Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1594: unfair

This is already deep in the heart of the earth.

The huge pits on the ground and the surrounding mountain walls are not hard ice, but hard rocks.

Those dark brown rocks are rich in metals, mixed with layers of spiritual stone veins.

There is no doubt that the mining area is already here.

The four mines around the giant pit lead to the four major mining areas in the east, west, south and north.

Every mine has a height of one hundred feet, like the mouth of a beast that chooses people to eat.

The four commanders led everyone into the mine in the north and drove along the wide and dark mine road towards the northern mining area.

The main mine tunnel is fairly straight, excavated sloping downwards, and goes straight to hundreds of miles deep underground.

Every ten miles away, a branch road will be excavated on the rock wall of the main mine road, winding to the depths of the vein.

If the main mine road is a tree trunk, those branch roads are branches, densely connected to the tree trunk, forming a huge mine road vein.

Each branch road is numbered for easy identification and management.

The crowd flew for more than two hundred miles in the main mine tunnel before stopping at the opening of the branch road numbered 42.

One of the leaders named the four **** servants and ordered: "You four, you will be responsible for this 42nd mine from now on!

There are more than 800 miners inside, and you must allocate your own manpower to complete the mining task.

This seat will inspect once every two days. If you fail to complete the task, you will be punished heavily! "

The four **** servants can only take their orders with their hands, and enter the mine with a sad expression.

Next, everyone continued to walk in the main mine.

At the entrance of a branch road, the leader of Jin Jia will assign four or five servants to be responsible for a mine.

As time passed, the number of **** servants continued to decrease.

An hour later, more than forty **** servants were allocated.

Only Ji Tianxing and the three **** servants were left until the end.

A leader led the four of them to the entrance of the branch road numbered 59 and gave a majestic order: "The four of you will be responsible for this 59 mine from now on.

There are more than two hundred miners in this mine. The four of you negotiate the arrangements by yourself.

No matter what, you must complete your daily tasks. You must mine 10,000 spiritual stones and 100 gems.

This seat will inspect once every two days. If you fail to complete the task, you will have to deduct the monthly bill and be punished! "

The golden armor commander surnamed Ding is a middle-aged man who is as thin as a bamboo pole and has a two-faced beard. His eyes are like eagles and falcons, very sharp.

Ji Tianxing and the three **** servants frowned upon hearing his words.

"Commander Ding, why are there 800 to 1,000 miners in the other dozen mines, but there are only more than two hundred in our fifty-nine mines?"

"Yes! Commander Ding, there are at least more than 500 people in those mines, but we only have more than 200. Isn't that too small?"

"We have fewer miners than them, but the tasks that need to be completed are the same. This is not fair!"

"Commander Ding, please consider the actual situation and ease the task for us as appropriate!"

Ji Tianxing was keenly aware that there might be a problem with this mine, so he raised the question first.

The other three **** servants also echoed his words and pleaded with Ding Tongling, expressing unfairness.

Unexpectedly, Commander Ding frowned, and his face was cold and yelled: "Damn! This is a rule set by the top, how can you criticize it?

This seat only executes orders in accordance with the regulations, no matter what method you use, you must complete your daily tasks!

You remember to this seat that you are slaves here, not **** geniuses, you will be punished if you fail to complete the task! "

Having said that, Commander Ding gave a cold snort and turned away.

Everyone looked at his leaving back, frowning fiercely, and their eyes flashed with shame.

As everyone knows, Commander Ding is muttering secretly in his heart: "Damn it, these four boys are not easy to fool, so they dare to yell at me!

However, Chief Du and the four guardians could not find out the truth.

Miners in other mines would rather die than come here, what can I do?

It is estimated that it will not be long before these four stunned greens and the 200-odd miners will also die unexpectedly, right? "

Thinking of this, Commander Ding's back was a little cold, and he quickly left.

Ji Tianxing and the three **** servants could only accept the reality, turned around and got into the fifty-nine mine.

After entering the mine, the four of them were discussing while looking at the terrain in the mine.

"I have long heard that the glacier mine is a place where bones are buried, and countless people die every year. I didn't expect it to be so.

The environment and conditions of the mining area are worse than we thought. It is better to be careful. "

The first to speak was a young man in red robe named Wu Xu, a young genius from the Qianxue Empire.

"I can't figure it out. Why do others have thousands of miners, but we only have more than 200?

Did we offend that leader Ding somewhere?

This is impossible! We just got here yesterday and didn't do anything! "

The thin and tall young man named Zheng Rong grumbled with a gloomy expression on his face.

He is the genius of the Dagan Empire, and like Wu Xu, he possesses the fourfold strength of the Primordial God Realm.

"Maybe Commander Ding thinks that the four of us are too handsome and steals his limelight, so that he can suppress us like this."

The black-robed young man named Bai Kaixuan smiled self-deprecatingly, with a rather bitter smile.

Only Ji Tianxing did not speak and looked around blankly.

After the three of them talked a few words, they looked at him one after another and asked: "Ke Lan, why are you not talking and what are you thinking?"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said solemnly: "Our fifty-nine mine is in the deepest part of the main mine tunnel, three hundred miles deep underground.

I have a hunch that there must be a problem with this mine, and everyone is mentally prepared. "

The three of them frowned, showing a worried expression.

"Ke Lan, don't scare us, what can be the problem in the mine?"

"I think Ke Lan is right, and I have this feeling, so let him listen and be careful."

"Let's stop worrying, let's take a look in the mine."

The four people walked through a tortuous mine tunnel, then entered the mine cave and came to the mining area.

I saw that there was a huge empty cave ahead.

The cave is surrounded by cliffs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The dark brown rock wall is shining with brilliance, mixed with some light blue spiritual stones.

On the ground and rock walls, there are pits and cracks dug by hand.

More than two hundred miners wearing gray linen clothes are scattered in various corners of the mine.

At a glance, the miners were all dressed in shabby clothes and messy heads, looking rather sloppy.

Moreover, on the surface, they were casually digging a rock wall, digging for spiritual stones and precious stones.

But in fact, they gathered in a group, with a fearful look, whispering and whispering.


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