Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1705: Luoshen Spirit

The loud noise shook the sky, and the earth trembled crazily. .. !

   The entire ‘Flower’ Valley jumped, the mountains on both sides collapsed one after another, and countless boulders and soil collapsed.

   The power of the White Tiger Sacred Sword is so terrifying!

   was shaken for hundreds of miles, almost turned into ruins.

   Bingdi's "Flower" demon's counterattack was smashed to pieces by the giant sword and collapsed on the spot.

   They were also hit by the giant sword, screamed and flew out, smashing twenty miles away.

When    was about to hit the ground, the ugly ‘flower’ demon stretched out hundreds of canes and pierced into the ground, finally stabilizing his figure.

   With their strength in crossing the tribulation realm, they quickly offset the power of the White Tiger Sacred Sword, only slightly injured.

   However, the green ‘color’ evil dragon was unlucky.

   It was too late to evade, nor did it have the power as powerful as the ‘flower’ demon, and was slashed by the White Tiger’s Holy Sword on the spot.

   The thousand-foot-high Golden Sword of the Primordial God, cut it into two pieces with a single sword.

   The fracture was very flat, and dark red blood spattered out like spring water.

   The extreme pain caused it to open its big flat mouth and make a sharp, ear-piercing neighing sound.

   The two severed bodies fell into the rubble, twisting and jumping crazily.

   Its vitality is not tenacious, even if the body is cut in two, the ‘flesh’ body can still survive.


   The truncated tail flew towards the front half of the body, and wanted to reconnect it.

   However, Ji Tianxing ‘fucked’ the Yuanshen’s golden sword and slashed out again with all his strength.


   The ear-splitting muffled sound of ‘desire’ deafness, the golden sword of the primordial **** hacked the evil dragon's head.

   Its flat brain'door' was split open by a giant sword on the spot, bursting out blood and brains, and it was also mixed with a dark green eyeball.

   With this sword going down, the evil dragon was beheaded on the spot, and the dead could no longer die.

   was not only its ‘flesh’ body being bombarded and killed, even its primordial spirit, too late to escape, was instantly bombarded and killed by a golden sword.

   The shattered corpse, after a few trembling ‘twitches’, it fell weakly into the ruins.

   The flying mud in the sky quickly buried its body.

  The evil flood that crossed the Tribulation Realm, was killed by Ji Tianxing in this way.

   Bingdi's "Flower" demon witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, and was stunned at the sight, only to feel unbelievable.

   When they recovered, they became more angry and irritable, and the murderous aura gushed out all over their bodies, which condensed into a **** flame around them.

   "Damn reptile, I am going to break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!!"

   "Death! Only by torturing you ten times, can you dispel the hatred in my heart!!"

   Bingdi ‘Flower’ demon roared murderously, and immediately rushed over, performing their unique secret techniques, killing Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   "Heart-slaughtering evil spear!"

   "Flying "Flower" Remnant Dream!!"

   The ugly ‘flower’ demon waved four arms and released thousands of dark green ‘color’ rattans, which turned into thousands of ten-foot-long javelins, which enveloped both Ji Tianxing like a rain of arrows.

   Every sharp spear turned into a cane is a magic weapon for a robbery-level inferior. It can ‘pierce’ all obstacles and explode with the power of destroying the world.

   Thousands of sharp guns were assassinated at the same time, sealing the world for twenty miles, leaving Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao nowhere to escape.

   The ‘female’ and ‘flower’ demon waved his slender arms and palms, spreading out overwhelming colorful ‘flower’ petals.

   The seemingly weak and colorful "flower" petals are highly poisonous, capable of exploding and destroying everything.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao have already seen the power of the flower petal rain, of course they dare not care.

   Seeing the rain coming from the ‘Flower’ in the gun forest, both the husband and wife’s faces were dignified, and the eyes flashed with the ‘color’ of fear.

   Ji Tianxing was about to unfold the golden ‘color’ wings to protect himself and Yun Yao.

   Yun Yao moved faster, and quickly took out a slap-sized ice crystal statue and held it above his head.

   This ice crystal statue, carved a lifelike blue skirt ‘female’.

   The ‘female’ face is beautiful, graceful, mysterious and holy.

   There is no doubt that this is a statue of Luoshui Martial God.

   Yunyao's palm, pouring out the majestic mana, poured into the statue of the **** of Luoshui.

   Suddenly, the ice crystal statue burst out with dazzling ice blue light, forming a light curtain with a radius of ten feet.

The    ice-blue ‘color’ light curtain immediately enveloped Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing and tightly protected them.

   The next moment, the overwhelming gun forest and the ‘flower’ rain hit the blue ice screen at the same time.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The earth-shaking loud noise, the dark green ‘color’ rattan spear and the colorful ‘flower’ petals exploded one after another, bursting out with the power of destroying the world.

The    ice blue screen was trembling violently when it was blown up, ‘dangling’ with layers of ‘wave’ patterns.

   However, the body of Yunyao standing is ‘tough’, the hand holding the ice crystal statue does not move, and the face is firm.

   The ice-blue ‘color’ light curtain was also unscathed, without a trace of cracks.

   There is silence within the light curtain, unaffected by it.

   Beyond the light curtain, it was a different scene, like another world.

  The power of the explosion that destroyed the earth and destroyed the earth, blasting the ruins of the earth and the mountains on both sides of the "Flower" Valley into huge pits thousands of feet deep.

   Within two hundred miles, there is no mountain or mound, not even a stone as big as a water tank.

  Whether it is the towering mountains that are thousands of feet high, or the millpan boulders, they have all been blasted into powder.

   Such terrifying power is really destroying everything!

   After a long time, the smoke cleared.

   The area with a radius of two hundred miles has completely turned into a pit of thousands of feet, and there is no longer a canyon and a land.

   A small half of the Hundred'Flower' Valley was destroyed in this way.

   Yunyao then put away the ice crystal statue and removed the ice blue screen.

   Ji Tianxing glanced at the ice crystal statue, and the voice transmission asked: "Yaoyao~www.wuxiaspot.com~what treasure is this?"

   Yunyao quickly replied via voice transmission: "The magic weapon that Long Po Po gave me, the spirit of Luoshen.

  This object only needs to be used three times, and the statue will shatter. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded to express his understanding.

   Then, he and Yun Yao flew across the sky side by side, and went straight to the ‘flower’ demon.

   Bingdi's "Flower" demon was looking around in the sky twenty miles away with great pain.

   Hundred'flowers' Guben is their homeland, and one third of it has been destroyed at this moment. How can they not feel sad?

   The most hateful thing is that even if they made such sacrifices, they failed to hurt Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   Seeing them rushing over unscathed, the ‘Flower’ demon was both angry and shocked, and turned around and fled to the depths of the ‘Flower’ valley without hesitation.

   "Damn'jerk'! They really have a powerful magic weapon!"

   "Having hard work is not a solution, let's avoid the edge for now!"

   The two secret tricks just now are the strongest skills of the ‘flower’ demon.

   If Yun Yao didn't use the statue of God Lord, I'm afraid she and Ji Tianxing would have been bombarded and killed.

   Heidi's "flower" demon knows very well that even if they continue to fight, they will hardly take advantage.

   In that case, they had to escape back to the depths of the'flower' valley first, and then think about other methods.


   And the ‘flower’ turned into a dark green ‘color’ streamer, dashing through the sky and heading straight to the depths of the ‘flower’ valley.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao also crossed the sky, chasing them as fast as lightning.

   In just a few dozen breaths of time, the two sides chased for three hundred miles and entered the deepest part of the Hundred'Flower' Valley.

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