Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1706: Poisonous Soul Eater

The depths of the Hundred'Flowers' Valley. . . Pinshu

   a hundred miles wide canyon, the ground is covered with lush and dense ‘flowers’, clusters of ‘flowers’.

   Almost every ‘flower’ or grass is an evolutionary mutation of ordinary spiritual ‘medicine’, and it grows without sturdiness and monsters.

   The air is filled with a pungent scent of ‘flower’ powder, which contains strong poison.

   In addition, both Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao can sense that the heaven and the earth are still full of strong divine ‘wave’ movements.

   Yunyao felt her mind for a while, and then she felt more and more clearly that the breath of the **** beads was nearby.

   The couple stood in the sky, holding swords in their hands, looking forward with cold eyes.

   Ten miles ahead, is the end of the'flower' valley.

At the end of    is a huge mountain with a height of two thousand feet. The wall halfway down the mountainside is covered with moss and vines, and green and green weeds grow.

   At the foot of the mountain, there is a huge mountain ‘hole’, and a circle of purple ‘colored’ poisonous ‘flowers’ climbed up from the mouth of the ‘dong’.

   Bindi’s "flower" demon stood outside the mountain’s ‘cave’, confronting Ji Tianxing and his wife.

   There is no doubt that the ancient mountain ‘caves’ are the nest ‘caves’ of the ‘flower’ demon.

   "Damn reptiles, you dare to chase here! You really want to die!"

   Bingdi's ‘Flower’ demon stared at Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao with bitter eyes, and sneered playfully.

   "We have been entrenched in this'flower' valley for two thousand years. During this period, I don't know how many warriors broke into this place, but we killed them all.

   Haven't you thought about why we can be invincible? "

   At this time, the ‘female’ and the ‘flower’ demon no longer has a hint of worry or fear.

   Her expression and tone are full of absolute self-confidence and a strong sense of success.

   Yunyao glanced at her, turned her head to look around, and said in a calm tone: "You rely on nothing but the gods hidden in the'Flower' Valley.

   Since we dare to break into this place, we are confident enough to kill you and seize the gods.

   don't know what you are proud of? "

   Hearing these words, the smile on the demon face of the'woman' and'flower' suddenly stiffened.

   Her expression and eyes became cold a little bit.

   She frowned fiercely, her eyes ‘showed’ a strong murderous intent, and she sneered again.

  "Hehehe...no wonder you are ‘forcing’ step by step and rushing here desperately, it turns out that you have long coveted this lord’s treasure!

   If this is the case, then you are not sorry to die!

   You only know that there are gods in the depths of the'Flower' Valley, but you don't even know that this is not a treasure and a holy place, but death purgatory! ! "

   As soon as her voice fell, Ji Tianxing frowned and said coldly: "You have too much nonsense!"

   While talking, he once again offered the Golden Sword of Yuanshen, and the whole body burst into golden light.

   In addition, the Heaven Burial Sword also flew into the sky, instantly expanding to a height of a thousand feet, incarnate as a towering black giant sword.

   In the next instant, Ji Tianxing turned into a golden light and merged with the golden sword of the soul.

   Immediately afterwards, the Heaven Burial Sword was also fused with the Yuanshen Golden Sword, which increased the power of the Golden Sword several times!

   The golden primordial sword has also turned into a dark gold ‘color’, mixed with ray of mysterious black light.

   "A sword opens the sky!"

  The huge sword descended from the sky, carrying Wushen Might, and slammed towards the ‘flower’ demon.

   Jianguang has not been killed yet, and the terrifying amount of pressure has already suppressed the ‘Flower’ demon, making it difficult to move, slowing it more than twice.

   Heidi's spirit aura of the "flower" demon was also locked.

   With this sword, they have nowhere to escape, and there is absolutely no possibility of avoiding it!


   The ‘female’ ‘flower’ demon immediately changed his face and let out an angry scream.

   The ugly ‘flower’ demon had no time to use its killer’s magic, so he could only use his best skills to resist the beheading of the primordial giant sword.

   At the critical juncture, it danced its four arms frantically, released thousands of green canes, and entangled toward the Yuanshen's giant sword.

   The ‘female’ and ‘flower’ demon exploded with life-long power, unleashing a splendid brilliance, forming a huge mask, blocking the sky above the head.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   At the same time, the Great Sword of the Primordial God that ruined the heavens and the earth smashed down, blasted countless canes and split the colorful mask.

   Those pliable rattans are not invaded by water or fire, and can withstand the bombardment of the hijacking magic weapon.

   However, it could not stop the power of this sword.

   There were at least more than five hundred canes, which were cut off by the primordial giant sword on the spot, turning into **** and flying out.

   Immediately afterwards, the primordial giant sword smashed the colorful mask again, and smashed the ‘flower’ monster.


   There was a loud sound of ‘desire’ and deafness, and the ‘Flower’ demon was smashed into the ground by a huge sword.

   The ground covered with fresh'flowers' was cut out on the spot by a 30-mile-long gully, like a sky moat.

   The entire ‘Flower’ Valley trembled violently and shook wildly.

   The violent shock'wave' swept toward both sides like a huge'wave', crushing countless'flowers' and grass.

   The mountains on both sides of the "Flower" Valley were also torn apart by the impact, and the "Rumble" collapsed.

  The golden light and smoke that covered the sky and the sun lasted for a long time before dissipating.

   After ten breaths, Ji Tianxing's figure returned to Yun Yao's side.

  He is holding the Heaven Burial Sword in his hand, and the sky behind him is floating a thousand-foot-high Golden Sword of Yuanshen.

  In front of him and Yun Yao, the earth has become a ruin, full of cracks and debris of ‘flower’.

   In the wide and deep gully, there was a rustling sound.

   After a while, the "flower" demon flew out of the gully and returned to the sky.

   Although, Heidi's "Flower" demon was powerful and successfully blocked this sword, but was not beheaded.

   But their appearance is very miserable and they have been seriously injured.

   The body of the ugly ‘Flower’ demon was split in half, losing two arms and half of his body.

   There was no bleeding from the wound, but the dark green ‘color’ sap continued to drip out, dripping on the earth ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and corroding the soil into ashes.

   The head of the ‘female’ and the ‘flower’ demon was chopped off in half, and his left arm was also missing.

   Green ‘color’ sap was constantly pouring out of the wound, and dense green buds and branches appeared, which looked rather strange.

   They secretly used secret methods, absorbing some power, and were repairing their injuries.

   Those terrifying wounds are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and new bodies are rapidly growing.

  'Female' and'Flower' demon stared at Ji Tianxing with bitter eyes, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "You **** reptile, I want you to be devoured by the poison and die in extreme pain!!"

   roared, the ‘female’ and the ‘flower’ demon waved his arms as quickly as lightning, and made a seal of formation.

   "Ten Thousand Poison Soul Eater!"

   The ugly ‘flower’ demon also joined forces to cast spells, waved two arms, and played an overwhelming brilliance of mana.

   Suddenly, within a radius of two hundred miles, all the ‘flowers’, grasses, and vegetation debris were silently melted into a multicolored air current and gathered in the sky.

   In a short moment, the entire ‘flower’ valley turned into a gray-brown ‘color’ desert, with no greenery or ‘color’ color visible.

   The endless colorful air currents condense into a thick sky, covering two hundred miles of heaven and earth.

   This area is sealed.

After the formation of the    great formation, a powerful force of heaven and earth gathered to suppress Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao severely.

   The highly toxic gas in the air has suddenly increased dozens of times, and the types of highly toxic gases have also become extremely diverse.

   Ji Tianxing's and Yun Yao's faces turned into a pale green immediately, and black blood gushed out of their mouths and noses.

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