Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1595: Think tank

Ji Tianxing and the three **** servants stood in the middle of the mine, overlooking the surrounding situation.

Seeing the appearance of the more than two hundred miners, everyone frowned in confusion, and began to talk.

"Sure enough, there are only more than two hundred miners. Mining in such a huge mine, it's a pitiful few!"

"Those miners are not mortals. Many people have the strength of the Soul Refining Realm. How can they become so embarrassed?"

"Looking at their appearance, they all seem to be depressed, their breath is disordered and weak, and their state is very bad!"

"Ke Lan, you seem to know the most, can you see anything unusual?"

The three **** servants talked a few words, and finally all looked at Ji Tianxing, showing expectations.

Ji Tianxing said calmly, "This is the deepest part of the sacred mine, and it is also the area with the most dense veins.

However, there are too many types of spirit stones, sacred stones and gems contained in the veins, and the power attributes are too complicated.

Working in the mine for a long time, the body and soul will be affected by those complex forces, which will lead to disorder and disorder.

Therefore, the miners work here and suffer the most physical damage and cannot live long. "

The three of them were startled, and their faces became a little ugly.

"Ke Lan, don't be alarmist!

The mineral veins are rich in spiritual stones and gems, and the heaven and earth here are very abundant. It stands to reason that it is beneficial to our cultivation. "

"Zheng Rong, Ke Lan is right. I have read similar records in ancient books.

A wide variety of spirit stones and gems are mixed together, and the power attributes are too mixed, and a chaotic invisible force field will be produced, which will cause great damage to the warrior! "

"Isn't it? Then we supervise the work here. If we go on, won't we also become short-lived ghosts?"

"This shouldn't be the case. We are all strong primordial spirits, and should be able to resist that invisible force field."

Seeing that they were in a complicated mood, Ji Tianxing was still comforting himself, obviously not aware of the seriousness of the matter.

So, he pointed to the miners who were in bad condition and said: "Look at the miners carefully, they are languid and dispirited, and their expressions are full of worry, fear, and despair.

Do you think that they become like this only because of the influence of the invisible force field? "

Wu Xu quickly asked, "Ke Lan, what do you think is the main reason?"

Bai Kaixuan thought for a while and answered first: "I guess it's because of the high-intensity work. They only have more than 200 people, but they have to complete the work of thousands of people!"

Zheng Rong also nodded in agreement: "I tried it just now. The rock wall is very hard, comparable to a soul-level magic weapon, and it is extremely difficult to mine.

With more than two hundred miners, they have to mine tens of thousands of spiritual stones and a hundred gems every day. It is simply their lives! "

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said in a heavy tone: "Don't guess, go and ask the miners, don't you know everything?"

Wu Xu volunteered and flew to a rocky bush and fell in front of a few miners.

The few ragged miners were whispering in a crowd, leaving their mining picks and tools aside.

Suddenly seeing Wu Xu coming, several miners were shocked, and they flinched back in fear, their bodies trembling.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? I'm not malicious, what are you afraid of?"

Wu Xu was a little confused and asked suspiciously.

The few miners dared not look at him, and quickly picked up their mining picks and tools, and scattered them like birds and beasts.

Wu Xu could only fly back to Ji Tianxing and the others, and said helplessly: "You see, those miners are very afraid of me and don't speak at all."

Zheng Rong said thoughtfully: "It is estimated that the overseers were too tough and scared them."

Ji Tianxing didn't speak, and flew to a cliff face calmly and landed beside the two miners.

The two miners were lying on the cliff, digging the rock wall with mining picks, looking weak.

Ji Tianxing asked with a majestic expression: "Why are there only more than two hundred miners in this mine?"

The two miners hurriedly stopped working, their faces looked terrified, and bowed and bowed to him.

"Hi Mr. Supervisor."

"Master Supervisor, we are working hard and are not lazy. Please raise your hands high..."

Ji Tianxing frowned and shouted in a deep voice: "I ask your questions, please say it!"

The two miners shuddered suddenly, lowered their heads and looked away, expecting Ai Ai to be speechless.

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "If you dare to hide it, you will reward fifty army sticks!"

The two miners were scared and pale, their eyes rolled around, and sweat was dripping from their foreheads.

Under pressure, one of them finally spoke: "Master Supervisor, spare your life! We didn't intentionally conceal it, we really dare not say it, otherwise we will lose our head!"

Wu Xu, Zheng Rong and Bai Kaixuan who were not far away suddenly showed their doubts.

The three of them glanced at each other, flew to Ji Tianxing's side, and surrounded the two miners.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing's intimidation was effective, they followed suit.

"Frankly explain, what is the reason!"

"If you two don't say anything, I will definitely be punished severely!"

"If you say it, you can still avoid death, if you don't say it, you will definitely die!"

However, the threats of the three had no effect.

The two miners were so frightened that they sweated coldly, but they still gritted their teeth and kept silent, preferring to die.

Under such circumstances, the three of them were completely helpless, and they could only look at Ji Tianxing for help.

Ji Tianxing stared sharply at the two miners and asked: "If I guessed correctly, there were originally thousands of miners in this mine.

But not long ago, six to seven hundred miners died!

More than two hundred of you are survivors, but the commanders gave you a password. You must never leak the news, or you will be executed!

I guessed it right? "

Although it was a guess, his tone was very determined.

Every sentence, every word, was like a sharp blade, piercing the hearts of the two miners.

After listening to the two miners, they were so frightened that they were limp and crying for mercy.

"Master Supervisor, spare your life! It's not that we want to hide it, but we really don't want to die!"

"My lord guessed it right, but this is not what we said, please be kind to my lord!"

Ji Tianxing confirmed the guess in his heart, his expression getting gloomy.

He waved his hand and motioned for the two miners to retreat.

The two of them were immediately amnesty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and fled elsewhere.

The three of Bai Kaixuan and Zheng Rong looked at Ji Tianxing dumbfounded, like a monster.

"Ke Lan, you guessed so accurately?"

"How do you know these things? Have you investigated it a long time ago?"

"But why did those six or seven hundred miners die? Could there have been disasters in this mine?"

Up to now, Ji Tianxing's series of performances have convinced them and feel mysterious.

Invisibly, Ji Tianxing has become their backbone and brains.


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