the five element spirits, it will definitely take a lot of time and mana will be consumed violently.

But he quickly understood the mystery of this level and thought of a way to crack it.

He cast the spell on the spot and quickly arranged a five-element array.

After the large array with a radius of thousands of feet was activated, the brilliant five-color brilliance was lit up, rotating like a whirlpool.

The tens of thousands of five-element spirits quickly melted and collapsed once they touched the five-element formation.

The forces of the five elements restrain each other.

Water monsters are restrained by earth power, and wood monsters are restrained by gold mana.

Ji Tianxing manipulates the operation of the large array, and can always appropriately eliminate those spirits.

After just a few hundred breaths of time, tens of thousands of spirits were swallowed by the large array, all turned into a rushing five elements of aura.

Ji Tianxing dismantled the Five Elements Array, swallowed the mighty power of the Five Elements, and restored his mana to its peak state.

In the ruins, a multicolored light gate appeared.

Ji Tianxing stepped into it and left Wuxingtian.

He returned to the surface of the lake without stopping, and continued to fly to the third pass.

Jian Shisan on the bank had already frowned fiercely, his eyes flashing with shock and suspiciousness.

"This kid... actually broke through the Five Elements Heaven in just a hundred breaths of time?

Most people will do their best to slay the five element spirits, and it will take a few hours to get through.

He won't get advice from an expert, he already knew how to crack it, right? "

Thinking of this, he stared at Ji Tianxing's back, and thought to himself: "Let me watch again to see how he can get through the third level!

That is the blazing sky! Even with the nine-fold strength of the Primordial Divine Realm, you have to endure all the hardships before it is possible to pass. "

At the same time, Ji Tianxing landed on the third light group, his figure swallowed by the dark red light.


Guanghua flashed, he appeared in the blazing sky.

In front of him was a magma lake with a radius of a hundred miles, magma surged in the lake, and the lake was covered with thick red fire.

There is a dark void all around.

In the entire space, there is nothing else except the magma lake.

Ji Tianxing stood by the magma lake, withstands the extreme heat, staring at the magma lake carefully.

He frowned, considering how to pass this level.

Jian Shisan was using the Eye of the Secret Technique, clearly watching the scene in the Blazing Sky Pass.

He stared at Ji Tianxing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and thought to himself: "In the Flame Pass, there is only one magma lake, and the exit of this pass is at the deepest part of the lake.

The warriors of the Yuanshen realm cannot withstand the power of the magma lake, so they can only find the exit by dividing the magma lake with the formation method.

I want to see, how does this kid crack this level? "

At this moment, he suddenly saw that Ji Tianxing stepped into the magma lake.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Tianxing was swallowed by the magma lake.

He is swimming fast in the magma torrent, swimming to the depths of the magma lake.

(End of this chapter)


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