Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1597: Red Shadow Demon

After that mysterious blood light swallowed three miners, it continued to spread in the mine.

After a few breaths, the four miners who hugged and huddled in the pit to keep warm were also wiped out by blood and turned into four corpses.

After that, there were more than 30 miners who were killed by the blood in silence.

All the lively lives turned into corpses in the muddle and sleep.

The expression of horror and despair, and the desperate dying struggle, were all in vain, unable to make any noise.

The same scene keeps playing.

Until three quarters later, a certain miner turned over in a daze.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a red light not far away, as well as a few hideous corpses.

He was scared to death on the spot, his eyes widened in horror, and his whole body was trembling.

After about two seconds of stunned, he exclaimed in a trembling voice: "Ahhhhh! Red... the red shadow devil is here again!!"

The sudden scream broke the tranquility of the mine, echoing in the night sky, and it was clearly audible within a hundred miles.

Almost all the miners were awakened instantly.

Whether they were asleep, half-asleep, or anxious to sleep, they all got up and fled to the exit of the mine in a panic.

They didn't dare to take another look, or even to look for the trace of the "Red Shadow Devil", they just wanted to escape the mine as quickly as possible.

Obviously, this is already their habitual response.

This kind of horror happened many times in the previous month.

The mine became noisy, the voices of people were noisy, and there were exclamations everywhere.

More than two hundred miners fled the mine desperately and crowded at the exit.

Ji Tianxing, Zheng Rong, and Wu Xu were also immediately awakened.

However, when the first exclamation sounded, the mysterious blood light escaped into the ground and disappeared.

When Ji Tianxing and the four rushed to the sky, searching around with fierce eyes, the mysterious blood and light were long gone.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"I haven't heard anything unusual. Why are these miners like hell?"

Wu Xu, Zheng Rong, and Bai Kaixuan were all confused.

Only Ji Tianxing's face was gloomy, and his eyes swept across corners sharply, exploring the abnormal situation in the dark.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed on the southeast corner of the mine.

"Come with me!"

He took Zheng Rong's trio, flew across the dark night sky, and came near a large rock in the southeast corner.

I saw that three scorched corpses were lying on the flat stone. They were extremely miserable and hideous.

Ji Tianxing frowned, observing with a gloomy expression.

Zheng Rong and Wu Xu were taken aback and their faces suddenly turned pale.

"Uh...this...what's going on?"

"Aren't these three miners? How did they become...mummies?"

"It's too miserable! The burnt curled up into a ball, and the mouth was still wide open... No, there is no trace of fire here?"

It was the first time for the three of them to see such a tragic death, their hearts throbbing, and their emotions a little restless.

Ji Tianxing observed for a moment, a sharp cold light flashed under his eyes, and said in his heart: "Such a familiar scene is unexpectedly staged again.

It seems that I guessed right, it really was done by the blood **** son of the demon god! "

At this time, Wu Xu pointed at a mine not far away and exclaimed.

"Look there, there are also a few mummies!"

Everyone hurriedly flew to the mine to check the death status of several mummies.

Next, Ji Tianxing, Zheng Rong and others continued to show more corpses in the surrounding corners.

The death state of each corpse is similar, miserable and hideous, making people look at their backs cold.

The four searched the entire mine, and finally found thirty-nine dead bodies.

At Ji Tianxing's request, Zheng Rong and Wu Xu bite the bullet and moved the corpses together and piled them up.

Then, Ji Tianxing led three more people to the exit of the mine.

Yesterday there were more than two hundred and sixty miners, but now there are only two hundred and twenty.

The surviving miners all hid outside the mine, huddling together, communicating incoherently.

Ji Tianxing came to the crowd and shouted with majestic expression: "Follow me back to the mine!"

The miners lowered their heads and moved back silently, and no one wanted to go back.

Helpless, Ji Tianxing had to use torture to threaten everyone.

But the miners were so frightened that they refused to return to the mine after being killed.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing had no choice but to appease everyone outside the mine.

"From the time I came to this mine, I felt something was wrong here.

You had thousands of people before, but now there are only more than two hundred people left.

It seems that it was the so-called Red Shadow Demon who killed the miners.

Don't be afraid, everyone, the Red Shadow Devil has retreated, and with our four overseers, we will never let it murder everyone again. "

There was a bold middle-aged miner, pretending to say: "The supervisors who managed us in the past also said the same.

But when the Red Shadow Devil appeared, they ran faster than anyone else!

Even, they did not hesitate to sacrifice the miners, but also to save their lives! "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, we are definitely not the kind of people who are greedy for life and fear of death.

Moreover, the Red Shadow Devil's matter has been born many times, so it is no way for us to hide like this.

From now on, we will all work in the Fifty and Nine Mines. If the Red Shadow Demon cannot be completely solved, everyone will die! "

Hearing what he said, most of the miners nodded in agreement, and their emotions gradually stabilized.

Only a few miners who were frightened could not help but mutter: "The four commanders and the four guardians have been investigating for half a month, but have not been able to solve the Red Shadow Devil, how can you do it?

The red shadow demon is invincible, the embodiment of the evil god, we will all become its food..."

As soon as this statement came out, many miners showed panic, their emotions fluctuated violently, and were very panicked.

"Fart!" Ji Tianxing exploded in anger, and shouted in a cold tone: "The so-called red shadow demons, I know them very well, and there are ways to solve them!

Whoever dares to confuse the crowd with deceit, I will kill him with one sword! "

As he spoke, golden light burst into his palm, condensing a brilliant golden sword, with force.

The miners were frightened by his power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ no longer dared to talk nonsense, they all fell silent.

Ji Tianxing successfully took control of the situation, and then asked with a solemn expression: "Who first revealed those corpses, the red shadow demon?"

Many miners turned their heads to look at a shaggy middle-aged man.

This person bowed his head in fear, wishing to get into a crack in the rock and let Ji Tianxing ignore him.

Ji Tianxing looked at him and asked, "What does the red shadow demon look like?

There will be rewards for answering truthfully. "

(End of this chapter)


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