Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1596: Bloodlight

After Ji Tianxing's reminder, Zheng Rong and Wu Xu all realized that there was a problem with the mine.

The three of them were a little worried and asked Ji Tianxing if they knew the inside information.

Ji Tianxing didn't say much, just exhorted a few words.

"Since a few commanders and four guardians have issued a seal, this matter must be of great importance.

Before the investigation is clear, we cannot speculate out of thin air, otherwise we will be severely punished by the commander and the four guardians.

You only need to take strict precautions and we will talk about this later.

The top priority is that we must mine enough spiritual stones and gems as soon as possible to complete the tasks specified above. "

All three understood what Ji Tianxing meant.

Unknown dangers and disasters do not necessarily come or occur when.

However, if they fail to complete the task, they will be severely punished by Ding Commander in two days.

This is a real threat.

Soon, Wu Xu, Bai Kaixuan and Zheng Rong were involved in the mining of the vein.

They tried every means to appease the miners, all kinds of intimidation and temptation, forcing everyone to open mining veins.

Of course, they themselves were not idle, and they all tried their best to join the mining queue.

Even, in order to speed up the mining of spiritual stones, they did not hesitate to use some secret methods.

For a time, the huge mine became busy, and there were "ding dong ding dong" crashing everywhere.

Ji Tianxing didn't rest either, digging for spirit stones and gems while observing the situation in the mine.

Whether it was a dark pothole, a deep crack, or a mess of rocks, he had carefully checked it.

In several hidden corners, he found some clues.

There were a few blood-stained rags, and a few threads.

He used his spiritual consciousness to carefully probe these rags and silk, and then came to a conclusion.

These are the traces of some miners before they died, and there was a very faint breath on them, which made him feel a little familiar.

There is no doubt that that kind of aura that seems to be absent is exactly the aura of the demon race.

Only when he knows the demons very well can he feel it.

It is impossible to identify anyone in the sacred mine.

This appearance made his mood heavy, and his eyes shone with light.

"At present, most of the miners and supervisors who died one after another were killed by the demons.

I really didn't expect that the ancestor Demon God's power expanded so quickly after Shen Wu Da 6 gained a foothold.

There were two blood gods who intercepted and killed me halfway, and now there are demons in the mines, slaughtering the miners. "

In fact, he also understands that the glacier mines are very remote and the underground mines are very complicated, which is most suitable for the demons to make chaos here.

Especially those miners have the strength of the Heavenly Origin Realm and Soul Refining Realm.

For the Demon Race and the Blood God Child, these people are the best tonic, allowing them to quickly increase their strength.

This is simply a paradise for the demons!

However, as the nemesis of the demons, he came to the glacier mine.

The devil who is secretly messing up will die soon!


Unconsciously, the whole day passed.

In the middle of the night, more than two hundred miners were exhausted and listless.

Ji Tianxing ordered the miners to rest in the middle of the night and continue mining tomorrow morning.

When the miners heard this, their eyes suddenly gleamed, showing expressions of joy and gratitude.

In the past, they were forced to work day and night by the supervisors, and they could not be negligent, otherwise they would be lashed.

They often have to work hard twenty-eight days and nights before they can rest for two days.

Ji Tianxing was so benevolent that he immediately won the favor of many miners.

Everyone stopped work one after another, gathered in small groups, shrunk in every corner of the mine, sleeping together.

Zheng Rong, Wu Xu and Bai Kaixuan also came to Ji Tianxing one after another, and sat on the millpan boulder with him, discussing the next plan.

"Ke Lan, although the miners are very hard and look a little pitiful, we can't let them rest!"

"I've already counted them. Today, all of us have mined more than 3,000 spiritual stones and more than 30 gems.

If this is the case, Commander Ding will come to check tomorrow night, we will definitely not be able to complete the task! "

"Ke Lan, we just came to the mining area. The first time we supervised the work, we couldn't complete the task.

With the temperament led by Ding, we will definitely be punished severely and behave badly! "

The three of them were worried and anxious.

Zheng Rong frowned, and said depressed: "I was thinking before, if we can't complete the task, we can simply bring some spirit stones out of each person and give them enough.

But what Ding wants is the raw ore of spirit stones and gems. I don’t know if we can pay for the finished products. "

While talking, he took out two gray Qiankun bags and handed them to Ji Tianxing.

These two bags contain the fruits of everyone's hard work in a day.

Among them, there are more than 3,000 raw ore of spirit stone and more than 30 raw ore of gems.

Ji Tianxing was too lazy to count, and took the Qiankun bag directly, and said with a solemn expression: "Don't worry, everyone, tomorrow we will work harder.

If it is really impossible to complete the task, just follow Zheng Rong's instructions and let Ding lead the accommodating.

Everyone should work hard tonight, try to cheer up and pay attention to the movement in the mine. "

The three nodded in agreement, and then scattered to the corners of the mine, looking for a hidden place to meditate and adjust their breath.

Ji Tianxing sat in a cluster of rocks, closed his eyes and meditated.

There are rugged boulders around him and above him, blocking him so tightly that it won't show up unless you look closely.

It was late at night, and the light in the mine was dim and very quiet.

Only the grunts of some miners and the low murmurs flowed in the night sky.

Unconsciously, it was the time of Ling Chenyin.

This is the darkest hour before dawn and the most sleepy time of the day.

Wu Xu and Bai Kaixuan secretly monitored the movement of the mine and persisted for most of the night.

Seeing that dawn was about to come, and the night in the mine was normal, the three of them relaxed their vigilance.

But at this moment, in the southeast corner of the mine, a dark red blood light appeared silently.

That weird bloodlight emerged from a pitch-black crack and spread on the ground like running water.

No one noticed the abnormality.

After just a few breaths, the bloodlight spread to the vicinity of a large stone.

On the boulder lay three ragged miners, curled up to rest, dizzy.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the blood spread silently, covering the three of them.

Any place covered by blood and light, no matter the skin, flesh and blood or clothes, quickly corroded and cracked, turning black and gray.

The three of them woke up suddenly, their eyes widened in horror, and their mouths opened in horror, calling for help.

But they were shrouded in blood, unable to make a sound or move at all.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them were drained of blood and spirits, turning into a shriveled, scorched corpse.

It's like being burned by fire.

(End of this chapter)


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