Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1709: Ten Thousand Bone Demon

Hundreds of slags of the soul with the size of fingernails were scattered from the sky.

   The four-layer tree demon Mingshu who crossed the Tribulation Realm was destroyed.

   Ji Tianxing waved his big hand, shot a golden light, and put all the debris in the sky.

   A black hole appeared in the palm of his right hand, and immediately swallowed all the **** of the soul.

  "When we entered the Phantom Mountains, we killed hundreds of monsters one after another, only the two of them were the strongest.

   After the funeral sky swallows their soul fragments, it should be able to recover a lot of vitality, right? "

   Thinking like this in his heart, he turned and flew towards Yun Yao.

   Yunyao was standing in the sky, holding the dark blue orb with the big basin in both hands, looking at it with relief.

   The round orb, the whole body is shining, shimmering with scorching blue light, as if there is life, breathing very rhythmically.

   Inside the orb, the majestic breath of life exudes, which is enough to change the world and the earth, turning the endless desert into a sea of ​​woods.

   Ji Tianxing just took a few more breaths of life, and felt that his life was extended by several years.

   "This is the longevity divine orb, one of the seven divine orbs? It is an incredible divine object. Whoever owns this divine orb will be immortal!"

   Yunyao looked up at him, shook her head slightly and said, "This is indeed the Divine Orb of Longevity. It fits my soul very well and has a sense of close connection.

   After I fuse this divine orb, I will be able to have three souls, and my life expectancy will be extended by many years.

   However, it is a bit unrealistic to use this divine bead to achieve the goal of immortality.

   Even if the Martial God powerhouse is a newcomer to God's way, it is impossible to escape the ten thousand years of life.

   If you get this divine orb, you can live forever, ancient and modern warriors will **** it frantically.

   This **** orb will not flow here, let alone be obtained by us. "..

   Ji Tianxing thought about it for a while, and felt that there was some truth, and nodded and said, "This is also true. Although the Divine Orb is magical, it cannot change its fate against the heavens, and it is impossible for people to break through the ten thousand years limit.

   Yunyao put away the dark blue orb, and said with satisfaction: "Tianxing, the longevity orb has already been obtained, and our trip is also considered lucky and a complete success.

   Let's go, let's go back to Luoshen Mountain first, and I will refine it slowly. "

   Ji Tianxing nodded, walked side by side with her, and flew out of Huagu.

   The two flew together over the scorched earth ruins, and they saw the valley of flowers about a hundred miles wide and five hundred miles long. It had no grass and was completely destroyed.

   A moment later, the two of them just flew halfway.

   At this time, the whole Huagu ruins shook violently, as if a super earthquake had occurred.

   There was a muffled sound from deep underground, and the ground did not break or open gullies, but caved in huge potholes.

   Countless dirt is surging upwards, black dust and smoke cover the sky.

   There was even more turbulent **** fire, which gushed out from the ground and flooded the entire flower valley.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao hurriedly flew into the sky, away from the **** sea of ​​fire.

   "What's the matter? And the flower demon is dead, how can the Huagu suddenly change?" Yun Yao frowned in confusion.

   Ji Tianxing frowned and observed for a moment, and said in a low tone: "This flower valley was created by the **** of longevity, but it is also an evil place full of demons.

   Now that the flower demon is dead, the formation that maintains the valley of flowers collapses, of course this area will be destroyed.

   It’s so good, this evil and filthy land is destroyed, so as not to leave trouble. "

   As soon as his voice fell, there was a crisp sound of "crashing" in the depths of the turbulent sea of ​​fire.

   That kind of sound is like a pile of broken bones, the sound of rubbing against each other, it is creepy.

   Ji Tianxing's complexion suddenly changed, and a thick murderous aura flashed in his eyes.

   "What a powerful devilish energy! No, there may be a troll lurking in the depths of this valley of flowers, and he will wake up at this moment!"

   While talking, he took Yun Yao up to the sky and flew away quickly.

   However, in the raging sea of ​​bloody fire, endless bones and skeletons gushing out, rolling like a tide, chasing out the valley of flowers.

   Tens of thousands of skeletons and bones, while flowing turbulently, quickly converge together to form a troll.

   When Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao flew to the entrance of the Valley of Flowers, the tide of white bones also condensed into shape, turning into a white bone troll with a height of one hundred feet and the size of a mountain.

   This white bone troll not only has a huge body, strong arms and legs, but also two huge skulls.

   Looking closely, its head is formed by tens of thousands of human skulls, and its body is also made up of countless human bones.

   It was surrounded by scarlet blood, rising like a flame, and exuding an extremely **** and evil atmosphere.

   On its two heads, there are two pairs of deeply sunken eye sockets, and four of them are beating with blood and fire.

   That is its eyes, which contain powerful magic power.


   The big bone troll's mouth opened and closed, making a harsh rubbing sound, and grinning sneer.

   It flew into the sky with one leap, and immediately caught up with Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   "Destroyed the habitat of this seat, still want to escape? Dreaming!"

   The bone troll opened its huge mouth and let out a low, ambiguous roar, bursting out with a murderous aura.

   While talking, it waved a pair of giant white bone palms and shot out a gray fog that covered the earth, and it attacked Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The billowing gray fog filled the sky like a flood, covering hundreds of miles.

   The gray mist is the air of death, containing the terrifying corrosive power, which can make life wither and all things die.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were shrouded in gray mist, and they were immediately trapped in a gray cage, unable to distinguish the north, south, east and west.

   The invisible breath of death immediately attacked the bodies of the two of them, causing their bodies to wither quickly and white hairs.

   In just a few breaths, most of the vitality of the two of them passed away, from a youthful youth to an old withered white hair.

   Such a weird and powerful secret method made Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao full of horror and fear.

   Fortunately, Yun Yao hurriedly sacrificed the Longevity Orb, cast a spell to urge the power of the Orb, and released two dark blue beams of light.


   The dark cyan beam of light penetrated into their bodies, immediately replenishing their majestic vitality.

   In the blink of an eye, the two of them returned from a gray-haired old man and an old woman to a young man in their twenties.

   Ji Tianxing urged the power of replenishing the dzi, waved a hundred-foot-long white sword, and broke the gray mist cage through a huge crack.

   Those gray fog of death were quickly dissipated as soon as they encountered the sacred white light.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao escaped from the gray mist cage and continued to fly outside the Valley of Flowers.

   Seeing this scene, the bone troll was stunned. In the four bone eye sockets, the blood-red flames were beating frantically.

   It obviously did not expect that Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao were able to maintain their original state without being killed by the air of death.

   What is even more unbelievable is that the two actually broke the death cage!

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